radix_trie 0.0.7

Generic radix trie data-structure.
Rust Radix Trie

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This is a [Radix Trie][radix-wiki] implementation in Rust, building on the lessons learnt from
`TrieMap` and [Sequence Trie][seq-trie].

You can read about my experience implementing this data structure [here][radix-paper].

While I'm confident about the structure of the code, it hasn't been heavily tested and there
may be some bugs. If you'd like to use this library please contribute some QuickCheck tests :)

# Features

* Compressed nodes. Common key prefixes are stored only once.
* Trie-specific methods to look-up closest ancestors and descendants.
* Key Generic. Any type that can be serialised as a vector of bytes can be used as a key.
* Safe - no unsafe code.

# Usage

Available on Crates.io as `radix_trie`.

radix_trie = "*"

# Documentation


# To Do

* QuickCheck tests.
* Child iterator (easy).
* Optimise (make a `NibbleSlice`, see [paper][radix-paper]).
* Implement the Entry API?

# License

MIT License. Copyright (c) Michael Sproul 2015.

[radix-wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree
[seq-trie]: https://github.com/michaelsproul/rust-sequence-trie
[radix-paper]: https://michaelsproul.github.io/rust_radix_paper/