r3_kernel 0.1.4

The R3-OS original kernel
use core::{cell::Cell, fmt, ops, pin::pin, ptr::NonNull};
use r3_core::{
    kernel::{EventGroupBits, EventGroupWaitFlags, WaitError, WaitTimeoutError},

use crate::{
    error::{expect_not_timeout, BadObjectStateError},
    klock::{CpuLockCell, CpuLockGuard, CpuLockTokenRef, CpuLockTokenRefMut},
    mutex, task,
    task::{TaskCb, TaskSt},
    utils::intrusive_list::{self, HandleInconsistencyUnchecked, ListAccessorCell},
    KernelTraits, Port, PortThreading,

// Type definitions and trait implementations for wait lists
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// A reference to a [`Wait`].
struct WaitRef<Traits: PortThreading>(NonNull<Wait<Traits>>);

// Safety: `Wait` is `Send + Sync`
unsafe impl<Traits: PortThreading> Send for WaitRef<Traits> {}
unsafe impl<Traits: PortThreading> Sync for WaitRef<Traits> {}

impl<Traits: PortThreading> Clone for WaitRef<Traits> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl<Traits: PortThreading> Copy for WaitRef<Traits> {}

impl<Traits: PortThreading> fmt::Debug for WaitRef<Traits> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

impl<Traits: PortThreading> PartialEq for WaitRef<Traits> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.0 == other.0

impl<Traits: PortThreading> Eq for WaitRef<Traits> {}

use self::unsafe_static::UnsafeStatic;
mod unsafe_static {
    use super::*;

    pub struct UnsafeStatic {
        _nonexhaustive: (),

    impl UnsafeStatic {
        /// Construct an `UnsafeStatic`.
        /// # Safety
        /// All pointees to be accessed through the constructed `UnsafeStatic`
        /// must be valid.
        pub const unsafe fn new() -> &'static Self {
            &Self { _nonexhaustive: () }

    impl<Traits: Port> ops::Index<WaitRef<Traits>> for UnsafeStatic {
        type Output = Wait<Traits>;

        fn index(&self, index: WaitRef<Traits>) -> &Self::Output {
            // Safety: See `wait_queue_accessor`.
            unsafe { &*index.0.as_ptr() }

/// Get a `ListAccessorCell` used to access a wait queue.
macro_rules! wait_queue_accessor {
    ($list:expr, $key:expr) => {
        unsafe {
                // Safety: All elements are extant because we never drop a
                //     `Wait` when it's still in a wait queue.
                |wait: &Wait<_>| &wait.link,
            // Safety: This linked list is structurally sound.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// *A wait object* describing *which task* is waiting on *what condition*.
/// # Lifetime
/// This object is constructed by `WaitQueue::wait` on a waiting task's stack,
/// and only survives until the method returns. This means that `Wait` can
/// expire only when the waiting task is not waiting anymore.
struct Wait<Traits: PortThreading> {
    /// The task that is waiting for something.
    task: &'static TaskCb<Traits>,

    /// Forms a linked list headed by `wait_queue.waits`.
    link: CpuLockCell<Traits, Option<intrusive_list::Link<WaitRef<Traits>>>>,

    /// The containing [`WaitQueue`].
    wait_queue: Option<&'static WaitQueue<Traits>>,

    payload: WaitPayload<Traits>,

/// Additional information included in `With`, specific to waitable object
/// types.
pub(super) enum WaitPayload<Traits: PortThreading> {
    EventGroupBits {
        bits: EventGroupBits,
        flags: EventGroupWaitFlags,
        orig_bits: CpuLockCell<Traits, Cell<EventGroupBits>>,
    Mutex(&'static mutex::MutexCb<Traits>),

impl<T: PortThreading> WaitPayload<T> {
    /// Return `self`.
    /// This might look redundant but is actually very important to maximize
    /// performance of moving `WaitPayload`. Without this, the compiler would
    /// try very hard to preserve the bit pattern of the unused space within
    /// `payload` by using `memcpy`, which is extremely slow. I've seen a 30%
    /// decrease in the execution time in the `semaphore` benchmark as a result
    /// of using this method.
    fn r#move(self) -> Self {
        match self {
            Self::EventGroupBits {
            } => Self::EventGroupBits {
            Self::Semaphore => Self::Semaphore,
            Self::Mutex(x) => Self::Mutex(x),
            Self::Park => Self::Park,
            Self::Sleep => Self::Sleep,
            Self::__Nonexhaustive => Self::__Nonexhaustive,

