rawloader 0.37.1

A library to extract the data from camera raw formats
name = "rawloader"
version = "0.37.1"
authors = ["Pedro CĂ´rte-Real <pedro@pedrocr.net>"]
description = "A library to extract the data from camera raw formats"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/rawloader/"
#homepage = "..."
repository = "https://github.com/pedrocr/rawloader"
license = "LGPL-2.1"
categories = ["multimedia::images"]
edition = "2018"

build = "data/cameras/join.rs"

toml = "0.5"
enumn = "0.1"
lazy_static = "1"
byteorder = "1"
rayon = "1"

glob = "0.3"
toml = "0.5"
rustc_version = "0.4"

panic = "unwind"

panic = "unwind"
opt-level = 3

name = "benchmark"
doc = false

name = "identify"
doc = false