[][src]Module radiate::engine::generation



A container is a simple container to encapsulate a member (Type T) its fitness score for the current generation, and a weak reference counting cell to the species it belongs to


A generation is meant to facilitate the speciation, crossover, and reproduction of species and their types over the course of a single generation

Type Definitions


A family is a wrapper for a species type which owns the data it holds. This is needed as there are many references to a species throughout the program


the FamilyWeak is meant to mimic the MemberWeak as it is a non-owning family type which allows for multiple bi-directional pointers to the same Niche type in the same memory location


The member type is meant to represent a holder for just the type T, where it has an owning reference counter then wrapped in a ref cell to allow for mutable borrowing of the Rc


the MemberWeak is meant to be a non-owning member type pointing to the same memory space but not having the same owning ability of the data