quickjs_runtime 0.8.7

Wrapper API and utils for the QuickJS JavaScript engine with support for Promise, Module, Async/await
//! contains the QuickJsRuntimeFacade

use crate::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
use crate::esvalue::EsValueFacade;
use crate::quickjs_utils::{functions, objects};
use crate::quickjsrealmadapter::QuickJsRealmAdapter;
use crate::quickjsruntimeadapter::{
    CompiledModuleLoaderAdapter, MemoryUsage, NativeModuleLoaderAdapter, QuickJsRuntimeAdapter,
    ScriptModuleLoaderAdapter, QJS_RT,
use crate::reflection;
use crate::valueref::JSValueRef;
use hirofa_utils::eventloop::EventLoop;
use hirofa_utils::js_utils::adapters::{JsRealmAdapter, JsRuntimeAdapter};
use hirofa_utils::js_utils::facades::values::JsValueFacade;
use hirofa_utils::js_utils::facades::{JsRuntimeFacade, JsRuntimeFacadeInner};
use hirofa_utils::js_utils::JsError;
use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
use hirofa_utils::task_manager::TaskManager;
use libquickjs_sys as q;
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use tokio::task::JoinError;

lazy_static! {
    /// a static Multithreaded task manager used to run rust ops async and multithreaded ( in at least 2 threads)
    static ref HELPER_TASKS: TaskManager = TaskManager::new(std::cmp::max(2, num_cpus::get()));

impl Drop for QuickJsRuntimeFacade {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        log::trace!("> EsRuntime::drop");
        log::trace!("< EsRuntime::drop");

pub struct QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner {
    event_loop: EventLoop,

impl JsRuntimeFacadeInner for QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner {
    type JsRuntimeFacadeType = QuickJsRuntimeFacade;

    fn js_exe_rt_task_in_event_loop<
        R: Send + 'static,
        J: FnOnce(&<<Self as JsRuntimeFacadeInner>::JsRuntimeFacadeType as JsRuntimeFacade>::JsRuntimeAdapterType) -> R + Send + 'static,
    >(&self, task: J) -> R{

    fn js_add_rt_task_to_event_loop<
        R: Send + 'static,
        J: FnOnce(&<<Self as JsRuntimeFacadeInner>::JsRuntimeFacadeType as JsRuntimeFacade>::JsRuntimeAdapterType) -> R + Send + 'static,
    >(&self, task: J) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=R> + Send>>{

    fn js_add_rt_task_to_event_loop_void<J: FnOnce(&<<Self as JsRuntimeFacadeInner>::JsRuntimeFacadeType as JsRuntimeFacade>::JsRuntimeAdapterType) + Send + 'static>(&self, task: J){

impl QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner {
    /// this can be used to run a function in the event_queue thread for the QuickJSRuntime
    /// without borrowing the q_js_rt
    pub fn add_task_to_event_loop_void<C>(&self, task: C)
        C: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
        self.event_loop.add_void(move || {
            EventLoop::add_local_void(|| {
                QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {

    pub fn exe_task_in_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(&self, task: C) -> R
        C: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
        self.event_loop.exe(move || {
            let res = task();
            EventLoop::add_local_void(|| {
                QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {

    pub fn add_task_to_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(&self, task: C) -> impl Future<Output = R>
        C: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
        self.event_loop.add(move || {
            let res = task();
            EventLoop::add_local_void(|| {
                QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {

    /// this is how you add a closure to the worker thread which has an instance of the QuickJsRuntime
    /// this will run asynchronously
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// rt.add_rt_task_to_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
    ///     // here you are in the worker thread and you can use the quickjs_utils
    ///     q_js_rt.gc();
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn add_rt_task_to_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(
        consumer: C,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = R>
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,
        self.add_task_to_event_loop(|| QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(consumer))

    pub fn add_rt_task_to_event_loop_void<C>(&self, consumer: C)
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) + Send + 'static,
        self.add_task_to_event_loop_void(|| QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(consumer))

    pub fn exe_rt_task_in_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(&self, consumer: C) -> R
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,
        self.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(consumer))

    /// used to add tasks from the worker threads which require run_pending_jobs_if_any to run after it
    pub(crate) fn add_local_task_to_event_loop<C>(consumer: C)
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) + 'static,
        EventLoop::add_local_void(move || {
            QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {
            EventLoop::add_local_void(|| {
                QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {

