quickmd 0.3.1

Quickly preview a markdown file
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# QuickMD

This project is a simple tool that solves a simple problem: I'd like to preview markdown files as they'll show up on Github, so I don't have to push my READMEs before I can tell whether they're formatted well enough. It ends up looking like this:


It's a Rust app that launches a GtkWebkit window that renders the compiled HTML of the given markdown file. It monitors this file for any changes and reloads. It uses a stylesheet that's literally copied off Github's markdown stylesheet.

_Note: I have no idea if I'm allowed to use Github's stylesheet. The relevant file is in res/style/github.css, and if I am told I shouldn't be using it I'll go ahead and scrub it from git history._

## Installation

You'll need to have Rust and the `cargo` tool. The easiest way to get that done is through [rustup.rs](https://rustup.rs/).

You'll also need the GTK+, GLib and webkit2gtk development files to be installed on your system. The Gtk-rs [requirements page](http://gtk-rs.org/docs/requirements.html) should be a good guide.

After that, you can build and install the app from `crates.io` using:

cargo install quickmd

Make sure that `~/.cargo/bin` is in your `PATH` so you can call the `quickmd` executable.

## Usage

Running the app is as simple as:

quickmd <markdown-file>

Pressing escape will close the window. Running it with `--help` should provide more info on the available options:

quickmd 0.3.0
A simple markdown previewer.

    quickmd [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <input-file.md>

    -d, --debug       Activates debug logging
    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -V, --version     Prints version information
        --no-watch    Disables watching file for changes

        --output <directory>    Builds output HTML and other assets in the given directory instead of in a tempdir. Will
                                be created if it doesn't exist. Not deleted on application exit

    <input-file.md>    Markdown file to render. Use "-" to read markdown from STDIN (implies --no-watch)

## Features

- Github-like rendering, though not guaranteed to be perfectly identical. Relying on whatever [pulldown-cmark]https://crates.io/crates/pulldown-cmark provides, which is good enough for me.

- Fast and seamless preview updates on file write.

- Code highlighting via [highlight.js]https://highlightjs.org/. Currently, the relevant javascript is included via a CDN, which unfortunately means it won't work without an internet connection.

- Ability to render STDIN, which allows partial rendering of target markdown. Try putting [this bit of Vimscript]https://github.com/AndrewRadev/Vimfiles/blob/f9e0c08dd280d13acb625d3370da399c39e14403/ftplugin/markdown.vim#L11-L15 in your `~/.vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim`, select a few lines and press `!`.

## Configuration

You can change the CSS of the preview HTML by writing CSS in one of these files:

- `~/.quickmd.css`
- `~/.config/quickmd.css`

The built-in CSS that is used is stored in [/res/style](./res/style).