quickjs_runtime 0.8.7

Wrapper API and utils for the QuickJS JavaScript engine with support for Promise, Module, Async/await
//JS_AtomToCString(ctx: *mut JSContext, atom: JSAtom) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_char
use crate::quickjs_utils::primitives;
use crate::quickjsrealmadapter::QuickJsRealmAdapter;
use crate::valueref::JSValueRef;
use hirofa_utils::js_utils::JsError;
use libquickjs_sys as q;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};

pub struct JSAtomRef {
    context: *mut q::JSContext,
    atom: q::JSAtom,

impl JSAtomRef {
    pub fn new(context: *mut q::JSContext, atom: q::JSAtom) -> Self {
        Self { context, atom }
    pub(crate) fn get_atom(&self) -> q::JSAtom {

    pub(crate) fn increment_ref_ct(&self) {
        unsafe { q::JS_DupAtom(self.context, self.atom) };
    pub(crate) fn decrement_ref_ct(&self) {
        unsafe { q::JS_FreeAtom(self.context, self.atom) };

impl Drop for JSAtomRef {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // free

pub fn to_string_q(q_ctx: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, atom_ref: &JSAtomRef) -> Result<String, JsError> {
    unsafe { to_string(q_ctx.context, atom_ref) }

/// # Safety
/// When passing a context pointer please make sure the corresponding QuickJsContext is still valid
pub unsafe fn to_string(
    context: *mut q::JSContext,
    atom_ref: &JSAtomRef,
) -> Result<String, JsError> {
    let val = q::JS_AtomToString(context, atom_ref.atom);
    let val_ref = JSValueRef::new(context, val, false, true, "atoms::to_string");
    primitives::to_string(context, &val_ref)

pub fn to_string2_q(q_ctx: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, atom: &q::JSAtom) -> Result<String, JsError> {
    unsafe { to_string2(q_ctx.context, atom) }

/// # Safety
/// When passing a context pointer please make sure the corresponding QuickJsContext is still valid
pub unsafe fn to_string2(context: *mut q::JSContext, atom: &q::JSAtom) -> Result<String, JsError> {
    let val = q::JS_AtomToString(context, *atom);
    let val_ref = JSValueRef::new(context, val, false, true, "atoms::to_string");
    primitives::to_string(context, &val_ref)

/// # Safety
/// When passing a context pointer please make sure the corresponding QuickJsContext is still valid
pub unsafe fn to_str(context: *mut q::JSContext, atom: &q::JSAtom) -> Result<&str, JsError> {
    let c_string = q::JS_AtomToCString(context, *atom);
    let c_str = CStr::from_ptr(c_string);
        .map_err(|e| JsError::new_string(format!("{}", e)))

pub fn from_string_q(q_ctx: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, string: &str) -> Result<JSAtomRef, JsError> {
    unsafe { from_string(q_ctx.context, string) }

/// # Safety
/// When passing a context pointer please make sure the corresponding QuickJsContext is still valid
pub unsafe fn from_string(context: *mut q::JSContext, string: &str) -> Result<JSAtomRef, JsError> {
    let s = CString::new(string).ok().unwrap();

    let len = string.len();

    let atom = q::JS_NewAtomLen(context, s.as_ptr(), len as _);
    Ok(JSAtomRef::new(context, atom))