quickwit-doc-mapper 0.3.0

Quickwit index configuration
// Copyright (C) 2021 Quickwit, Inc.
// Quickwit is offered under the AGPL v3.0 and as commercial software.
// For commercial licensing, contact us at hello@quickwit.io.
// AGPL:
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::fmt::Debug;

use dyn_clone::{clone_trait_object, DynClone};
use quickwit_proto::SearchRequest;
use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
use tantivy::query::Query;
use tantivy::schema::{Field, Schema};
use tantivy::Document;

use crate::{DocParsingError, QueryParserError, SortBy};

/// The `DocMapper` trait defines the way of defining how a (json) document,
/// and the fields it contains, are stored and indexed.
/// The `DocMapper` trait is in charge of implementing :
/// - a way to build a tantivy::Document from a json payload
/// - a way to build a tantivy::Query from a SearchRequest
/// - a way to build a tantivy:Schema
#[typetag::serde(tag = "type")]
pub trait DocMapper: Send + Sync + Debug + DynClone + 'static {
    /// Returns the document built from an owned JSON string.
    /// (we pass by value here, as the value can be used as is in the _source field.)
    fn doc_from_json(&self, doc_json: String) -> Result<Document, DocParsingError>;

    /// Converts a tantivy named Document to the json format.
    /// Tantivy does not have any notion of cardinality nor object.
    /// It is therefore up to the `DocMapper` to pick a tantivy named document
    /// and convert it into a final quickwit document.
    /// Because this operation is dependent on the `DocMapper`, this
    /// method is meant to be called on the root node using the most recent
    /// `DocMapper`. This ensures that the different hits are formatted according
    /// to the same schema.
    fn doc_to_json(
        named_doc: BTreeMap<String, Vec<JsonValue>>,
    ) -> anyhow::Result<serde_json::Map<String, JsonValue>>;

    /// Returns the schema.
    /// Considering schema evolution, splits within an index can have different schema
    /// over time. The schema returned here represents the most up-to-date schema of the index.
    fn schema(&self) -> Schema;

    /// Returns the query.
    /// Considering schema evolution, splits within an index can have different schema
    /// over time. So `split_schema` is the schema of the split the query is targeting.
    fn query(
        split_schema: Schema,
        request: &SearchRequest,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Query>, QueryParserError>;

    /// Returns the default sort
    fn sort_by(&self) -> SortBy {

    /// Returns the timestamp field.
    /// Considering schema evolution, splits within an index can have different schema
    /// over time. So `split_schema` is the schema of the split being operated on.
    fn timestamp_field(&self, split_schema: &Schema) -> Option<Field> {
            .and_then(|field_name| split_schema.get_field(&field_name))

    /// Returns the timestamp field name.
    fn timestamp_field_name(&self) -> Option<String> {

    /// Returns the tag field names
    fn tag_field_names(&self) -> BTreeSet<String> {

    /// Returns the demux field name.
    fn demux_field_name(&self) -> Option<String> {


mod tests {
    use quickwit_proto::SearchRequest;
    use tantivy::schema::{Cardinality, FieldType};

    use crate::default_doc_mapper::{FieldMappingType, QuickwitJsonOptions, QuickwitTextOptions};
    use crate::{DefaultDocMapperBuilder, DocMapper, FieldMappingEntry, DYNAMIC_FIELD_NAME};

    const JSON_DEFAULT_DOC_MAPPER: &str = r#"
            "type": "default",
            "default_search_fields": [],
            "tag_fields": [],
            "field_mappings": []

    fn test_deserialize_doc_mapper() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let deserialized_default_doc_mapper =
            serde_json::from_str::<Box<dyn DocMapper>>(JSON_DEFAULT_DOC_MAPPER)?;
        let expected_default_doc_mapper = DefaultDocMapperBuilder::default().try_build()?;
            format!("{:?}", deserialized_default_doc_mapper),
            format!("{:?}", expected_default_doc_mapper),

    fn test_deserialize_minimal_doc_mapper() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let deserialized_default_doc_mapper =
            serde_json::from_str::<Box<dyn DocMapper>>(r#"{"type": "default"}"#)?;
        let expected_default_doc_mapper = DefaultDocMapperBuilder::default().try_build()?;
            format!("{:?}", deserialized_default_doc_mapper),
            format!("{:?}", expected_default_doc_mapper),

    fn test_deserialize_doc_mapper_default_dynamic_tokenizer() {
        let doc_mapper =
            serde_json::from_str::<Box<dyn DocMapper>>(r#"{"type": "default", "mode": "dynamic"}"#)
        let tantivy_schema = doc_mapper.schema();
        let dynamic_field = tantivy_schema.get_field(DYNAMIC_FIELD_NAME).unwrap();
        if let FieldType::JsonObject(json_options) =
            let text_opt = json_options.get_text_indexing_options().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(text_opt.tokenizer(), "default");
        } else {
            panic!("dynamic field should be of JSON type");

