rant 4.0.0-alpha.13

The Rant procedural templating language
# Changelog

## 4.0.0-alpha.13 (latest)

### New

### Changes

  * Renamed `ErrorKind` to `CompilerErrorKind` in `rant::compiler`
  * Exposed the `rant::runtime` module and several types inside
    * More runtime types will be exposed over time as they are documented. 

### Fixed

  * Fixed several stdlib functions not being registered

## 4.0.0-alpha.12 (yanked)

### New

* Added `RuntimeErrorType::AssertError`
* Added `ValueError::Overflow`
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[abs]`: calculate the absolute value of a number
  * `[acos]`: calculate the arccosine of a number
  * `[asin]`: calculate the arcsine of a number
  * `[assert-eq]`: raise an error if two values are not equal
  * `[assert-neq]`: raise an error if two values are equal
  * `[assert]`: raise an error if a condition is false
  * `[atan]`: calculate the arctangent of a number
  * `[atan2]`: calculate the four-quadrant arctangent of a number
  * `[cos]`: calculate the cosine of an angle
  * `[has]`: check if a collection contains a specific value
  * `[index-of]`: return the index of the first occurrence of a value in a list, or `~` if it's not found
  * `[is]`: check if a value is a specific type
  * `[last-index-of]`: return the index of the last occurrence of a value in a list, or `~` if it's not found
  * `[pow]`: raise x to y power
  * `[sin]`: calculate the sine of an angle
  * `[sqrt]`: calculate the square root of a number
  * `[tan]`: calculate the tangent of an angle

### Changes

* Renamed Rant's `integer` type to `int`
* Renamed stdlib functions:
  * `[is-integer]` → `[is-int]`
* Changed `[min]` and `[max]` to accept varargs+; lists are replaced with their min/max values respectively

### Removed

  * Removed `[has-key]` from stdlib

## 4.0.0-alpha.11

### New

* Getters can now accept an optional fallback value
* Added function composition
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[clamp]`: clamp a value between two others
  * `[is-any]`: check if a value is not empty
  * `[is-between]`: check if a value is between two others (inclusive)
  * `[zip]`: combine two lists into a new list using a function

### Changes

* Empty value token `<>` changed to `~`
* CLI now trims trailing whitespace from REPL input

## 4.0.0-alpha.10

### New

* Added inverse indices in accessors
* Added anonymous getters/setters
* Added "function percolation": function calls will now descope until the requested variable provides a function or other callable value

### Changes

* Compiler now consolidates adjacent fragments/escape sequences into single AST node
* Updated `quickscope` to 0.1.5

### Fixes

* Fixed dynamically-keyed setters pushing values to stack in wrong order 

### Removed

* Removed `[get]` from stdlib

## 4.0.0-alpha.9

### New

* Added `RuntimeErrorType::TypeError`
* Added `Rant.run_with()`, `Rant.run_into_string_with()`
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[filter]`: make a copy of a list containing only items that pass a predicate
  * `[map]`: apply a function to items in a list and return another list with the results
  * `[oxford-join]`: print a list with custom separators for applying series commas and conjunctions
  * `[rand-list]`: generate a list of random integers
  * `[randf-list]`: generate a list of random floats
  * `[translate]`: map a list's values to the values in a map

### Fixes

* Fixed `[sifted]` and `[squished]` returning `<>` when input list meets target size
* Fixed sinks not being honored on native function calls

## 4.0.0-alpha.8

### New

* Added `RantProgramInfo` struct
* Added `[require]` now searches the containing directory of the running program before the local modules path
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[alpha]`: print a string of random alphanumeric characters
  * `[assoc]`: create a map from a list of keys and a list of values
  * `[ceil]`: get the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number
  * `[floor]`: get the largest integer less than or equal to a number
  * `[frac]`: get the fractional part of a float value
  * `[sift]`: remove random items from a list down to a target size
  * `[sifted]`: create a random, ordered subset of a list
  * `[squish]`: merge random adjacent elements in-place in a list using addition until a target size is reached
  * `[squished]`: make a copy of a list with random adjacent elements merged down to a target size

### Changes

* `[require]` now accepts a relative path, as long as it is contained in the modules directory
* `RantProgram.name()` now returns `Option<&str>` instead of `&str`
* Renamed `RantOptions.local_module_path` to `RantOptions.local_modules_path`
* Renamed stdlib functions `[num]` and `[numf]` to `[rand]` and `[randf]`, respectively

### Fixes

* Fixed function calls not triggering variable capture pass
* Fixed def + get/set of same variable in chained accessor causing erroneous variable capture inside functions

