rawloader 0.3.0

A library to extract the data from camera raw formats


This is a rust library to extract the raw data and some metadata from digital camera images. Given an image in a supported format and camera you will be able to get everything needed to process the image:

  • Identification of the camera that produced the image (both the EXIF name and a clean/canonical name)
  • The raw pixels themselves, exactly as encoded by the camera
  • The number of pixels to crop on the top, right, bottom, left of the image to only use the actual image area
  • The black and white points of each of the color channels
  • The multipliers to apply to the color channels for the white balance
  • A conversion matrix between the camera color space and XYZ
  • The description of the bayer pattern itself so you'll know which pixels are which color

Current State

The library is still in its very beginning with only the simple Minolta MRW format implemented.


Here's a simple sample program that uses this library:

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;

extern crate rawloader;
use rawloader::decoders;

fn main() {
  let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();
  if args.len() != 2 {
    println!("Usage: {} <file>", args[0]);
  let file = &args[1];
  println!("Loading file \"{}\"", file);

  let mut f = File::open(file).unwrap();
  let mut buffer = Vec::new();
  f.read_to_end(&mut buffer).unwrap();

  let rawloader = decoders::RawLoader::new();
  let decoder = rawloader.get_decoder(&buffer).unwrap();
  let camera = decoder.identify().unwrap();
  println!("Found camera \"{}\" model \"{}\"", camera.make, camera.model);
  println!("Found canonical named camera \"{}\" model \"{}\"", camera.canonical_make, camera.canonical_model);

  let image = decoder.image().unwrap();
  println!("Image size is {}x{}", image.width, image.height);
  println!("WB coeffs are {:?}", image.wb_coeffs);
  println!("black levels are {:?}", image.blacklevels);
  println!("white levels are {:?}", image.whitelevels);
  println!("color matrix is {:?}", image.color_matrix);
  println!("dcraw filters is {:#x}", image.dcraw_filters);
  println!("crops are {:?}", image.crops);

  // Write out the image as a grayscale PPM in an extremely inneficient way
  let mut f = File::create(format!("{}.ppm",file)).unwrap();
  let preamble = format!("P6 {} {} {}\n", image.width, image.height, 4095).into_bytes();
  for row in 0..image.height {
    let from: usize = (row as usize) * (image.width as usize);
    let to: usize = ((row+1) as usize) * (image.width as usize);
    let imgline = &image.data[from .. to];

    for pixel in imgline {
      // Do an extremely crude "demosaic" by setting R=G=B
      let bytes = [(pixel>>4) as u8, (pixel&0x0f) as u8, (pixel>>4) as u8, (pixel&0x0f) as u8, (pixel>>4) as u8, (pixel&0x0f) as u8];


Bug reports and pull requests welcome at https://github.com/pedrocr/rawloader