/// A queue of wait objects ([`Wait`]) waiting on a particular waitable object.
pub(crate) struct WaitQueue<Traits: PortThreading> {
    /// Wait objects waiting on the waitable object associated with this
    /// instance of `WaitQueue`. The waiting tasks (`Wait::task`) must be in a
    /// Waiting state.
    /// All elements of this linked list must be valid.
    waits: CpuLockCell<Traits, intrusive_list::ListHead<WaitRef<Traits>>>,

    order: QueueOrder,

impl<Traits: PortThreading> Init for WaitQueue<Traits> {
    const INIT: Self = Self {
        waits: Init::INIT,
        order: QueueOrder::Fifo,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum QueueOrder {
    /// The wait queue is processed in a FIFO order.
    /// The wait queue is processed in a task priority order. Tasks with the
    /// same priorities follow a FIFO order.

impl const From<r3_core::kernel::QueueOrder> for QueueOrder {
    fn from(x: r3_core::kernel::QueueOrder) -> Self {
        match x {
            r3_core::kernel::QueueOrder::Fifo => Self::Fifo,
            r3_core::kernel::QueueOrder::TaskPriority => Self::TaskPriority,
            // The default value is implementation-defined
            _ => Self::TaskPriority,

/// The wait state of a task.
pub(crate) struct TaskWait<Traits: PortThreading> {
    /// The wait object describing the ongoing Waiting state of the task. Should
    /// be `None` iff the task is not in the Waiting state.
    /// The pointee must be valid.
    current_wait: CpuLockCell<Traits, Option<WaitRef<Traits>>>,

    /// The result of the last wait operation. Set by a wake-upper. Returned by
    /// [`WaitQueue::wait`].
    wait_result: CpuLockCell<Traits, Result<(), WaitTimeoutError>>,

impl<Traits: PortThreading> Init for TaskWait<Traits> {
    const INIT: Self = Self {
        current_wait: Init::INIT,
        wait_result: CpuLockCell::new(Ok(())),

/// Register a timeout object to interrupt `$task_cb` after the duration
/// specified by `$duration_time32`. The timeout object remains valid throughout
/// the current lexical scope.
/// This macro is used inside a blocking operation with timeout.
macro_rules! setup_timeout_wait {
    ($lock:ident, $task_cb:expr, $duration_time32:expr) => {
        // Create a timeout object.
        let timeout = pin!(new_timeout_object_for_task(

        // Use `TimeoutGuard` to automatically unregister the timeout when
        // leaving the current lexical scope.
        let mut timeout_guard = timeout::TimeoutGuard {
            timeout: timeout.as_ref(),
            lock: $lock,
        let mut $lock = timeout_guard.lock.borrow_mut();

        // Register the timeout object
        timeout::insert_timeout($lock.borrow_mut(), timeout_guard.timeout);

impl<Traits: PortThreading> WaitQueue<Traits> {
    /// Construct a `WaitQueue`.
    pub(super) const fn new(order: QueueOrder) -> Self {
        Self {
            waits: Init::INIT,

impl<Traits: KernelTraits> WaitQueue<Traits> {
    /// Insert a wait object pertaining to the currently running task to `self`,
    /// transitioning the task into the Waiting state.
    /// The current context must be [waitable] (This function doesn't check
    /// that). The caller should use `expect_waitable_context` to do that.
    /// [waitable]: crate#contexts
    pub(super) fn wait(
        &'static self,
        mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
        payload: WaitPayload<Traits>,
    ) -> Result<WaitPayload<Traits>, WaitError> {
        let task = Traits::state().running_task(lock.borrow_mut()).unwrap();
        let wait = Wait {
            link: CpuLockCell::new(None),
            wait_queue: Some(self),
            payload: payload.r#move(),

        self.wait_inner(lock, &wait).map_err(expect_not_timeout)?;


    /// Insert a wait object pertaining to the currently running task to `self`,
    /// transitioning the task into the Waiting state. The operation will time
    /// out after the specified duration.
    /// The current context must be [waitable] (This function doesn't check
    /// that). The caller should use `expect_waitable_context` to do that.
    /// [waitable]: crate#contexts
    pub(super) fn wait_timeout(
        &'static self,
        mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
        payload: WaitPayload<Traits>,
        duration_time32: timeout::Time32,
    ) -> Result<WaitPayload<Traits>, WaitTimeoutError> {
        let task = Traits::state().running_task(lock.borrow_mut()).unwrap();
        let wait = Wait {
            link: CpuLockCell::new(None),
            wait_queue: Some(self),
            payload: payload.r#move(),

