r18 0.3.2

A simply I18n crate for Rust.
/// Translate and content formatting.
/// ## Example
/// Assume that translate file are as follows:
/// ```json
/// {
///     "Hello, {}": "Hello, {}",
///     "birthday": {
///         "Hello, {}": "Happy birthday, {}"
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// [`tr`] will work like:
/// ```ignore
/// let name = "ho-229";
/// assert_eq!("Hello, ho-229", r18::tr!("Hello, {}", name));
/// assert_eq!("Hello, ho-229", r18::tr!([""] "Hello, {}", name));
/// assert_eq!("Happy birthday, ho-229", r18::tr!([".birthday"] "Hello, {}", name));
/// ```
macro_rules! tr {
    ($content:expr) => {
        r18::translate("", $content)
    ($content:expr, $($arg:expr),+) => {{
        use r18::{Format, SimpleCurlyFormat};
        SimpleCurlyFormat.format(r18::translate("", $content), &[$($arg),+])
    ([$prefix:expr] $content:expr) => {
        r18::translate($prefix, $content)
    ([$prefix:expr] $content:expr, $($arg:expr),+) => {{
        use r18::{Format, SimpleCurlyFormat};
        SimpleCurlyFormat.format(r18::translate($prefix, $content), &[$($arg),+])

/// Sets the current locale.
/// If the input language tag is invalid or not translated,
/// the translation will be disabled.
/// ## Example
/// ```ignore
/// r18::set_locale!("zh-CN");   // assume the zh-CN has been translated
/// assert_eq!(Some("zh-CN"), r18::locale!());
/// r18::set_locale!("");
/// assert_eq!(None, r18::locale!());
/// ```
macro_rules! set_locale {
    ($locale:expr) => {
        // this function is generated by r18::init

/// Returns the current locale.
macro_rules! locale {
    () => {
            .map(|l| l.name)

/// Automatically sets the current locale.
macro_rules! auto_detect {
    () => {
        r18::get_locale().map(|l| r18::set_locale!(l))