ratmom 0.1.0

Sensible, async, curl-based HTTP client

use crate::{
    error::{Error, ErrorKind},
    parsing::{parse_header, parse_status_line},
    response::{LocalAddr, RemoteAddr},
use async_channel::Sender;
use futures_io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use http::Response;
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use ratcurl as curl;
use ratcurl::easy::{Easy2, InfoType, ReadError, SeekResult, WriteError};
use ratcurl_sys as curl_sys;
use ratcurl_sys::CURL;
use sluice::pipe;
use std::{
    io, mem,
    os::raw::{c_char, c_long},
    task::{Context, Poll, Waker},

pub(crate) struct RequestBody(pub(crate) AsyncBody);

/// Manages the state of a single request/response life cycle.
/// During the lifetime of a handler, it will receive callbacks from curl about
/// the progress of the request, and the handler will incrementally build up a
/// response struct as the response is received.
/// Every request handler has an associated [`Future`] that can be used to poll
/// the state of the response. The handler will complete the future once the
/// final HTTP response headers are received. The body of the response (if any)
/// is made available to the consumer of the future, and is also driven by the
/// request handler until the response body is fully consumed or discarded.
/// If dropped before the response is finished, the associated future will be
/// completed with an error.
pub(crate) struct RequestHandler {
    /// A tracing span for grouping log events under. Since a request is
    /// processed asynchronously inside an agent thread, this span helps
    /// maintain a link to the parent context where the request is actually
    /// initiated.
    /// We enter and exit this span whenever curl invokes one of our callbacks
    /// to make progress on this request.
    span: tracing::Span,

    /// State shared by the handler and its future.
    shared: Arc<Shared>,

    /// Sender for the associated future.
    sender: Option<Sender<Result<http::response::Builder, Error>>>,

    /// The body to be sent in the request.
    request_body: AsyncBody,

    /// A waker used with reading the request body asynchronously. Populated by
    /// an agent when the request is initialized.
    request_body_waker: Option<Waker>,

    /// Status code of the response.
    response_status_code: Option<http::StatusCode>,

    /// HTTP version of the response.
    response_version: Option<http::Version>,

    /// Response headers received so far.
    response_headers: http::HeaderMap,

    /// Writing end of the pipe where the response body is written.
    response_body_writer: pipe::PipeWriter,

    /// A waker used with writing the response body asynchronously. Populated by
    /// an agent when the request is initialized.
    response_body_waker: Option<Waker>,

    /// Holds the response trailer, if any. Used to communicate the trailer
    /// headers out-of-band from the response headers and body.
    response_trailer_writer: TrailerWriter,

    /// Metrics object for publishing metrics data to. Lazily initialized.
    metrics: Option<Metrics>,

    /// Raw pointer to the associated curl easy handle. The pointer is not owned
    /// by this struct, but the parent struct to this one, so we know it will be
    /// valid at least for the lifetime of this struct (assuming all other
    /// invariants are upheld).
    handle: *mut CURL,

    /// If true, do not warn about prematurely closed responses.
    pub(crate) disable_connection_reuse_log: bool,

// Would be send implicitly except for the raw CURL pointer.
unsafe impl Send for RequestHandler {}

/// State shared by the handler and its future.
/// This is also used to keep track of the lifetime of the request.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Shared {
    /// Set to the final result of the transfer received from curl. This is used
    /// to communicate an error while reading the response body if the handler
    /// suddenly aborts.
    result: OnceCell<Result<(), Error>>,

impl RequestHandler {
    /// Create a new request handler and an associated response future.
    pub(crate) fn new(
        request_body: AsyncBody,
    ) -> (
        impl Future<Output = Result<Response<ResponseBodyReader>, Error>>,
    ) {
        let (sender, receiver) = async_channel::bounded(1);
        let shared = Arc::new(Shared::default());
        let (response_body_reader, response_body_writer) = pipe::pipe();

        let handler = Self {
            span: tracing::debug_span!("handler", id = tracing::field::Empty),
            sender: Some(sender),
            shared: shared.clone(),
            request_body_waker: None,
            response_status_code: None,
            response_version: None,
            response_headers: http::HeaderMap::new(),
            response_body_waker: None,
            response_trailer_writer: TrailerWriter::new(),
            metrics: None,
            handle: ptr::null_mut(),
            disable_connection_reuse_log: false,

