range-compare 0.1.1

A crate to compare ranges


This crate provides a method to compare two ranges and get the overlapping parts of the ranges.


use range_compare::{RangeExt, RangeCmpResult};

// create two ranges
let range1 = 2..10;
let range2 = 5..15;

// compare the original range1 with the other range2
// safe the [RangeCmpResult] of the comparison in a variable
let result = range1.compare(&range2);

   RangeCmpResult::EndIncluded {
       other_after: 10..15,
       original_part_which_is_not_included: 2..5,
       overlapping_part: 5..10,

Get the matching part of the original range

use range_compare::{RangeExt, RangeCmpResult};

// create two ranges
let range1 = 29..40;
let range2 = 35..70;

// compare the original range1 with the other range2
// safe the [RangeCmpResult] of the comparison in a variable
let result = range1.compare(&range2);

// get the matching part of the original range
let matching_part = result.get_matching_part();

assert_eq!(matching_part, Some(35..40).as_ref());