r3_core 0.1.4

R3-OS API definition
use core::marker::PhantomData;

// FIXME: An elaborate work-around for limitations such as
//        <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/72821>.
pub struct U0;
pub struct UInt<U, B>(PhantomData<(U, B)>);

pub struct B0;
pub struct B1;

/// Natural number. Use [`U`] to get a type implementing this.
pub trait Nat {
    type Succ: Nat;
    const N: usize;

impl Nat for U0 {
    type Succ = UInt<U0, B1>;
    const N: usize = 0;

impl<U: Nat, B> Nat for UInt<U, B> {
    default type Succ = U0;
    default const N: usize = 0;
impl<U: Nat> Nat for UInt<U, B0> {
    type Succ = UInt<U, B1>;
    const N: usize = U::N * 2;
impl<U: Nat> Nat for UInt<U, B1> {
    type Succ = UInt<<U as Nat>::Succ, B0>;
    const N: usize = U::N * 2 + 1;

/// Convert a value to a bit type.
type Bn<const I: usize> = If! { if (I == 0) { B0 } else { B1 } };

/// Convert a value to a binary integer type.
/// `I` should be less than or equal to [`U_MAX`]. If it's larger than `U_MAX`,
/// this type alias will “evaluate” to [`Overflow`].
pub type U<const I: usize> = If! {
    if (I <= U_MAX) { WrappingU<I> } else { Overflow }

/// Returned by [`U`] if the given value is larger than [`U_MAX`].
pub struct Overflow;

/// Convert a value to a binary integer type.
/// Upper bits will be truncated if `I` is larger than [`U_MAX`].
pub type WrappingU<const I: usize> = UInt<
                                                            UInt<U0, Bn<{ I & 32768 }>>,
                                                            Bn<{ I & 16384 }>,
                                                        Bn<{ I & 8192 }>,
                                                    Bn<{ I & 4096 }>,
                                                Bn<{ I & 2048 }>,
                                            Bn<{ I & 1024 }>,
                                        Bn<{ I & 512 }>,
                                    Bn<{ I & 256 }>,
                                Bn<{ I & 128 }>,
                            Bn<{ I & 64 }>,
                        Bn<{ I & 32 }>,
                    Bn<{ I & 16 }>,
                Bn<{ I & 8 }>,
            Bn<{ I & 4 }>,
        Bn<{ I & 2 }>,
    Bn<{ I & 1 }>,

/// Maximum input value for [`U`].
pub const U_MAX: usize = 65535;

/// Type-level function producing a `Nat`.
pub trait NatFn {
    type Output: Nat;

/// Saturating increment operation.
///  - `Self::Output::N == T::N` if `Self::Output::N == Limit::N`.
///  - `Self::Output::N == T::N + 1` otherwise.
pub type IncrSat<T, Limit> = <IncrSatOp<T, Limit> as NatFn>::Output;

pub struct IncrSatOp<T, Limit>(T, Limit);

impl<T: Nat, Limit> NatFn for IncrSatOp<T, Limit> {
    default type Output = T::Succ;

impl<T: Nat> NatFn for IncrSatOp<T, T> {
    type Output = T;

/// Evaluate a piece of code for the specified number of times. The iteration
/// counter is available as a constant expression.
macro_rules! const_for_times {
        // The iterated code cannot reference outer generic parameters.
        // Instead, all outer generic parameter should be repeated in
        // `$iter_gparam`. `$iter_ctx_ty` should use generic parameters from
        // `$iter_gparam`.
        // A value parameter can be passed through `$ctx_param` of type
        // `$iter_ctx_ty`.
        // THe iteration position can be read by `$i::N`.
        fn iter<
            $(  [  $iter_gparam:ident $($iter_gparam_bounds:tt)*  ],  )*
            $i:ident: Nat
        >($ctx_param:ident: $iter_ctx_ty:ty) {