        // Configure a timeout
        setup_timeout_wait!(lock, task, duration_time32);

        self.wait_inner(lock, &wait)?;


    /// The core portion of `Self::wait`.
    /// Passing `WaitPayload` by value is expensive, so moving `WaitPayload`
    /// into and out of `Wait` is done in the outer function `Self::wait` with
    /// `#[inline]`.
    fn wait_inner(
        &'static self,
        mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
        wait: &Wait<Traits>,
    ) -> Result<(), WaitTimeoutError> {
        let task = wait.task;
        let wait_ref = WaitRef(wait.into());

        debug_assert!(core::ptr::eq(wait.wait_queue.unwrap(), self));

        // Insert `wait_ref` into `self.waits`
        // Safety: All elements of `self.waits` are extant.
        let mut accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());
        let insert_at = match self.order {
            QueueOrder::Fifo => {
                // FIFO order - insert at the back
            QueueOrder::TaskPriority => {
                let cur_task_pri = *task.effective_priority.read(&**accessor.cell_key());
                // TODO: It's unfortunate that we need to pass
                //       `&ListAccessorCell`, which incurs a runtime cost because
                //       `&T` is always pointer-sized. Find a way to eliminate
                //       this runtime cost.
                Self::find_insertion_position_by_task_priority(cur_task_pri, &accessor)

        // Safety: `wait_ref` is not linked, so it shouldn't return
        //     `InsertError::AlreadyLinked`.
        unsafe { accessor.insert(wait_ref, insert_at).unwrap_unchecked() };

        // Set `task.current_wait`
        task.wait.current_wait.replace(&mut *lock, Some(wait_ref));

        // Transition the task into Waiting. This statement will complete when
        // the task is woken up.

        // `wait_ref` should have been removed from a wait queue by a wake-upper

        // Return the wait result (`Ok(())` or `Err(Interrupted)`)

    /// Find the insertion position for a wait object owned by a task whose
    /// priority is `cur_task_pri`.
    fn find_insertion_position_by_task_priority<MapLink>(
        cur_task_pri: Traits::TaskPriority,
        accessor: &ListAccessorCell<
            &CpuLockCell<Traits, intrusive_list::ListHead<WaitRef<Traits>>>,
            CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    ) -> Option<WaitRef<Traits>>
        MapLink: Fn(
        ) -> &CpuLockCell<Traits, Option<intrusive_list::Link<WaitRef<Traits>>>>,
        let mut insert_at = None;
        let Ok(mut cursor) = accessor.back();
        while let Some(next_cursor) = cursor {
            // Should the new wait object inserted at this or an earlier
            // position?
            let next_cursor_task = accessor.pool()[next_cursor].task;
            let next_cursor_task_pri = *next_cursor_task
            if next_cursor_task_pri > cur_task_pri {
                // If so, update `insert_at`. Continue searching because
                // there might be a viable position that is even
                // earlier.
                insert_at = Some(next_cursor);
                // Safety: `next_cursor` is linked, so `prev` shouldn't return
                //         `ItemError::Unlinked`.
                cursor = unsafe { accessor.prev(next_cursor).unwrap_unchecked() };
            } else {

    /// Reposition `wait` in the wait queue. This is necessary after
    /// changing the waiting task's priority.
    fn reorder_wait(&'static self, mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>, wait: &Wait<Traits>) {
        match self.order {
            QueueOrder::Fifo => return,
            QueueOrder::TaskPriority => {}

        let wait_ref = WaitRef(wait.into());
        let task = wait.task;
        debug_assert!(core::ptr::eq(wait.wait_queue.unwrap(), self));

        // Safety: All elements of `self.waits` are extant.
        let mut accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());

        // Remove `wait_ref` first.
        // Safety: `wait_ref` is linked, so it shouldn't return
        //     `ItemError::Unlinked`.
        unsafe {

        // Re-insert `wait_ref`.
        // Safety: This linked list is structurally sound, so `insert` shouldn't
        // return `InconsistentError`. `wait_ref` is unlinked, so it shouldn't
        // return `InsertError::AlreadyLinked` either.
        let cur_task_pri = *task.effective_priority.read(&**accessor.cell_key());
        let insert_at = Self::find_insertion_position_by_task_priority(cur_task_pri, &accessor);
        unsafe {
            accessor.insert(wait_ref, insert_at).unwrap_unchecked();