        // Create a future that resolves when the handler receives the response
        // headers.
        let future = async move {
            let builder = receiver
                .map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::Unknown, e))??;

            let reader = ResponseBodyReader {
                inner: response_body_reader,

                .map_err(|e| Error::new(ErrorKind::ProtocolViolation, e))

        // Create a curl handle and populate remaining handler fields from it.
        let mut easy = Easy2::new(handler);
        easy.get_mut().handle = easy.raw();
        let id = easy.get_ref().id();
        easy.get_mut().span.record("id", &id);

        (easy, future)

    /// Get a unique identifier for this handler instance.
    pub(crate) fn id(&self) -> usize {
        // Use the curl handle to derive a unique ID for this request. The same
        // handle can only be used for one request at a time, so this is
        // guaranteed to be unique for the lifetime of this request.
        self.handle as usize

    /// Check whether debug info should be generated. This function is used to
    /// determine whether to set the `verbose` curl option to true.
    pub(crate) fn is_debug_enabled(&self) -> bool {
        // To avoid having curl generate debug strings unnecessarily, we want to
        // enable debug info only if:
        // - a tracing subscriber is set and is interested in the current span,
        // - or a logger is set that is enabled at debug or higher.
        // This logic seems a little screwy when comparing to what the docs say,
        // but it works.
        if self.span.is_none() {
        } else {

    fn is_future_canceled(&self) -> bool {

    /// Initialize the handler and prepare it for the request to begin.
    /// This is called from within the agent thread when it registers the
    /// request handled by this handler with the multi handle and begins the
    /// request's execution.
    pub(crate) fn init(&mut self, request_waker: Waker, response_waker: Waker) {
        let _enter = self.span.enter();

        // Init should not be called more than once.

        self.request_body_waker = Some(request_waker);
        self.response_body_waker = Some(response_waker);

    /// Set the final result for this transfer.
    pub(crate) fn set_result(&mut self, result: Result<(), Error>) {
        let result = result.map_err(|mut e| {
            if let Some(addr) = self.get_local_addr() {
                e = e.with_local_addr(addr);

            if let Some(addr) = self.get_primary_addr() {
                e = e.with_remote_addr(addr);


        if self.shared.result.set(result).is_err() {
            tracing::debug!("attempted to set error multiple times");

        // Flush the trailer, if we haven't already.

        // Complete the response future, if we haven't already.

    /// Mark the future as completed successfully with the response headers
    /// received so far.
    fn complete_response_future(&mut self) {
        // If the sender has been taken already, then the future has already
        // been completed.
        if let Some(sender) = self.sender.take() {
            // If our request has already failed early with an error, return that instead.
            let result = if let Some(Err(e)) = self.shared.result.get() {
                tracing::warn!("request completed with error: {}", e);
            } else {

            if sender.try_send(result).is_err() {
                tracing::debug!("request canceled by user");

    fn build_response(&mut self) -> http::response::Builder {
        let mut builder = http::Response::builder();

        if let Some(status) = self.response_status_code {
            builder = builder.status(status);

        if let Some(version) = self.response_version {
            builder = builder.version(version);

        if let Some(headers) = builder.headers_mut() {

        if let Some(addr) = self.get_local_addr() {
            builder = builder.extension(LocalAddr(addr));

        if let Some(addr) = self.get_primary_addr() {
            builder = builder.extension(RemoteAddr(addr));

        // Keep the request body around in case interceptors need access to
        // it. Otherwise we're just going to drop it later.
        builder = builder.extension(RequestBody(mem::take(&mut self.request_body)));

        // Include a handle to the trailer headers. We won't know if there
        // are any until we reach the end of the response body.
        builder = builder.extension(self.response_trailer_writer.trailer());

        // Include metrics in response, but only if it was created. If
        // metrics are disabled then it won't have been created.
        if let Some(metrics) = self.metrics.clone() {
            builder = builder.extension(metrics);


    fn get_primary_addr(&mut self) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
        let ip = self.get_primary_ip()?.parse().ok()?;
        let port = self.get_primary_port()?;

