ranges 0.3.3

This crate provides a generic alternative to core/std ranges, set-operations to work with them and a range set that can efficiently store them with the least amount of memory possible.
use core::cmp::Ordering;

use num_bigint::BigInt;

use super::{Domain, Iterable};

impl Domain for BigInt {
    const DISCRETE: bool = true;

    /// Always returns `self - 1`.
    fn predecessor(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        Some(self - 1_i32)

    /// Always returns `self + 1`.
    fn successor(&self) -> Option<Self> {
        Some(self + 1_i32)

    fn shares_neighbour_with(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        let other_val = other;

        let (big, small) = match self.cmp(other_val) {
            Ordering::Less => (other_val, self),
            Ordering::Equal => return false,
            Ordering::Greater => (self, other_val),

        big - small == Self::from(2_i32)

impl Iterable for BigInt {
    type Output = Self;

    fn next(&self) -> Option<Self::Output> {

mod tests {
    use num_bigint::BigInt;

    use crate::Domain;

    fn is_next_to() {

    fn shares_neighbour_with() {
        // self-distance
        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(2).shares_neighbour_with(&BigInt::from(2)), false);

        // "normal" value
        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(42).shares_neighbour_with(&BigInt::from(45)), false);
        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(45).shares_neighbour_with(&BigInt::from(42)), false);

        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(42).shares_neighbour_with(&BigInt::from(44)), true);
        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(44).shares_neighbour_with(&BigInt::from(42)), true);

    fn predecessor() {
        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(42).predecessor(), Some(BigInt::from(41)));

    fn successor() {
        assert_eq!(BigInt::from(42).successor(), Some(BigInt::from(43)));