quickmd 0.4.1

Quickly preview a markdown file
//! Markdown rendering.
//! Uses the `pulldown_cmark` crate with Github-flavored markdown options enabled. Extracts
//! languages used in code blocks for highlighting purposes.

use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use pulldown_cmark::{Parser, Options, Event, html};

/// Encapsulates a markdown file and provides an interface to turn its contents into HTML.
pub struct Renderer {
    /// The original path given to the renderer.
    pub md_path: PathBuf,

    /// The canonicalized path to use in file operations.
    pub canonical_md_path: PathBuf,

impl Renderer {
    /// Create a new renderer instance that wraps the given markdown file.
    pub fn new(md_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
        let canonical_md_path = md_path.canonicalize().
            unwrap_or_else(|_| md_path.clone());

        Renderer { md_path, canonical_md_path }

    /// Turn the current contents of the markdown file into HTML.
    pub fn run(&self) -> Result<RenderedContent, io::Error> {
        let markdown = fs::read_to_string(&self.canonical_md_path)?;
        let root_dir = self.canonical_md_path.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new(""));

        let mut options = Options::empty();
        let parser = Parser::new_ext(&markdown, options);

        let mut languages = HashSet::new();
        let parser = parser.map(|mut event| {
            use pulldown_cmark::{Tag, CodeBlockKind};

            match &mut event {
                Event::Start(Tag::CodeBlock(CodeBlockKind::Fenced(content))) => {
                    if content.len() > 0 {
                Event::Start(Tag::Image(_, url, _)) if url.starts_with("./") => {
                    *url = format!("file://{}/{}", root_dir.display(), &url[2..]).into();
                _ => (),


        let mut output = String::new();
        html::push_html(&mut output, parser);

        Ok(RenderedContent {
            html: output,
            code_languages: languages,

/// The output of the rendering process. Includes both the rendered HTML and additional metadata
/// used by its clients.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct RenderedContent {
    /// The rendered HTML.
    pub html: String,

    /// All the languages in fenced code blocks from the markdown input.
    pub code_languages: HashSet<String>,