rams 0.1.0

UI library for Dioxus
# Rams

Rams is a simple, styled UI library for [Dioxus](https://crates.io/crates/dioxus).

Let's expand on that.

## Simplicity

Adhering to [Dieter Rams's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_Rams) principle; <q>Less, but better.</q>,
Rams is basic. Want a dropdown? Look no further than `rams::form::Dropdown`, or the convenient `rams::prelude::*`,
where all components are exported to.

There's a minimal number of abstractions and complexity, which means that it's easy to get started and build a beautiful,
high-performance app.

## Styling

Styling in Rams is built-in, and is based on [Bulma](https://bulma.io/), with minor adjustments.
However, Rams is not a Bulma wrapper. Bulma is just CSS, but Rams takes advantage of Dioxus features.

As of right now, there are no other styles available, but the infrastructure to add them is there.

### Custom styling

Before you do this, keep in mind that Rams has better tools to customize how your website looks other than
making your own stylesheet.

You can add custom styles to any component, since components are one element
(some have children, but they are all wrapped in one "root" element) with an auto-generated class name.
The class name is equivalent to the component's name, but using kebab case.
For example, `ProgressBar` turns into `progress-bar`.

## Features:
- [ ] Built-in components & style
- [ ] Color scheme designer
- [ ] Theme switcher
- [ ] Built-in layout
- [ ] Landmark elements

Inspired by [Bulma](https://bulma.io/) and [PrimeReact](https://primereact.org).

### Tests

Unit tests are in every *applicable* file, but it's impossible to test components.
That's why there's the `tests` directory, which contains Dioxus apps that can be served and viewed.