quicli 0.1.0

Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust.


Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust.

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Get started

  1. Create a new Rust binary project called "head" with cargo new --bin head.

  2. Add quicli as an dependency in your Cargo.toml:

    quicli = "0.1"
  3. Now, open up your src/main.rs. First, let's import all the good stuff:

    #[macro_use] extern crate quicli;
    use quicli::prelude::*;
  4. Now, quickly write a cool CLI (it's also okay to type slowly):

    // Add cool slogan for your app here, e.g.:
    /// Get first n lines of a file
    #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
    struct Cli {
        // Add a CLI argument `--count`/-n` that defaults to 3, and has this help text:
        /// How many lines to get
        #[structopt(long = "count", short = "n", default_value = "3")]
        count: usize,
        // Add a positional argument that the user has to supply:
        /// The file to read
        file: String,
        let args = Cli::from_args();
        let data = read_file(args.file)?;
        data.lines().take(args.count).for_each(|line| println!("{}", line));
  5. Give it a spin! 0. cargo run it! Did you see a nice error?

    1. What does cargo run -- Cargo.toml show you?
    2. How about cargo run -- Cargo.toml --count=4 or cargo run -- Cargo.toml -n 2?
    3. cargo run -- --help -- how cool is that?
    4. More fun: Try --cont 4 (with the missing u).


This is only possible because of all the awesome libraries included here:

  • Structopt and Clap for the nice CLI with awesome argument handling, great error messages, and nice composability!
  • Serde for handling all things serializing and deserilizing
  • failure for ergnomic error handling.
  • …and more to come!


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.