        Some(SocketAddr::new(ip, port))

    fn get_primary_ip(&mut self) -> Option<&str> {
        if self.handle.is_null() {
            return None;

        let mut ptr = ptr::null::<c_char>();

        unsafe {
            if curl_sys::curl_easy_getinfo(self.handle, curl_sys::CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP, &mut ptr)
                != curl_sys::CURLE_OK
                return None;

        if ptr.is_null() {
            return None;

        unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }.to_str().ok()

    fn get_primary_port(&mut self) -> Option<u16> {
        if self.handle.is_null() {
            return None;

        let mut port: c_long = 0;

        unsafe {
            if curl_sys::curl_easy_getinfo(self.handle, curl_sys::CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT, &mut port)
                != curl_sys::CURLE_OK
                return None;

        Some(port as u16)

    fn get_local_addr(&mut self) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
        let ip = self.get_local_ip()?.parse().ok()?;
        let port = self.get_local_port()?;

        Some(SocketAddr::new(ip, port))

    fn get_local_ip(&mut self) -> Option<&str> {
        if self.handle.is_null() {
            return None;

        let mut ptr = ptr::null::<c_char>();

        unsafe {
            if curl_sys::curl_easy_getinfo(self.handle, curl_sys::CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP, &mut ptr)
                != curl_sys::CURLE_OK
                return None;

        if ptr.is_null() {
            return None;

        unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }.to_str().ok()

    fn get_local_port(&mut self) -> Option<u16> {
        if self.handle.is_null() {
            return None;

        let mut port: c_long = 0;

        unsafe {
            if curl_sys::curl_easy_getinfo(self.handle, curl_sys::CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT, &mut port)
                != curl_sys::CURLE_OK
                return None;

        Some(port as u16)

impl curl::easy::Handler for RequestHandler {
    /// Gets called by curl for each line of data in the HTTP response header.
    fn header(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> bool {
        // Abort the request if it has been canceled.
        if self.is_future_canceled() {
            return false;

        let span = tracing::trace_span!(parent: &self.span, "header");
        let _enter = span.enter();

        // If we already returned the response headers, then this header is from
        // the trailer.
        if self.sender.is_none() {
            if let Some(trailer_headers) = self.response_trailer_writer.get_mut() {
                if let Some((name, value)) = parse_header(data) {
                    trailer_headers.append(name, value);
                    return true;

        // Curl calls this function for all lines in the response not part of
        // the response body, not just for headers. We need to inspect the
        // contents of the string in order to determine what it is and how to
        // parse it, just as if we were reading from the socket of a HTTP/1.0 or
        // HTTP/1.1 connection ourselves.

        // Is this the status line?
        if let Some((version, status)) = parse_status_line(data) {
            self.response_version = Some(version);
            self.response_status_code = Some(status);

            // Also clear any pre-existing headers that might be left over from
            // a previous intermediate response.

            return true;

        // Is this a header line?
        if let Some((name, value)) = parse_header(data) {
            self.response_headers.append(name, value);
            return true;

        // Is this the end of the response header?
        if data == b"\r\n" {
            // We will acknowledge the end of the header, but we can't complete
            // our response future yet. If curl decides to follow a redirect,
            // then this current response is not the final response and not the
            // one we should complete with.
            // Instead, we will complete the future when curl marks the transfer
            // as complete, or when we start receiving a response body.
            return true;

        // Unknown header line we don't know how to parse.

    /// Gets called by curl when attempting to send bytes of the request body.
    fn read(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, ReadError> {
        // Abort the request if it has been canceled.
        if self.is_future_canceled() {
            return Err(ReadError::Abort);

        let span = tracing::trace_span!(parent: &self.span, "read");
        let _enter = span.enter();

        // Create a task context using a waker provided by the agent so we can
        // do an asynchronous read.
        if let Some(waker) = self.request_body_waker.as_ref() {
            let mut context = Context::from_waker(waker);

            match Pin::new(&mut self.request_body).poll_read(&mut context, data) {
                Poll::Pending => Err(ReadError::Pause),
                Poll::Ready(Ok(len)) => Ok(len),
                Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
                    tracing::error!("error reading request body: {}", e);

                    // While we could just return an error here to curl and let
                    // the error bubble up through naturally, right now we have
                    // the most information about the underlying error  that we
                    // will ever have. That's why we set the error now, to
                    // improve the error message. Otherwise we'll return a
                    // rather generic-sounding I/O error to the caller.