    /// Get the next waiting task to be woken up.
    pub(super) fn first_waiting_task(
        mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    ) -> Option<&'static TaskCb<Traits>> {
        // Get the waiting task of the first wait object
        // Safety: This linked list is structurally sound, so it shouldn't
        //         return `Err(InconsistentError)`
        let accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());
        unsafe { accessor.front_data().unwrap_unchecked() }.map(|wait| wait.task)

    /// Wake up up to one waiting task. Returns `true` if it has successfully
    /// woken up a task.
    /// This method may make a task Ready, but doesn't yield the processor.
    /// Call `unlock_cpu_and_check_preemption` as needed.
    pub(super) fn wake_up_one(&self, mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>) -> bool {
        // Get the first wait object
        // Safety: This linked list is structurally sound, so it shouldn't
        //         return `Err(InconsistentError)`
        let mut accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());
        let wait_ref = unsafe { accessor.pop_front().unwrap_unchecked() };

        let wait_ref = if let Some(wait_ref) = wait_ref {
        } else {
            return false;

        // Safety: `wait_ref` points to a valid `Wait` because `wait_ref` was
        // in `self.waits` at the beginning of this function call.
        let wait = unsafe { wait_ref.0.as_ref() };

        assert!(core::ptr::eq(wait.wait_queue.unwrap(), self));

        complete_wait(lock.borrow_mut(), wait, Ok(()));


    /// Conditionally wake up waiting tasks.
    /// This method may make a task Ready, but doesn't yield the processor.
    /// Call `unlock_cpu_and_check_preemption` as needed.
    pub(super) fn wake_up_all_conditional(
        mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
        mut cond: impl FnMut(&WaitPayload<Traits>, CpuLockTokenRef<'_, Traits>) -> bool,
    ) {
        let Ok(mut cur) = {
            let accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());

        while let Some(wait_ref) = cur {
            // Find the next wait object before we possibly remove `wait_ref`
            // from `self.waits`.
            cur = {
                let accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());
                // Safety: `wait_ref` is still linked, so it shouldn't return
                //         `ItemError::Unlinked`.
                unsafe { accessor.next(wait_ref).unwrap_unchecked() }

            // Dereference `wait_ref` and get `&Wait`
            // Safety: `wait_ref` points to a valid `Wait` because `wait_ref` is
            // in `self.waits`.
            let wait = unsafe { wait_ref.0.as_ref() };

            assert!(core::ptr::eq(wait.wait_queue.unwrap(), self));

            // Should this task be woken up?
            // We give `CpuLockTokenRef` to the callback function. This can be
            // used to update `WaitPayload::EventGroupBits::orig_bits` but
            // insufficient to do any other things. Especially we want to
            // prevent the callback function from invalidating the assumption
            // that `wait_ref` is still linked after the call.
            if !cond(&wait.payload, lock.borrow()) {

            // Wake up the task
            let mut accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());
            // Safety: `wait_ref` is still linked, so it shouldn't return
            //         `ItemError::Unlinked`.
            unsafe { accessor.remove(wait_ref).unwrap_unchecked() };

            complete_wait(lock.borrow_mut(), wait, Ok(()));

impl<Traits: KernelTraits> fmt::Debug for Wait<Traits> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            "{{ task: {:p}, payload: {:?} }}",
            self.task, self.payload

impl<Traits: KernelTraits> fmt::Debug for WaitPayload<Traits> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::EventGroupBits {
            } => f
                .field("bits", bits)
                .field("flags", flags)
                .field("orig_bits", orig_bits)
            Self::Semaphore => f.write_str("Semaphore"),
            Self::Mutex(mutex) => write!(f, "Mutex({mutex:p})"),
            Self::Park => f.write_str("Park"),
            Self::Sleep => f.write_str("Sleep"),
            Self::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

impl<Traits: KernelTraits> fmt::Debug for WaitQueue<Traits> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        struct WaitQueuePrinter<'a, Traits: KernelTraits> {
            waits: &'a CpuLockCell<Traits, intrusive_list::ListHead<WaitRef<Traits>>>,

        impl<Traits: KernelTraits> fmt::Debug for WaitQueuePrinter<'_, Traits> {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                if let Ok(mut lock) = super::klock::lock_cpu() {
                    let accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&self.waits, lock.borrow_mut());

