ratelimit_rs 0.1.2

The ratelimit package provides an efficient token bucket implementation
# ratelimit_rs

use ratelimit::Bucket;

The ratelimit package provides an efficient token bucket implementation. See

## Usage

#### struct Bucket

Bucket represents a token bucket that fills at a predetermined rate. Methods on
Bucket may be called concurrently.

let bucket = Bucket::new(fill_interval: Duration, capacity: u64, quantum: u64, available_tokens: u64);

Bucket::new returns a new token bucket that fills at the rate of one token every
fillInterval, up to the given maximum capacity. Both arguments must be positive.
The bucket is initially full.

#### fn take_available

bucket.take_available(count: u64) -> u64;

TakeAvailable takes up to count immediately available tokens from the bucket. It
returns the number of tokens removed, or zero if there are no available tokens.
It does not block.

#### fn take_max_duration

bucket.take_max_duration(count: u64, max_wait: Duration) -> (Duration, bool);

TakeMaxDuration is take, except that it will only take tokens from the
bucket if the wait time for the tokens is no greater than maxWait.

If it would take longer than maxWait for the tokens to become available, it does
nothing and reports false, otherwise it returns the time that the caller should
wait until the tokens are actually available, and reports true.

#### fn wait_max_duration

bucket.wait_max_duration(count: u64, max_wait: Duration) -> bool;

WaitMaxDuration is like Wait except that it will only take tokens from the
bucket if it needs to wait for no greater than maxWait. It reports whether any
tokens have been removed from the bucket If no tokens have been removed, it
returns immediately.