rand_derive2 0.1.7

Generate customizable random types with the rand crate

Rand derive 2

Latest Version Build Status

Derive macro for generating random types with the rand crate. It will implement the rand::distributions::Standard for a given type.


Check out the example crate or follow the instructions below.

  1. Add this to your Cargo.toml file:
rand-derive = "0.1"
rand = "0.7"
  1. Import the macro somewhere in your file where your type is:
use rand_derive2::RandGen;

Alternatively, use this to global import the macro:

extern crate rand_derive2;
  1. Add the RandGen derive macro for your type:
struct MyStruct {}
  1. Generate your struct:
fn generate_my_struct() -> MyStruct { 

// Or like this
fn generate_my_struct_direct() -> MyStruct { 


Note: all things that can be customized is covered in the example crate


To make sure an option is never generated with None, add the always_some attribute on top of the property. To make sure an option is never generated with Some, add the always_none attribute on top of the property.

Skip enum variant

If a variant should never be generated, add the skip_variant attribute on the variant.

Custom value

If you want a custom value for one of the properties, add the custom_rand attribute. A trait is created called TestDataProviderFor$TYPE$. This trait will require the user to provider the values.

No rand

Panic implementation of the property, making the type unable to be random generated. Note: place #[allow(unreachable_code)] above your type to omit compiler warnings.

How it works


It calls rng.gen() on all the fields.


It will generate a random variant.


  • Recursion for e.g. vec in vec
  • More types from the standard library covered
  • Functions documented
  • Custom trait type/method names
  • Weighted randomization (currently only supports rand::distributions::Standard)
