[][src]Crate rammer

Rammer, a play on Rust and the fact that spam is classified as Spam or Ham, is a spam/ham classification library.

use rammer::{HSModel, BagOfWords};
let spam_bow = BagOfWords::from_folder("data/train/spam");
let ham_bow = BagOfWords::from_folder("data/train/ham");
let model = HSModel::from_bows(ham_bow, spam_bow);
model.text_spam_probability("hello i have an offer for you");
model.text_spam_probability("Hey it's greg, finished the data analysis");



A BagOfWords, also referred to as a bow, is a frequency map of words. Read more about the BagOfWords model here: BagOfWords Wikipedia. BagOfWords works with Unicode Words. Words are defined by as between UAX#29 word boundaries. BagOfWords is serializable using one of the serde serialization crates


A model which contains 2 BagOfWords, one containing known spam, and the other known ham.