raknet-rs 0.1.1

Raknet protocol implementation by rust


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Yet another project rewritten in Rust.


  • Stream/Sink/Future based async API.
  • Support Unreliable, Reliable and ReliableOrdered packets.
  • Support multiple order channels.
  • Support ACK/NACK mechanism.
  • Low level API but easy to use.


  • Add sliding window congestion control

Getting Started

See examples for usage.


IO is a hidden type that implements the traits Stream and Sink. Never stop polling incoming because it also serves as the router to every IOs. Apply Sink::poll_flush to IO will trigger to flush all pending packets, ACK/NACK, and stale packets.

use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
use raknet_rs::server::{self, MakeIncoming};

let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind("").await?;
let config = server::ConfigBuilder::default()
    .advertisement(Bytes::from_static(b"Hello, I am server"))
let mut incoming = socket.make_incoming(config);
let mut io = incoming.next().await.unwrap();
let data: Bytes = io.next().await.unwrap();


The current version of the client only has the most basic handshake implementation, and it is not recommended to use it directly.

use bytes::Bytes;
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
use raknet_rs::client::{self, ConnectTo};

let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::bind("").await?;
let config = client::ConfigBuilder::default()
let mut conn = socket.connect_to(<addr>, config).await?;
conn.send(Bytes::from_static(b"Hello, Anyone there?"))
let res: Bytes = conn.next().await.unwrap();