/// EsRuntime is the main public struct representing a JavaScript runtime.
/// You can construct a new QuickJsRuntime by using the [QuickJsRuntimeBuilder] struct
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
/// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
/// ```
pub struct QuickJsRuntimeFacade {
    inner: Arc<QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner>,

impl QuickJsRuntimeFacade {
    pub(crate) fn new(mut builder: QuickJsRuntimeBuilder) -> Self {
        let ret = Self {
            inner: Arc::new(QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner {
                event_loop: EventLoop::new(),

        ret.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| {
            let rt_ptr = unsafe { q::JS_NewRuntime() };
            let rt = QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::new(rt_ptr);

        // init ref in q_js_rt

        let rti_weak = Arc::downgrade(&ret.inner);

        ret.exe_task_in_event_loop(move || {
            QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with_mut(move |m_q_js_rt| {

        // run single job in eventQueue to init thread_local weak<rtref>

            feature = "settimeout",
            feature = "setinterval",
            feature = "console",
            feature = "setimmediate"
            let res = crate::features::init(&ret);
            if res.is_err() {
                panic!("could not init features: {}", res.err().unwrap());

        if let Some(interval) = builder.opt_gc_interval {
            let rti_ref: Weak<QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner> = Arc::downgrade(&ret.inner);
            std::thread::spawn(move || loop {
                if let Some(el) = rti_ref.upgrade() {
                    log::trace!("running gc from gc interval thread");
                    el.event_loop.add_void(|| {
                            .try_with(|rc| {
                                let rt = &*rc.borrow();
                            .expect("QJS_RT.try_with failed");
                } else {

        let init_hooks: Vec<_> = builder.runtime_init_hooks.drain(..).collect();

        ret.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| {
            QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with_mut(|q_js_rt| {
                for native_module_loader in builder.native_module_loaders {
                for script_module_loader in builder.script_module_loaders {
                for compiled_module_loader in builder.compiled_module_loaders {
                q_js_rt.script_pre_processors = builder.script_pre_processors;

                if let Some(limit) = builder.opt_memory_limit_bytes {
                    unsafe {
                        q::JS_SetMemoryLimit(q_js_rt.runtime, limit as _);
                if let Some(threshold) = builder.opt_gc_threshold {
                    unsafe {
                        q::JS_SetGCThreshold(q_js_rt.runtime, threshold as _);
                if let Some(stack_size) = builder.opt_max_stack_size {
                    unsafe {
                        q::JS_SetMaxStackSize(q_js_rt.runtime, stack_size as _);
                if let Some(interrupt_handler) = builder.interrupt_handler {

        for hook in init_hooks {
            match hook(&ret) {
                Ok(_) => {}
                Err(e) => {
                    panic!("runtime_init_hook failed: {}", e);


    /// get memory usage for this runtime
    pub async fn memory_usage(&self) -> MemoryUsage {
        self.js_loop(|rt| rt.memory_usage()).await

    pub(crate) fn clear_contexts(&self) {
        self.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| {
            let context_ids = QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::get_context_ids();
            for id in context_ids {

    /// this can be used to run a function in the event_queue thread for the QuickJSRuntime
    /// without borrowing the q_js_rt
    pub fn add_task_to_event_loop_void<C>(&self, task: C)
        C: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,

    pub fn exe_task_in_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(&self, task: C) -> R
        C: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,

    pub fn add_task_to_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(&self, task: C) -> impl Future<Output = R>
        C: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,

    /// this is how you add a closure to the worker thread which has an instance of the QuickJsRuntime
    /// this will run asynchronously
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// rt.add_rt_task_to_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
    ///     // here you are in the worker thread and you can use the quickjs_utils
    ///     q_js_rt.gc();
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn add_rt_task_to_event_loop<C, R: Send + 'static>(
        task: C,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = R>
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,

    pub fn add_rt_task_to_event_loop_void<C>(&self, task: C)
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) + Send + 'static,