    fn test_serdeserialize_doc_mapper() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        let deserialized_default_doc_mapper =
            serde_json::from_str::<Box<dyn DocMapper>>(JSON_DEFAULT_DOC_MAPPER)?;
        let expected_default_doc_mapper = DefaultDocMapperBuilder::default().try_build()?;
            format!("{:?}", deserialized_default_doc_mapper),
            format!("{:?}", expected_default_doc_mapper),

        let serialized_doc_mapper = serde_json::to_string(&deserialized_default_doc_mapper)?;
        let deserialized_default_doc_mapper =
            serde_json::from_str::<Box<dyn DocMapper>>(&serialized_doc_mapper)?;
        let serialized_doc_mapper_2 = serde_json::to_string(&deserialized_default_doc_mapper)?;

        assert_eq!(serialized_doc_mapper, serialized_doc_mapper_2);


    fn test_doc_mapper_query_with_json_field() {
        let mut doc_mapper_builder = DefaultDocMapperBuilder::default();
        doc_mapper_builder.field_mappings.push(FieldMappingEntry {
            name: "json_field".to_string(),
            mapping_type: FieldMappingType::Json(
        let doc_mapper = doc_mapper_builder.try_build().unwrap();
        let schema = doc_mapper.schema();
        let search_request = SearchRequest {
            index_id: "quickwit-index".to_string(),
            query: "json_field.toto.titi:hello".to_string(),
            search_fields: vec![],
            start_timestamp: None,
            end_timestamp: None,
            max_hits: 10,
            start_offset: 0,
            sort_order: None,
            sort_by_field: None,
            aggregation_request: None,
        let query = doc_mapper.query(schema, &search_request).unwrap();
            format!("{:?}", query),
            r#"TermQuery(Term(type=Json, field=0, path=toto.titi, vtype=Str, "hello"))"#

    fn test_doc_mapper_query_with_invalid_sort_field() {
        let mut doc_mapper_builder = DefaultDocMapperBuilder::default();
        let text_opt = QuickwitTextOptions {
            fast: true,

        doc_mapper_builder.field_mappings.push(FieldMappingEntry {
            name: "text_field".to_string(),
            mapping_type: FieldMappingType::Text(text_opt, Cardinality::SingleValue),
        let doc_mapper = doc_mapper_builder.try_build().unwrap();
        let schema = doc_mapper.schema();
        let search_request = SearchRequest {
            index_id: "quickwit-index".to_string(),
            query: "text_field:hello".to_string(),
            search_fields: vec![],
            start_timestamp: None,
            end_timestamp: None,
            max_hits: 10,
            start_offset: 0,
            sort_order: None,
            sort_by_field: Some("text_field".to_string()),
            aggregation_request: None,
        let query = doc_mapper.query(schema, &search_request).unwrap_err();
            format!("{:?}", query),
            "QueryParserError(Sort by field on type text is currently not supported `text_field`.)"

    fn test_doc_mapper_query_with_json_field_default_search_fields() {
        let mut doc_mapper_builder = DefaultDocMapperBuilder::default();
        doc_mapper_builder.field_mappings.push(FieldMappingEntry {
            name: "json_field".to_string(),
            mapping_type: FieldMappingType::Json(
        let doc_mapper = doc_mapper_builder.try_build().unwrap();
        let schema = doc_mapper.schema();
        let search_request = SearchRequest {
            index_id: "quickwit-index".to_string(),
            query: "toto.titi:hello".to_string(),
            search_fields: vec![],
            start_timestamp: None,
            end_timestamp: None,
            max_hits: 10,
            start_offset: 0,
            sort_order: None,
            sort_by_field: None,
            aggregation_request: None,
        let query = doc_mapper.query(schema, &search_request).unwrap();
            format!("{:?}", query),
            r#"TermQuery(Term(type=Json, field=0, path=toto.titi, vtype=Str, "hello"))"#

    fn test_doc_mapper_query_with_json_field_ambiguous_term() {
        let doc_mapper_builder = DefaultDocMapperBuilder {
            field_mappings: vec![FieldMappingEntry {
                name: "json_field".to_string(),
                mapping_type: FieldMappingType::Json(
            default_search_fields: vec!["json_field".to_string()],
        let doc_mapper = doc_mapper_builder.try_build().unwrap();
        let schema = doc_mapper.schema();
        let search_request = SearchRequest {
            index_id: "quickwit-index".to_string(),
            query: "toto:5".to_string(),
            search_fields: vec![],
            start_timestamp: None,
            end_timestamp: None,
            max_hits: 10,
            start_offset: 0,
            sort_order: None,
            sort_by_field: None,
            aggregation_request: None,
        let query = doc_mapper.query(schema, &search_request).unwrap();
            format!("{:?}", query),
            r#"BooleanQuery { subqueries: [(Should, TermQuery(Term(type=Json, field=0, path=toto, vtype=U64, 5))), (Should, TermQuery(Term(type=Json, field=0, path=toto, vtype=Str, "5")))] }"#