raestro 0.3.0

A Rust-flavoured API Interface for the Pololu Micro-Maestro (6-Channel) Servo Controller Board. Developed for the Raspberry Pi

raestro - A Rust-flavoured API Interface for the Pololu Micro-Maestro (6-Channel) Servo Controller Board

build_status crates.io docs MIT licensed

raestro is developed and maintained by UBC Bionics, Ltd., a design team based in the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Table of Contents


This library is developed specifically for the Raspberry Pi, which acts as the main computer system on our bionic arm. Builds on different architectures will not be guaranteed to work.


All public exports have been properly documented with examples for usage of critical APIs. A complete version of the documentation can be found here. Included below is a minimal example of how to setup your environment and build a project using raestro.

Getting Started

Hardware Setup

  1. Connect the power and ground lines from the Raspberry Pi to the Maestro.
  2. Connect the Raspberry Pi's TX and RX pins to the Maestro's RX and TX pins, respectively. Please note the order in which the pins need to be connected (the Pi's TX connected to the Maestro's RX and the Pi's RX connected to the Maestro's TX).
  3. Connect the power lines for the servos. Documentation on which line is which is available readily online.
  4. Connect up to 6 servos to one of the pin-triples available (the backside of the board has more info on each pin-type).

Software Setup

The Rust crate rppal provides user-level APIs for protocols such as PWM, I2C, and UART. In order to configure UART for the Raspberry Pi, do the following:

  1. Remove console=serial0,11520 from /boot/cmdline.txt
  2. Disable the Bluetooth by:
    • Adding dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to /boot/config.txt
      • For the RPi4 models, do this by adding dtoverlay=disable-bt instead
      • Rebooting the Pi (by powering it off and then on again)
    • Running the command sudo systemctl disable hciuart


If cargo build or cargo test do not work because of the rppal dependency, check the rppal documentations on how to set up UART. The link is here.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

raestro = "0.3.0"

Create a new maestro instance and initialize it by calling Maestro::start. This initialized struct can now be utilized to perform reads and writes to and from the Micro-Maestro 6-Channel.

use raestro::prelude::*;

fn main() -> () {
	let mut maestro: Maestro = Maestro::new();
	let channel = Channels::C_0;

	// the position is in microseconds and can only be between 992 and 2000
	// the set_target method takes in a target in quarter microseconds, so multiply the desired value by 4
	// (specifically for the Pololu Micro-Maestro 6-Channel Board)
	let target = 3968u16;

	maestro.set_target(channel, target).unwrap();

	let actual_position = maestro.get_position(channel).unwrap();
	assert_eq!(target, actual_position);

More examples of API usage are provided in the examples folder.