        // `$len` must be `U<ITERATION_COUNT>`.
        (0..$len:ty).for_each(|i| iter::<[$($ctx_t:ty),*], i>($ctx:expr))
    ) => {{
        use $crate::utils::for_times::{Nat, U, IncrSat};

        const fn iter_inner<
            $(  $iter_gparam $($iter_gparam_bounds)*  ,)*
            $i: Nat
        >($ctx_param: $iter_ctx_ty) {

        const fn iter_outer<
            $(  $iter_gparam $($iter_gparam_bounds)*  ,)*
            Counter: Nat,
            Limit: Nat
        >($ctx_param: $iter_ctx_ty) {
            if Counter::N < Limit::N {
                    $( $iter_gparam ,)*

                    $( $iter_gparam ,)*
                    IncrSat<Counter, Limit>,

        iter_outer::<$($ctx_t,)* U<0>, $len>($ctx);

/// Construct an array by evaluating a piece of code for each element. The
/// iteration counter is available as a constant expression.
macro_rules! const_array_from_fn {
        // The iterated code cannot reference outer generic parameters.
        // Instead, all outer generic parameter should be repeated in
        // `$iter_gparam`. `$iter_ctx_ty` should use generic parameters from
        // `$iter_gparam`.
        // A value parameter can be passed through `$ctx_param` of type
        // `$iter_ctx_ty`.
        // THe iteration position can be read by `$i::N`.
        fn iter<
            $(  [  $iter_gparam:ident $($iter_gparam_bounds:tt)*  ],  )*
            $i:ident: Nat
        >(ref mut $ctx_param:ident: $iter_ctx_ty:ty) -> $ty:ty {

        // `$len` must be `U<$len_value>`
        (0..$len_value:expr).map(|i| iter::<[$($ctx_t:ty),*], i>($ctx:expr)).collect::<[_; $len:ty]>()
    ) => {{
        use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
        use $crate::utils::for_times::Nat;
        let mut array = MaybeUninit::uninit_array::<{$len_value}>();

        if array.len() != <$len as Nat>::N {

        const_for_times! {
            fn iter<
                $(  [  $iter_gparam $($iter_gparam_bounds)*  ],  )*
                $i: Nat
            >(ctx_param: &mut ($iter_ctx_ty, *mut MaybeUninit<$ty>)) {
                let $ctx_param = &mut ctx_param.0;
                let value = {

                // Safety: `$i::N` is in range `0..$len`, so
                // `ctx_param.1 + $i::N` points to a location inside `array`.
                unsafe {
                    *ctx_param.1.add($i::N) = MaybeUninit::new(value);

            (0..$len).for_each(|i| iter::<[$($ctx_t),*], i>(
                &mut ($ctx, array.as_mut_ptr())

        // Safety: All elements of `array` are initialized
        unsafe { MaybeUninit::array_assume_init(array) }

mod tests {
    use super::U;

    fn test() {
        struct Cell<T>(T, u128);

        const fn got() -> u128 {
            let mut cell = Cell("unused", 0);
            const_for_times! {
                fn iter<[T], I: Nat>(cell: &mut Cell<T>) {
                    cell.1 = cell.1 * 10 + I::N as u128;

                (0..U<20>).for_each(|i| iter::<[_], i>(&mut cell))

        let expected = {
            let mut cell = 0;
            for i in 0..20 {
                cell = cell * 10 + i;

        assert_eq!(expected, got());

    fn const_array_from_fn() {
        struct Cell<T>(T, u128);
        const fn got() -> [u128; 20] {
            let mut cell = Cell("unused", 0);
            const_array_from_fn! {
                fn iter<[T], I: Nat>(ref mut cell: &mut Cell<T>) -> u128 {
                    cell.1 = cell.1 * 10 + I::N as u128;

                (0..20).map(|i| iter::<[&'static str], i>(&mut cell)).collect::<[_; U<20>]>()

        let expected = {
            let mut cell = Cell("unused", 0);

            fn iter<T>(cell: &mut Cell<T>, i: usize) -> u128 {
                cell.1 = cell.1 * 10 + i as u128;

                .map(|i| iter::<&'static str>(&mut cell, i))

        assert_eq!(got()[..], *expected);