                        .entries(accessor.iter().map(|x| x.unwrap().1))
                } else {
                    f.write_str("< locked >")

            .field("waits", &WaitQueuePrinter { waits: &self.waits })
            .field("order", &self.order)

impl<Traits: KernelTraits> fmt::Debug for TaskWait<Traits> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
                &self.current_wait.debug_fmt_with(|wait_ref, f| {
                    // Safety: ... and `wait_ref` must point to an existing `Wait`
                    let wait = wait_ref.map(|r| &unsafe { &*r.0.as_ptr() }.payload);
            .field("wait_result", &self.wait_result)

/// Access the specified task's current wait payload object in the supplied
/// closure.
/// The wait object might get deallocated when the task starts running. This
/// function allows access to the wait object while ensuring the reference to
/// the wait object doesn't escape from the scope.
pub(super) fn with_current_wait_payload<Traits: KernelTraits, R>(
    lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    task_cb: &TaskCb<Traits>,
    f: impl FnOnce(Option<&WaitPayload<Traits>>) -> R,
) -> R {
    let wait_ref = task_cb.wait.current_wait.get(&*lock);

    // Safety: ... and `wait_ref` must point to an existing `Wait`
    let wait = wait_ref.map(|r| &unsafe { &*r.0.as_ptr() }.payload);


/// Reposition the given task's wait object within the wait queue. This is
/// necessary after changing the task's priority because some wait queues are
/// configured to sort wait objects by task priority
/// ([`QueueOrder::TaskPriority`]).
/// This function does nothing if the task is currently not in the Waiting state
/// or the wait object is not associated with any wait queue.
pub(super) fn reorder_wait_of_task<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    task_cb: &TaskCb<Traits>,
) {
    if let Some(wait_ref) = task_cb.wait.current_wait.get(&*lock) {
        // Safety: `wait_ref` must point to an existing `Wait`
        let wait = unsafe { &*wait_ref.0.as_ptr() };

        if let Some(wait_queue) = wait.wait_queue {
            wait_queue.reorder_wait(lock, wait);

/// Create a wait object pertaining to the currently running task but
/// not pertaining to any wait queue. Transition the task into the Waiting
/// state.
/// The only way to end such a wait operation is to call [`interrupt_task`].
/// The current context must be [waitable] (This function doesn't check
/// that). The caller should use `expect_waitable_context` to do that.
/// [waitable]: crate#contexts
pub(super) fn wait_no_queue<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    payload: WaitPayload<Traits>,
) -> Result<WaitPayload<Traits>, WaitError> {
    let task = Traits::state().running_task(lock.borrow_mut()).unwrap();
    let wait = Wait {
        link: CpuLockCell::new(None),
        wait_queue: None,
        payload: payload.r#move(),

    wait_no_queue_inner(lock, &wait).map_err(expect_not_timeout)?;


/// Create a wait object pertaining to the currently running task but
/// not pertaining to any wait queue. Transition the task into the Waiting
/// state. The operation will time out after the specified duration.
/// The only way to end such a wait operation is to call [`interrupt_task`] or
/// to wait until it times out.
/// The current context must be [waitable] (This function doesn't check
/// that). The caller should use `expect_waitable_context` to do that.
/// [waitable]: crate#contexts
pub(super) fn wait_no_queue_timeout<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    payload: WaitPayload<Traits>,
    duration_time32: timeout::Time32,
) -> Result<WaitPayload<Traits>, WaitTimeoutError> {
    let task = Traits::state().running_task(lock.borrow_mut()).unwrap();
    let wait = Wait {
        link: CpuLockCell::new(None),
        wait_queue: None,
        payload: payload.r#move(),

    // Configure a timeout
    setup_timeout_wait!(lock, task, duration_time32);

    wait_no_queue_inner(lock, &wait)?;


/// The core portion of [`wait_no_queue`].
/// Passing `WaitPayload` by value is expensive, so moving `WaitPayload`
/// into and out of `Wait` is done in the outer function `Self::wait` with
/// `#[inline]`.
fn wait_no_queue_inner<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    wait: &Wait<Traits>,
) -> Result<(), WaitTimeoutError> {
    let task = wait.task;
    let wait_ref = WaitRef(wait.into());


    // Set `task.current_wait`
    task.wait.current_wait.replace(&mut *lock, Some(wait_ref));

    // Transition the task into Waiting. This statement will complete when
    // the task is woken up.

