rand_distr 0.4.1

Sampling from random number distributions
# rand_distr

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Implements a full suite of random number distribution sampling routines.

This crate is a superset of the [rand::distributions] module, including support
for sampling from Beta, Binomial, Cauchy, ChiSquared, Dirichlet, Exponential,
FisherF, Gamma, Geometric, Hypergeometric, InverseGaussian, LogNormal, Normal,
Pareto, PERT, Poisson, StudentT, Triangular and Weibull distributions.  Sampling
from the unit ball, unit circle, unit disc and unit sphere surfaces is also

It is worth mentioning the [statrs] crate which provides similar functionality
along with various support functions, including PDF and CDF computation. In
contrast, this `rand_distr` crate focuses on sampling from distributions.

If the `std` default feature is enabled, `rand_distr` implements the `Error`
trait for its error types.

The default `alloc` feature (which is implied by the `std` feature) is required
for some distributions (in particular, `Dirichlet` and `WeightedAliasIndex`).

The floating point functions from `num_traits` and `libm` are used to support
`no_std` environments and ensure reproducibility. If the floating point
functions from `std` are prefered, which may provide better accuracy and
performance but may produce different random values, the `std_math` feature
can be enabled.


-   [API documentation (master)]https://rust-random.github.io/rand/rand_distr
-   [API documentation (docs.rs)]https://docs.rs/rand_distr
-   [Changelog]CHANGELOG.md
-   [The Rand project]https://github.com/rust-random/rand

[statrs]: https://github.com/boxtown/statrs
[rand::distributions]: https://rust-random.github.io/rand/rand/distributions/index.html

## License

`rand_distr` is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
Apache License (Version 2.0).