qvnt 0.1.1

Advanced quantum computation simulator.


Advansed quantum computation simulator, written in Rust


  1. Ability to simulate up to 64 qubits, which is a limit for 64-bits machines. But usual machine (with 4Gb RAM) only allowed to run 26 qubits, which is enough for study cases.
  2. A set of necessary 1- or 2-qubits operations, including general 1x1 and 2x2 unitary matrix, to build your own quantum circuits.
  3. Existed quantum operations are tested and debugged to be safe in use.
  4. Accelerated circuit execution using multithreaded Rayon library.
  5. Complex quantum registers manipulations: tensor product of two registers and aliases for qubit to humanify interaction with register


use qvnt::prelude::*;

//  create quantum register, called 'x', with 10 qubits
let mut q_reg = QReg::new(10).alias_char('x');
//  or with initial state, where 3 qubits are already in state |1>
//  let q_reg = QReg::new(10).alias_char('x').init_state(0b0011100000);

//  get virtual register 'x', to interact with specified qubits
let x = q_reg.get_vreg_by_char('x').unwrap();

//  create qft operation, acting on first 5 qubits in q_reg
let op = Op::qft(x[0] | x[1] | x[2] | x[3] | x[4]);

//  apply operation

//  measure and write first 3 qubit, which leads to collapse of q_reg wave function
println!("{}", q_reg.measure_mask(x[0] | x[1] | x[2]));

Implemented operations

  • Pauli's X, Y & Z operators;
  • Phase shift operator;
  • 1-qubit rotation operators;
  • 2-qubits rotation operators, aka Ising gates;
  • SWAP, iSWAP operators and square rooted ones;
  • QFT with and without swapping qubits after applying;
  • General unitary operators, constructed from 2x2 or 4x4 complex matrices;

Also, ALL these operators could be turned into controlled ones, using .c(...) syntax:

let usual_op = Op::x(0b001);
//  NOT gate, controlled by 2 qubits, aka CCNOT gate, aka Toffoli gate
let controlled_op = Op::x(0b001).c(0b110);

In work

  1. Optimizing and vectorizing operations.
  2. Adding inverse operators for implemented ones.