r3_kernel 0.1.4

The R3-OS original kernel
//! Task ready queue implementation (internal use only).
//! **This module is exempt from the API stability guarantee.**
use crate::{
    klock::{CpuLockCell, CpuLockTokenRefMut},
        intrusive_list::{Ident, ListAccessorCell, Static, StaticLink, StaticListHead},
        Init, PrioBitmap,
    KernelCfg1, KernelTraits, PortThreading,
use core::{fmt, ops::RangeTo};
use num_traits::ToPrimitive;

/// Represents a task ready queue, which tracks a list of Ready tasks, sorted by
/// effective priority order.
/// This trait is not intended to be implemented on custom types.
pub trait Queue<Traits>: Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + Init + 'static + private::Sealed {
    type PerTaskData: Send + Sync + fmt::Debug + Init + 'static;

    /// Return a flag indicating whether there's a task in Ready state whose
    /// priority is in the specified range.
    fn has_ready_task_in_priority_range(&self, ctx: Ctx<'_, Traits>, range: RangeTo<usize>) -> bool
        Traits: KernelTraits;

    /// Insert the specified task `task_cb` to the ready queue.
    /// `task_cb` will be inserted as close to the back as possible without
    /// violating the priority ordering. I.e., if there are one or more tasks
    /// having effective priorities identical to that of `task_cb`, `task_cb`
    /// will be inserted after such tasks.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method will cause an undefined behavior if `task_cb` is already
    /// included in the queue.
    unsafe fn push_back_task(&self, ctx: Ctx<'_, Traits>, task_cb: &'static TaskCb<Traits>)
        Traits: KernelTraits;

    /// Choose the next task to schedule based on `prev_task_priority`, the
    /// priority of the current task (more precisely, the task that would run
    /// after the ongoing scheduling decision if preemption was not requested by
    /// this decision). If there's no such current task, `prev_task_priority`
    /// should be `usize::MAX`, in which case this method will return
    /// `SwitchTo(_)`.
    /// If this method returns `SwitchTo(Some(task))`, `task` is removed from
    /// the queue.
    /// This method performs the following abstract steps:
    ///  1. If `prev_task_priority` does not equal to `usize::MAX`, insert
    ///     an imaginary task with that effective priority into the ready queue
    ///     as close to the front as possible without violating the priority
    ///     ordering. This imaginary task only exists during the duration of
    ///     the current method call.
    ///  2. If the ready queue is empty, return `SwitchTo(None)`.
    ///  3. Pop a task from the front of the ready queue.
    ///  4. If the popped task `t` is the imaginary task inserted in step 1,
    ///     return `Keep`. Otherwise, return `SwitchTo(t)`.
    /// | Has current task? | Is it blocked? | `prev_task_priority` | Has next task? |        Returns      |
    /// | ----------------- | -------------- | -------------------- | -------------- | ------------------- |
    /// |        no         |       no       |   `== usize::MAX`    |       no       |  `SwitchTo(None)`   |
    /// |        no         |       no       |   `== usize::MAX`    |       yes      | `SwitchTo(Some(_))` |
    /// |        yes        |       yes      |   `== usize::MAX`    |       no       |  `SwitchTo(None)`   |
    /// |        yes        |       yes      |   `== usize::MAX`    |       yes      | `SwitchTo(Some(_))` |
    /// |        yes        |       no       |   `!= usize::MAX`    |       no       |       `Keep`        |
    /// |        yes        |       no       |   `!= usize::MAX`    |       yes      | `SwitchTo(Some(_))` |
    ///  - *Has current task?* and *Is it blocked?* columns are contexts in
    ///    which this method is called but are not directly observable by this
    ///    method's implementation.
    ///  - `prev_task_priority` is the value passed to this method.
    ///  - *Has next task?* column is a possible outcome of the scheduling
    ///    decision made by this method.
    ///  - *Returns* column indicates what this method is supposed to return in
    ///    the respective cases.
    fn pop_front_task(
        ctx: Ctx<'_, Traits>,
        prev_task_priority: usize,
    ) -> ScheduleDecision<&'static TaskCb<Traits>>
        Traits: KernelTraits;