    // `wait_ref` should have been removed `current_wait` by a wake-upper

    // Return the wait result (`Ok(())` or `Err(Interrupted)`)

/// Deassociate the specified wait object from its waiting task (`wait.task`)
/// and wake up the task.
/// Panics if `wait` is not associated (anymore) with its waiting task.
/// This method doesn't remove `wait` from `WaitQueue:waits`.
/// This method may make a task Ready, but doesn't yield the processor.
/// Call `unlock_cpu_and_check_preemption` as needed.
fn complete_wait<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    wait: &Wait<Traits>,
    wait_result: Result<(), WaitTimeoutError>,
) {
    let task_cb = wait.task;

    // Clear `TaskWait::current_wait`
    task_cb.wait.current_wait.replace(&mut *lock, None);

    // Set a wait result
    let _ = task_cb.wait.wait_result.replace(&mut *lock, wait_result);

    assert_eq!(*task_cb.st.read(&*lock), task::TaskSt::Waiting);

    // Make the task Ready
    // Safety: The task is in the Waiting state, meaning the task state is valid
    // and ready to resume from the point where it was previously interrupted.
    // A proper clean up for exiting the Waiting state is already done as well.
    unsafe { task::make_ready(lock, task_cb) };

/// Interrupt any ongoing wait operations on the task.
/// This method may make the task Ready, but doesn't yield the processor.
/// Call `unlock_cpu_and_check_preemption` as needed.
/// Returns `Err(BadObjectState)` if the task is not in the Waiting state.
/// `wait_result` must be valid for the wait operation type. For example,
/// if you specify `WaitTimeoutError::Timeout` but the wait operation does not
/// use a timeout, the unblock task will panic immediately (by tripping an error
/// path in [`WaitTimeoutError::expect_not_timeout`]). As a rule of thumb, code
/// outside this module should not pass `WaitTimeoutError::Timeout` to this
/// method.
pub(super) fn interrupt_task<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    mut lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    task_cb: &'static TaskCb<Traits>,
    wait_result: Result<(), WaitTimeoutError>,
) -> Result<(), BadObjectStateError> {
    match *task_cb.st.read(&*lock) {
        TaskSt::Waiting => {
            // Interrupt the ongoing wait operation.
            let wait_ref = task_cb.wait.current_wait.get(&*lock);

            // The task is in the Waiting state, so `wait_ref` must be `Some(_)`
            let wait_ref = wait_ref.unwrap();

            // Safety: ... and `wait_ref` must point to an existing `Wait`
            let wait = unsafe { wait_ref.0.as_ref() };

            // Remove `wait` from the wait queue it belongs to
            if let Some(wait_queue) = wait.wait_queue {
                let mut accessor = wait_queue_accessor!(&wait_queue.waits, lock.borrow_mut());
                // Safety: `wait_ref` is linked, so it shouldn't return
                //         `ItemError::Unlinked`.
                unsafe { accessor.remove(wait_ref).unwrap_unchecked() };

            // Wake up the task
            complete_wait(lock.borrow_mut(), wait, wait_result);

        _ => Err(BadObjectStateError::BadObjectState),

/// Construct [`timeout::Timeout`] to interrupt the specified task with
/// [`WaitTimeoutError::Timeout`] after a certain period of time.
fn new_timeout_object_for_task<Traits: KernelTraits>(
    lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'_, Traits>,
    task_cb: &'static TaskCb<Traits>,
    duration_time32: timeout::Time32,
) -> timeout::Timeout<Traits> {
    // Construct a `Timeout`, supplying our callback function
    let param = task_cb as *const _ as usize;
    let timeout_object = timeout::Timeout::new(interrupt_task_by_timeout, param);

    /// The callback function
    fn interrupt_task_by_timeout<Traits: KernelTraits>(
        param: usize,
        mut lock: CpuLockGuard<Traits>,
    ) -> CpuLockGuard<Traits> {
        // Safety: We are just converting `param` back to the original form
        let task_cb = unsafe { &*(param as *const TaskCb<Traits>) };

        // Interrupt the task
        match interrupt_task(lock.borrow_mut(), task_cb, Err(WaitTimeoutError::Timeout)) {
            // Even if the task is already unblocked, we don't care
            Ok(()) | Err(BadObjectStateError::BadObjectState) => {}


    // Configure the `Timeout` to expire in `duration_time32`
    timeout_object.set_expiration_after(lock, duration_time32);
