rapier3d 0.14.0

3-dimensional physics engine in Rust.
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<b>2D and 3D physics engines</b>
<i>for the Rust programming language.</i>


## What is Rapier?

Rapier is a set of 2D and 3D physics engines for games, animation, and robotics. These crates 
are `rapier2d`, `rapier3d`, `rapier2d-f64`, and `rapier3d-f64`. They are written with the Rust
programming language, by the [Dimforge](https://dimforge.com) organization. It is forever free
and open-source!

## Roadmap
We update our roadmap at the beginning of each year. Our 2021 roadmap can be seen
We regularly give updates about our progress on [our blog](https://www.dimforge.com/blog).

## Getting started
The easiest way to get started with Rapier is to:
1. Read the [user-guides]https://www.rapier.rs/docs/.
2. Play with the examples: `cargo run --release --bin all_examples2` and `cargo run --release --bin all_examples3`.
   Their source code are available on the `examples2d/` and `examples3d/` directory.
3. Don't hesitate to ask for help on [Discord]https://discord.gg/vt9DJSW, or by opening an issue on GitHub.
## Resources and discussions
- [Dimforge]https://dimforge.com: See all the open-source projects we are working on! Follow our announcements
  on our [blog]https://www.dimforge.com/blog.
- [User guide]https://www.rapier.rs/docs/: Learn to use Rapier in your project by reading the official User Guides.
- [Discord]https://discord.gg/vt9DJSW: Come chat with us, get help, suggest features, on Discord!
- [NPM packages]https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=%40dimforge: Check out our NPM packages for Rapier, if you need to
  use it with JavaScript/Typescript.

Please make sure to familiarize yourself with our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
and our [Contribution Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) before contributing or participating in
discussions with the community.

## Acknowledgements
Rapier is supported by our **platinum** sponsors:
  <a href="https://embark-studios.com">
    <img src="https://www.embark.dev/img/logo_black.png" width="301px">

And our gold sponsors:

  <a href="https://fragcolor.com">
    <img src="https://dimforge.com/img/fragcolor_logo2_color_black.svg" width="300px">
  <a href="https://resolutiongames.com/">
    <img src="https://dimforge.com/img/logo_resolution_games.png" width="300px" />