    /// Reposition the specified task within the ready queue after a change in
    /// its effective priority from `old_effective_priority` to
    /// `effective_priority`.
    /// `task_cb` will be re-inserted as close to the back as possible without
    /// violating the priority ordering. I.e., if there are one or more tasks
    /// having effective priorities identical to that of `task_cb`, `task_cb`
    /// will be re-inserted after such tasks.
    /// The caller should ensure `old_effective_priority` is not identical to
    /// `effective_priority`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method will cause an undefined behavior if `task_cb` is not
    /// included in the queue or was lastly inserted to the queue with an
    /// effective priority that is not identical to `old_effective_priority`.
    unsafe fn reorder_task(
        ctx: Ctx<'_, Traits>,
        task_cb: &'static TaskCb<Traits>,
        effective_priority: usize,
        old_effective_priority: usize,
    ) where
        Traits: KernelTraits;

/// Implements [the sealed trait pattern], which prevents [`Queue`] against
/// downstream implementations.
/// [the sealed trait pattern]: https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/future-proofing.html
mod private {
    pub trait Sealed {}

/// The result type of [`Queue::pop_front_task`].
pub enum ScheduleDecision<T> {
    /// The kernel should not perform context switch and should continue to
    /// schedule the current task.
    /// The kernel should perform context switch to the specified task.

/// The context type for [`Queue`].
pub struct Ctx<'a, Traits: KernelTraits> {
    pub(super) lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'a, Traits>,

impl<'a, Traits: KernelTraits> From<CpuLockTokenRefMut<'a, Traits>> for Ctx<'a, Traits> {
    fn from(lock: CpuLockTokenRefMut<'a, Traits>) -> Self {
        Self { lock }

/// The ready queue implementation that uses a set of queues segregated by the
/// priorities of contained tasks.
pub struct BitmapQueue<
    Traits: PortThreading,
    PortTaskState: 'static,
    TaskPriority: 'static,
    Bitmap: 'static,
    const LEN: usize,
> {
    /// The set of segregated task ready queues, in which each queue stores
    /// the list of Ready tasks at the corresponding priority.
    /// Invariant: `queues[i].first.is_some() == bitmap.get(i)`
    queues: [CpuLockCell<
        StaticListHead<BitmapQueueTaskCb<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority>>,
    >; LEN],

    /// The task ready bitmap, in which each bit indicates whether the
    /// segregated queue corresponding to that bit contains a task or not.
    bitmap: CpuLockCell<Traits, Bitmap>,

        Traits: PortThreading,
        PortTaskState: 'static,
        TaskPriority: 'static,
        Bitmap: 'static + Init,
        const LEN: usize,
    > Init for BitmapQueue<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority, Bitmap, LEN>
    const INIT: Self = Self {
        queues: Init::INIT,
        bitmap: Init::INIT,

type BitmapQueueTaskCb<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority> = TaskCb<
    BitmapQueuePerTaskData<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority>,

pub struct BitmapQueuePerTaskData<
    Traits: PortThreading,
    PortTaskState: 'static,
    TaskPriority: 'static,
> {
    link: CpuLockCell<
        Option<StaticLink<BitmapQueueTaskCb<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority>>>,

impl<Traits: PortThreading, PortTaskState: 'static, TaskPriority: 'static> Init
    for BitmapQueuePerTaskData<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority>
    const INIT: Self = Self { link: Init::INIT };

impl<Traits: KernelTraits, PortTaskState: 'static, TaskPriority: 'static> fmt::Debug
    for BitmapQueuePerTaskData<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority>
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("link", &self.link)

/// Get a `ListAccessorCell` used to access a task ready queue.
macro_rules! list_accessor {
    ($head:expr, $key:expr) => {{
        let accessor = ListAccessorCell::new(
            |task_cb| &task_cb.ready_queue_data.link,

        // Safety: This linked list is structurally sound.
        unsafe {

impl<Traits: KernelTraits, Bitmap: PrioBitmap, const LEN: usize> Queue<Traits>
    for BitmapQueue<
        <Traits as PortThreading>::PortTaskState,
        <Traits as KernelCfg1>::TaskPriority,
    Traits: KernelCfg1<TaskReadyQueue = Self>,
    type PerTaskData = BitmapQueuePerTaskData<
        <Traits as PortThreading>::PortTaskState,
        <Traits as KernelCfg1>::TaskPriority,

    fn has_ready_task_in_priority_range(
        Ctx { lock }: Ctx<'_, Traits>,
        range: RangeTo<usize>,
    ) -> bool {
        let highest_task_priority = self.bitmap.read(&*lock).find_set().unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
        highest_task_priority < range.end

    unsafe fn push_back_task(
        Ctx { mut lock }: Ctx<'_, Traits>,
        task_cb: &'static TaskCb<Traits>,
    ) {
        // Insert the task to a ready queue
        // Safety: `task_cb` is unlinked, so it shouldn't return
        //         `InsertError::AlreadyLinked`.
        let pri = task_cb.effective_priority.read(&*lock).to_usize().unwrap();
        unsafe {
            list_accessor!(&self.queues[pri], lock.borrow_mut())