        } else {
            // The request should never be started without calling init first.
            tracing::error!("request has not been initialized!");

    /// Gets called by curl when it wants to seek to a certain position in the
    /// request body.
    /// Since this method is synchronous and provides no means of deferring the
    /// seek, we can't do any async operations in this callback. That's why we
    /// only support trivial types of seeking.
    fn seek(&mut self, whence: io::SeekFrom) -> SeekResult {
        let span = tracing::trace_span!(parent: &self.span, "seek", whence = ?whence);
        let _enter = span.enter();

        // If curl wants to seek to the beginning, there's a chance that we
        // can do that.
        if whence == io::SeekFrom::Start(0) && self.request_body.reset() {
        } else {
            tracing::warn!("seek requested for request body, but it is not supported");
            // We can't do any other type of seek, sorry :(

    /// Gets called by curl when bytes from the response body are received.
    fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, WriteError> {
        let span = tracing::trace_span!(parent: &self.span, "write");
        let _enter = span.enter();
        tracing::trace!("received {} bytes of data", data.len());

        // Now that we've started receiving the response body, we know no more
        // redirects can happen and we can complete the future safely.

        // Create a task context using a waker provided by the agent so we can
        // do an asynchronous write.
        if let Some(waker) = self.response_body_waker.as_ref() {
            let mut context = Context::from_waker(waker);

            match Pin::new(&mut self.response_body_writer).poll_write(&mut context, data) {
                Poll::Pending => Err(WriteError::Pause),
                Poll::Ready(Ok(len)) => Ok(len),
                Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
                    if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
                        // Only warn about connections closed for HTTP/1.x.
                        if !self.disable_connection_reuse_log
                            && self.response_version < Some(http::Version::HTTP_2)
                                response dropped without fully consuming the response body, connection won't be reused\n\
                                Aborting a response without fully consuming the response body can result in sub-optimal \
                                performance. See https://github.com/sagebind/isahc/wiki/Connection-Reuse#closing-connections-early."
                    } else {
                        tracing::error!("error writing response body to buffer: {}", e);
        } else {
            // The request should never be started without calling init first.
            tracing::error!("request has not been initialized!");

    /// Capture transfer progress updates from curl.
    fn progress(&mut self, dltotal: f64, dlnow: f64, ultotal: f64, ulnow: f64) -> bool {
        // Initialize metrics if required.
        let metrics = self.metrics.get_or_insert_with(Metrics::new);

        // Store the progress values given.

        // Also scrape additional metrics.
        if !self.handle.is_null() {
            unsafe {










    /// Gets called by curl whenever it wishes to log a debug message.
    /// Since we're using the log crate, this callback normalizes the debug info
    /// and writes it to our log.
    fn debug(&mut self, kind: InfoType, data: &[u8]) {
        let _enter = self.span.enter();

        struct FormatAscii<T>(T);

        impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> fmt::Display for FormatAscii<T> {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
                for &byte in self.0.as_ref() {

        match kind {
            InfoType::Text => {
                tracing::debug!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(data).trim_end())
            InfoType::HeaderIn | InfoType::DataIn => {
                tracing::trace!(target: "ratmom::wire", "<< {}", FormatAscii(data))
            InfoType::HeaderOut | InfoType::DataOut => {
                tracing::trace!(target: "ratmom::wire", ">> {}", FormatAscii(data))
            _ => (),

impl fmt::Debug for RequestHandler {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "RequestHandler")

/// Wrapper around a pipe reader that returns an error that tracks transfer
/// cancellation.
pub(crate) struct ResponseBodyReader {
    inner: pipe::PipeReader,
    shared: Arc<Shared>,

impl AsyncRead for ResponseBodyReader {
    fn poll_read(
        mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        buf: &mut [u8],
    ) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
        let inner = Pin::new(&mut self.inner);

        match inner.poll_read(cx, buf) {
            // On EOF, check to see if the transfer was cancelled, and if so,
            // return an error.
            Poll::Ready(Ok(0)) => match self.shared.result.get() {
                // The transfer did finish successfully, so return EOF.
                Some(Ok(())) => Poll::Ready(Ok(0)),

                // The transfer finished with an error, so return the error.
                Some(Err(e)) => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::from(e.clone()))),

                // The transfer did not finish properly at all, so return an error.
                None => Poll::Ready(Err(io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted.into())),
            poll => poll,