rav1e 0.6.3

The fastest and safest AV1 encoder
// Copyright (c) 2020, The rav1e contributors. All rights reserved
// This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
// the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
// was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
// obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
// Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
// PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.

use crate::cpu_features::CpuFeatureLevel;
use crate::dist::*;
use crate::partition::BlockSize;
use crate::tiling::*;
use crate::util::*;

type SadFn = unsafe extern fn(
  src: *const u8,
  src_stride: isize,
  dst: *const u8,
  dst_stride: isize,
) -> u32;

type SatdFn = SadFn;

macro_rules! declare_asm_dist_fn {
  ($(($name: ident, $T: ident)),+) => (
      extern { fn $name (
        src: *const $T, src_stride: isize, dst: *const $T, dst_stride: isize
      ) -> u32; }

  (rav1e_sad4x4_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad4x8_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad4x16_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad8x4_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad8x8_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad8x16_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad8x32_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad16x4_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad16x8_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad16x16_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad16x32_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad16x64_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad32x8_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad32x16_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad32x32_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad32x64_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad64x16_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad64x32_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad64x64_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad64x128_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad128x64_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_sad128x128_neon, u8),
  /* SATD */
  (rav1e_satd4x4_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_satd4x8_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_satd4x16_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_satd8x4_neon, u8),
  (rav1e_satd16x4_neon, u8)

// BlockSize::BLOCK_SIZES.next_power_of_two();
const DIST_FNS_LENGTH: usize = 32;

const fn to_index(bsize: BlockSize) -> usize {
  bsize as usize & (DIST_FNS_LENGTH - 1)

pub fn get_sad<T: Pixel>(
  src: &PlaneRegion<'_, T>, dst: &PlaneRegion<'_, T>, w: usize, h: usize,
  bit_depth: usize, cpu: CpuFeatureLevel,
) -> u32 {
  let bsize_opt = BlockSize::from_width_and_height_opt(w, h);

  let call_rust = || -> u32 { rust::get_sad(dst, src, w, h, bit_depth, cpu) };

  #[cfg(feature = "check_asm")]
  let ref_dist = call_rust();

  let dist = match (bsize_opt, T::type_enum()) {
    (Err(_), _) => call_rust(),
    (Ok(bsize), PixelType::U8) => {
      match SAD_FNS[cpu.as_index()][to_index(bsize)] {
        Some(func) => unsafe {
            src.data_ptr() as *const _,
            dst.data_ptr() as *const _,
        None => call_rust(),
    (Ok(_bsize), PixelType::U16) => call_rust(),

  #[cfg(feature = "check_asm")]
  assert_eq!(dist, ref_dist);


pub fn get_satd<T: Pixel>(
  src: &PlaneRegion<'_, T>, dst: &PlaneRegion<'_, T>, w: usize, h: usize,
  bit_depth: usize, cpu: CpuFeatureLevel,
) -> u32 {
  let bsize_opt = BlockSize::from_width_and_height_opt(w, h);

  let call_rust = || -> u32 { rust::get_satd(dst, src, w, h, bit_depth, cpu) };

  #[cfg(feature = "check_asm")]
  let ref_dist = call_rust();

  let dist = match (bsize_opt, T::type_enum()) {
    (Err(_), _) => call_rust(),
    (Ok(bsize), PixelType::U8) => {
      match SATD_FNS[cpu.as_index()][to_index(bsize)] {
        // SAFETY: Calls Assembly code.
        Some(func) => unsafe {
            src.data_ptr() as *const _,
            dst.data_ptr() as *const _,
        None => call_rust(),
    _ => call_rust(),

  #[cfg(feature = "check_asm")]
  assert_eq!(dist, ref_dist);


static SAD_FNS_NEON: [Option<SadFn>; DIST_FNS_LENGTH] = {
  let mut out: [Option<SadFn>; DIST_FNS_LENGTH] = [None; DIST_FNS_LENGTH];

  use BlockSize::*;

  out[BLOCK_4X4 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad4x4_neon);
  out[BLOCK_4X8 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad4x8_neon);
  out[BLOCK_4X16 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad4x16_neon);

  out[BLOCK_8X4 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad8x4_neon);
  out[BLOCK_8X8 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad8x8_neon);
  out[BLOCK_8X16 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad8x16_neon);
  out[BLOCK_8X32 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad8x32_neon);