        // Update `bitmap` accordingly
        self.bitmap.write(&mut *lock).set(pri);

    fn pop_front_task(
        Ctx { mut lock }: Ctx<'_, Traits>,
        prev_task_priority: usize,
    ) -> ScheduleDecision<&'static TaskCb<Traits>> {
        // The priority of the next task to run
        // Consider the case where `prev_task_priority == usize::MAX`, i.e.,
        // there is no current task.
        // The default value (the value given to `unwrap_or`) is
        // `usize::MAX - 1` for the following reason:
        // If there's no task to schedule at the moment, this method is supposed
        // to return `SwitchTo(None)`.  If the default value was `usize::MAX`,
        // in this case, `prev_task_priority` would be equal to
        // `next_task_priority` and this method would return `Keep`. We make
        // sure this does not happen by making the default value lower.
        // `usize::MAX - 1` never collides with an actual task priority because
        // of the priority range restriction imposed by `CfgBuilder::
        // num_task_priority_levels`.
        let next_task_priority = self
            .unwrap_or(usize::MAX - 1);

        if prev_task_priority <= next_task_priority {
            // Return if there's no task willing to take over the current one,
            // and the current one can still run.
        } else if next_task_priority < LEN {
            // Take the first task from the ready queue corresponding to
            // `next_task_priority`
            let mut accessor = list_accessor!(&self.queues[next_task_priority], lock.borrow_mut());
            let Ok(task) = accessor.pop_front();
            // There must be at least one element, because the bitmap
            // indicated so
            let task = task.unwrap().0;

            // Update `bitmap` accordingly
            if accessor.is_empty() {
                self.bitmap.write(&mut *lock).clear(next_task_priority);

        } else {

    unsafe fn reorder_task(
        Ctx { mut lock }: Ctx<'_, Traits>,
        task_cb: &'static TaskCb<Traits>,
        effective_priority: usize,
        old_effective_priority: usize,
    ) {
        debug_assert_ne!(effective_priority, old_effective_priority);

        // Move the task between ready queues
        let old_pri_empty = {
            let mut accessor =
                list_accessor!(&self.queues[old_effective_priority], lock.borrow_mut());
            // Safety:  `task_cb` is definitely linked to this list, so `remove`
            //          shouldn't return `ItemError::NotLinked`.
            unsafe { accessor.remove(Ident(task_cb)).unwrap_unchecked() };

        // Safety: `task_cb` is not affiliated to any of `self.queues[..]` at
        //         this point, so `push_back` shouldn't return `AlreadyLinked`.
        unsafe {
            list_accessor!(&self.queues[effective_priority], lock.borrow_mut())

        // Update `bitmap` accordingly
        // (This code assumes `effective_priority != old_effective_priority`.)
        let task_ready_bitmap = self.bitmap.write(&mut *lock);
        if old_pri_empty {

        Traits: KernelTraits,
        PortTaskState: 'static,
        TaskPriority: 'static,
        Bitmap: 'static + fmt::Debug,
        const LEN: usize,
    > fmt::Debug for BitmapQueue<Traits, PortTaskState, TaskPriority, Bitmap, LEN>
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        if let Ok(lock) = super::klock::lock_cpu() {
            let lock = core::cell::RefCell::new(lock);
            let lock = &lock; // capture-by-reference in the closure below

            struct DebugFn<F>(F);
            impl<F: Fn(&mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result> fmt::Debug for DebugFn<F> {
                fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

            f.write_str("BitmapQueue ")?;
                .entries(self.queues.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, head_cell)| {
                        // key = priority
                        // value = list of tasks
                        DebugFn(move |f: &mut fmt::Formatter| {
                            let mut lock = lock.borrow_mut();
                            let accessor = list_accessor!(head_cell, lock.borrow_mut());
                                .entries(accessor.iter().map(|x| x.unwrap().0))
        } else {
            f.write_str("BitmapQueue { < locked > }")

impl<Traits: KernelTraits, Bitmap: PrioBitmap, const LEN: usize> private::Sealed
    for BitmapQueue<
        <Traits as PortThreading>::PortTaskState,
        <Traits as KernelCfg1>::TaskPriority,
    Traits: KernelCfg1<TaskReadyQueue = Self>,