# r2ch - a Rust client for The 2ch Web API

## Disclaimer

- now in development

## Tasks

- [ ] Add docs
- [ ] Сaptcha
- [x] JSON impl (partly)
- [ ] Add much more examples
- [ ] Refactor

## Examples

Building examples.

`$ cd r2ch`

then run

`$ cargo  run --example boards_all`

## How to use

use r2ch::client::TwoCH;

let _ = TwoCH::default().boards_all();

### API Documentation

Not yet
> you may find docs in sources


Please see the [CHANGELOG](./ for a release history.

### Contribution

If you find any problem or have suggestions about this crate, please submit an
issue. Moreover, any pull request ,code review and feedback are welcome.

### License