ranges 0.3.3

This crate provides a generic alternative to core/std ranges, set-operations to work with them and a range set that can efficiently store them with the least amount of memory possible.
use core::fmt::{Binary, Display, Formatter, LowerExp, LowerHex, Octal, Pointer, Result, UpperExp, UpperHex};
use core::ops::Bound;

use crate::{Domain, Ranges};

macro_rules! format_ranges_with {
    ($($t:ident),+) => {
            /// Non-Debug formatting uses interval notation and formats the bound values
            /// according to the given formatting arguments.
            /// # Note
            /// Unless disabled by using the `-` formatting argument, a whitespace will be printed
            /// after the bound separator.
            /// Because there is currently no use for `-`, it will have no effect on the underlying
            /// bound values. This might change if requested or core/std makes use of it.
            ///  # Examples
            /// Single entries. These are formatted like a single `GenericRange`.
            /// ```
            /// use ranges::Ranges;
            /// assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(1..2)), "{1}");
            /// assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(1..=2)), "[1, 2]");
            /// assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(42..)), "[42, 2147483647]");
            /// assert_eq!(format!("{:03}", Ranges::from(1..2)), "{001}");
            /// assert_eq!(format!("{:02X}", Ranges::from(1..=10)), "[01, 0A]");
            /// assert_eq!(format!("{:-#}", Ranges::from(42..=100)), "[42,100]");
            /// ```
            /// Multiple entries. `∅` is used for an empty set and `∪` is used to concatenate
            /// disjoint entries.
            /// ```
            /// use ranges::Ranges;
            /// let mut ranges = Ranges::from(..6);
            /// ranges.insert(7..=7);
            /// ranges.insert(9..=9);
            /// ranges.insert(15..);
            /// assert_eq!(
            ///     format!("{}", ranges),
            ///     "[-2147483648, 6) \u{222a} {7, 9} \u{222a} [15, 2147483647]"
            /// );
            /// ```
            impl<T: $t + Domain> $t for Ranges<T> {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
                    let amount = self.ranges.len();

                    match amount {
                        0 => f.write_str("\u{2205}"),  //                        1 => self.ranges.first().expect("single-element vec has no .first()").fmt(f),
                        _ => {
                            let mut singleton_last = false;

                            for (i, range) in self.ranges.iter().enumerate() {
                                if range.is_singleton() {
                                    if singleton_last {

                                        if !f.sign_minus() {
                                            f.write_str(" ")?;
                                    } else {

                                    match (&range.start, &range.end) {
                                        (&Bound::Included(ref v), &Bound::Excluded(_))
                                        | (&Bound::Excluded(_), &Bound::Included(ref v))
                                        | (&Bound::Included(ref v), &Bound::Included(_)) => {
                                        (&Bound::Excluded(ref v), &Bound::Excluded(_)) => {
                                            let succ = v.successor().expect("open singleton has no successor");
                                        (&Bound::Unbounded, _) |(_, &Bound::Unbounded) => unreachable!("singleton is unbounded"),

                                    singleton_last = true;
                                } else {
                                    if singleton_last {
                                        f.write_str(" \u{222a} ")?; //                                    }


                                    if i != amount - 1 {
                                        f.write_str(" \u{222a} ")?; //                                        singleton_last = false;


format_ranges_with!(Binary, Display, LowerExp, LowerHex, Octal, Pointer, UpperExp, UpperHex);

mod tests {
    use alloc::format;
    use core::ops::Bound;

    use crate::Ranges;

    fn display() {
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(1..2)), "{1}");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(1..=2)), "[1, 2]");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(1..)), "[1, 2147483647]");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(..2)), "[-2147483648, 2)");
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::from(..=2)), "[-2147483648, 2]");
        let full: Ranges<usize> = Ranges::full();
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", full), "[0, 18446744073709551615]");
            format!("{}", Ranges::from((Bound::Excluded(1), Bound::Excluded(2)))),
            format!("{}", Ranges::from((Bound::Excluded(1), Bound::Included(2)))),
            format!("{}", Ranges::from((Bound::Excluded(1), Bound::Unbounded))),
            "(1, 2147483647]"

        assert_eq!(format!("{:03}", Ranges::from(1..2)), "{001}");
        assert_eq!(format!("{:02X}", Ranges::from(1..=10)), "[01, 0A]");
        assert_eq!(format!("{:-#}", Ranges::from(42..=100)), "[42,100]");

    fn empty() {
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", Ranges::<usize>::new()), "\u{2205}");

    fn multiple() {
        let mut ranges = Ranges::from(..6);
            format!("{}", ranges),
            "[-2147483648, 6) \u{222a} {7, 9} \u{222a} [15, 2147483647]"
            format!("{:-}", ranges),
            "[-2147483648,6) \u{222a} {7,9} \u{222a} [15,2147483647]"