  out[BLOCK_16X4 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad16x4_neon);
  out[BLOCK_16X8 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad16x8_neon);
  out[BLOCK_16X16 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad16x16_neon);
  out[BLOCK_16X32 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad16x32_neon);
  out[BLOCK_16X64 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad16x64_neon);

  out[BLOCK_32X8 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad32x8_neon);
  out[BLOCK_32X16 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad32x16_neon);
  out[BLOCK_32X32 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad32x32_neon);
  out[BLOCK_32X64 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad32x64_neon);

  out[BLOCK_64X16 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad64x16_neon);
  out[BLOCK_64X32 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad64x32_neon);
  out[BLOCK_64X64 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad64x64_neon);
  out[BLOCK_64X128 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad64x128_neon);

  out[BLOCK_128X64 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad128x64_neon);
  out[BLOCK_128X128 as usize] = Some(rav1e_sad128x128_neon);


static SATD_FNS_NEON: [Option<SatdFn>; DIST_FNS_LENGTH] = {
  let mut out: [Option<SatdFn>; DIST_FNS_LENGTH] = [None; DIST_FNS_LENGTH];

  use BlockSize::*;

  out[BLOCK_4X4 as usize] = Some(rav1e_satd4x4_neon);
  out[BLOCK_4X8 as usize] = Some(rav1e_satd4x8_neon);
  out[BLOCK_4X16 as usize] = Some(rav1e_satd4x16_neon);
  out[BLOCK_8X4 as usize] = Some(rav1e_satd8x4_neon);
  out[BLOCK_16X4 as usize] = Some(rav1e_satd16x4_neon);


  SAD_FNS: [[Option<SadFn>; DIST_FNS_LENGTH]],
  default: [None; DIST_FNS_LENGTH],

  SATD_FNS: [[Option<SatdFn>; DIST_FNS_LENGTH]],
  default: [None; DIST_FNS_LENGTH],

mod test {
  use super::*;
  use crate::frame::{AsRegion, Plane};
  use rand::random;
  use std::str::FromStr;

  macro_rules! test_dist_fns {
    ($(($W:expr, $H:expr)),*, $DIST_TY:ident, $BD:expr, $OPT:ident, $OPTLIT:tt) => {
        paste::item! {
          fn [<get_ $DIST_TY _ $W x $H _bd_ $BD _ $OPT>]() {
            if $BD > 8 {
              // dynamic allocation: test
              let mut src = Plane::from_slice(&vec![0u16; $W * $H], $W);
              // dynamic allocation: test
              let mut dst = Plane::from_slice(&vec![0u16; $W * $H], $W);
              for (s, d) in src.data.iter_mut().zip(dst.data.iter_mut()) {
                *s = random::<u8>() as u16 * $BD / 8;
                *d = random::<u8>() as u16 * $BD / 8;
              let result = [<get_ $DIST_TY>](&src.as_region(), &dst.as_region(), $W, $H, $BD, CpuFeatureLevel::from_str($OPTLIT).unwrap());
              let rust_result = [<get_ $DIST_TY>](&src.as_region(), &dst.as_region(), $W, $H, $BD, CpuFeatureLevel::RUST);

              assert_eq!(rust_result, result);
            } else {
              // dynamic allocation: test
              let mut src = Plane::from_slice(&vec![0u8; $W * $H], $W);
              // dynamic allocation: test
              let mut dst = Plane::from_slice(&vec![0u8; $W * $H], $W);
              for (s, d) in src.data.iter_mut().zip(dst.data.iter_mut()) {
                *s = random::<u8>();
                *d = random::<u8>();
              let result = [<get_ $DIST_TY>](&src.as_region(), &dst.as_region(), $W, $H, $BD, CpuFeatureLevel::from_str($OPTLIT).unwrap());
              let rust_result = [<get_ $DIST_TY>](&src.as_region(), &dst.as_region(), $W, $H, $BD, CpuFeatureLevel::RUST);

              assert_eq!(rust_result, result);

    (4, 4),
    (4, 8),
    (4, 16),
    (8, 4),
    (8, 8),
    (8, 16),
    (8, 32),
    (16, 4),
    (16, 8),
    (16, 16),
    (16, 32),
    (16, 64),
    (32, 8),
    (32, 16),
    (32, 32),
    (32, 64),
    (64, 16),
    (64, 32),
    (64, 64),
    (64, 128),
    (128, 64),
    (128, 128),