quicktest 0.3.1

Command Line Interface (CLI) for stress testing in competitive programming contest
quicktest-0.3.1 is not a library.

Current Crates.io Version Quick Test License: MIT


⚠️ Note: Quick Test CLI is currently below version v1.0.0, so it may contain bugs, you can report any bugs -here.

Read this in other languages: Español, Português

Table of Contents


Quick Test CLI is a project to perform stress testing in competitive programming contests in an easy and fast way, focusing only on the contest.

Currently, Quick Test CLI supports three types of tests which are listed below:

  • Detect cases with TLE: Verify that the code execution time does not exceed what is allowed, using a random generator for multiple test cases.

    • Sample:
      quicktest tle --target-file=”main.cpp” --gen-file=”gen.cpp” --timeout=2000 --test-cases=1000
  • Check the correctness of the code compared to a slower version: Verify that the code does not have incorrect answers for some test cases, using a random generator and a slower version which is sure what is correct with which the answers will be compared.

    • Sample:
      quicktest cmp --target-file=”main.cpp” --correct-file=”correct.cpp” --gen-file=”gen.cpp” --timeout=2000 --test-cases=1000
  • Verify the correctness of the code using a verifier script: Similar to the previous one, this test verifies that the code does not have an incorrect answer for some test cases using a verifier script because there may be many correct answers.

    • Sample:
      quicktest check --target-file=”main.cpp” --checker-file=”correct.cpp” --gen-file=”gen.cpp” --timeout=2000 --test-cases=1000

Getting Started


If you already have Rust on your system:

cargo install quicktest

If you don't have rust installed on your system, the following command will install Rust and the CLI at once:

Shell (Linux, Mac):

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh  && cargo install quicktest

Supported Languages

Language Version
C++ -std=c++17
Python Version 3


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