## 4.0.0-alpha.7

### New

* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[break]`
  * `[continue]`
  * `[fork]`
  * `[max]`
  * `[min]`
  * `[return]`
  * `[shred]`
  * `[shuffled]`
  * `[sort]`
  * `[sum]`
  * `[unfork]`

### Changes

* Main program body can now be returned from with `[return]`
* Upgraded `smartstring` to 0.2.5

## 4.0.0-alpha.6

### New

* Modules are now cached by the executing context in a global map
* Added support for variable capturing in closures
* Added `.delete_global()`, `.has_global()`, `.delete_global()`, `.global_names()` methods to `Rant`

### Removed

* Removed `.globals()` method from `Rant`

### Changes

* Upgraded `quickscope` to 0.1.3

## 4.0.0-alpha.5

### New

* Added `Rant::with_random_seed()` constructor
* Added `.compile_named()` and `.compile_quiet_named()` methods to `Rant`
* Added support for multi-part accessors
* Added support for modules
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[require]`
  * `[error]`

### Removed

* Removed `RantProgram::with_name()` method

### Changes

* Replaced `RuntimeErrorType::GeneralError` with `RuntimeErrorType::UserError` 
* Upgraded `quickscope` to 0.1.2
* `[sep]` now supports `block` values and will auto-resolve them for each separator
* Improved stack trace formatting
  * Error messages are categorized and have improved readability
  * Consecutive duplicate stack frames are now combined

## 4.0.0-alpha.4

### New

* Added descope and explicit global modifiers to accessors
* Added implicit local variable scope to program root
* Added support for whitespace normalization via `[whitespace-fmt]`.
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[insert]`
  * `[remove]`
  * `[take]`
  * `[whitespace-fmt]`

### Changes

* Runtime now uses `quickscope` crate for variable access
* Changed `Rant::run()` to return a `RantValue` and added `Rant::run_into_string()` to explicitly return a `String` output
  * `[dignz]`
* Renamed stdlib functions:
  * `[dec]` -> `[dig]`
  * `[hex]` -> `[digh]`
* Upgraded `smartstring` to version 0.2.4

### Removed

* Removed `_GLOBALS` from stdlib

## 4.0.0-alpha.3

### New

* Added initial support for optional debug symbols. Enable them via `debug_mode` option in `RantOptions`.
* Added (very basic) stack traces. They may be buggy still.
* Added the `block` type.
* Added new stdlib functions:
  * `[and]`, `[or]`, `[not]`, `[xor]`
  * `[clear]`
  * `[copy]`
  * `[either]`
  * `[eq]`, `[neq]`, `[gt]`, `[lt]`, `[ge]`, `[le]`
  * `[has-key]`
  * `[if]`, `[else-if]`, `[else]`
  * `[indent]`
  * `[is-odd]`, `[is-even]`, `[is-factor]`
  * `[is-string]`, `[is-number]`, `[is-integer]`, `[is-float]`, `[is-bool]`, `[is-empty]`, `[is-nan]`
  * `[keys]`
  * `[lines]`
  * `[nop]`
  * `[push]`, `[pop]`
  * `[reset-attrs]`
  * `[resolve]`
  * `[shuffle]`
  * `[sorted]`
* CLI benchmarks are now hidden by default; enable with `--bench-mode` / `-b`.

### Changes

* Renamed `[n]` to `[num]`
* Renamed `[nf]` to `[numf]`

### Fixes

* Fixed compiler bug where non-printing whitespace was sometimes printed.
* Fixed bug where printing empties with a non-empty would cause output to be coerced incorrectly to a string.
* Fixed bug where sinked blocks print when they're not supposed to.

## 4.0.0-alpha.2

### New

* Added support for some block attributes: conditional value, repetitions, separator
* Added a lot of new stdlib functions
* Added `special` Rant type to represent opaque internal runtime data.
* Added `get_global()` and `set_global()` to `Rant`.
* Added new `Rant::with_options` constructor that lets you customize the context using new `RantOptions` struct.
* Added `RantValueType` to represent the type of a value.

### Changes

* Replaced empty `Err` variant on `Rant::compile*` methods with new `compiler::ErrorKind` enum.
* Changed `IndexError` and `KeyError` to use `RantValueType` instead of `&'static str` to represent types.
* Renamed `get_by_index`, `set_by_index`, `get_by_key`, and `set_by_key` methods in `RantValue` to `index_get`, `index_set`, `key_get`, and `key_set` respectively.
* Expanded type aliases on `Rant::compile*` method return types to make them less confusing.
* Hid some modules that don't need to be user-facing.

## 4.0.0-alpha.1

* Initial alpha release.