    /// used to add tasks from the worker threads which require run_pending_jobs_if_any to run after it
    pub(crate) fn add_local_task_to_event_loop<C>(consumer: C)
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) + 'static,

    pub fn builder() -> QuickJsRuntimeBuilder {

    /// Evaluate a script asynchronously
    pub async fn eval(&self, script: Script) -> Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> {
        self.add_rt_task_to_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
            let res = q_ctx.eval(script);
            match res {
                Ok(js) => EsValueFacade::from_jsval(q_ctx, &js),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    /// Evaluate a script and return the result synchronously
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// let script = Script::new("my_file.es", "(9 * 3);");
    /// let res = rt.eval_sync(script).ok().expect("script failed");
    /// assert_eq!(res.get_i32(), 27);
    /// ```
    pub fn eval_sync(&self, script: Script) -> Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> {
        self.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(move |q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
            let res = q_ctx.eval(script);
            match res {
                Ok(val_ref) => EsValueFacade::from_jsval(q_ctx, &val_ref),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    /// run the garbage collector asynchronously
    pub async fn gc(&self) {
        self.add_rt_task_to_event_loop(|q_js_rt| q_js_rt.gc()).await

    /// run the garbage collector and wait for it to be done
    pub fn gc_sync(&self) {
        self.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(|q_js_rt| q_js_rt.gc())

    /// call a function in the engine and await the result
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::es_args;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::esvalue::EsValueConvertible;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::esvalue::EsValueFacade;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// let script = Script::new("my_file.es", "this.com = {my: {methodA: function(a, b, someStr, someBool){return a*b;}}};");
    /// rt.eval_sync(script).ok().expect("script failed");
    /// let res = rt.call_function_sync(vec!["com", "my"], "methodA", vec![7i32.to_es_value_facade(), 5i32.to_es_value_facade(), "abc".to_string().to_es_value_facade(), true.to_es_value_facade()]).ok().expect("func failed");
    /// assert_eq!(res.get_i32(), 35);
    /// ```
    pub fn call_function_sync(
        namespace: Vec<&'static str>,
        func_name: &str,
        mut arguments: Vec<EsValueFacade>,
    ) -> Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> {
        let func_name_string = func_name.to_string();

        self.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(move |q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();

            let mut q_args = vec![];
            for arg in &mut arguments {

            let res = q_ctx.call_function(namespace, func_name_string.as_str(), q_args);
            match res {
                Ok(val_ref) => EsValueFacade::from_jsval(q_ctx, &val_ref),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    /// call a function in the engine asynchronously
    /// N.B. func_name is not a &str because of <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/56238> (i think)
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::esvalue::EsValueConvertible;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// let script = Script::new("my_file.es", "this.com = {my: {methodA: function(a, b){return a*b;}}};");
    /// rt.eval_sync(script).ok().expect("script failed");
    /// rt.call_function(vec!["com", "my"], "methodA".to_string(), vec![7.to_es_value_facade(), 5.to_es_value_facade()]);
    /// ```
    pub async fn call_function(
        namespace: Vec<&'static str>,
        func_name: String,
        mut arguments: Vec<EsValueFacade>,
    ) -> Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> {
        let func_name_string = func_name.to_string();

        self.add_rt_task_to_event_loop(move |q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
            let mut q_args = vec![];
            for arg in &mut arguments {
                match arg.as_js_value(q_ctx) {
                    Ok(js_arg) => q_args.push(js_arg),
                    Err(err) => log::error!(
                        "error occurred in async esruntime::call_function closure: {}",

            let res = q_ctx.call_function(namespace, func_name_string.as_str(), q_args);
            match res {
                Ok(js_ref) => EsValueFacade::from_jsval(q_ctx, &js_ref),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    /// evaluate a module, you need if you want to compile a script that contains static imports
    /// e.g.
    /// ```javascript
    /// import {util} from 'file.mes';
    /// console.log(util(1, 2, 3));
    /// ```
    /// please note that the module is cached under the absolute path you passed in the Script object
    /// and thus you should take care to make the path unique (hence the absolute_ name)
    /// also to use this you need to build the EsRuntime with a module loader closure
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::esvalue::EsValueConvertible;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::modules::ScriptModuleLoader;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::quickjsrealmadapter::QuickJsRealmAdapter;
    /// struct TestModuleLoader {}
    /// impl ScriptModuleLoader<QuickJsRealmAdapter> for TestModuleLoader {
    ///     fn normalize_path(&self, _realm: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, ref_path: &str,path: &str) -> Option<String> {
    ///         Some(path.to_string())
    ///     }
    ///     fn load_module(&self, _realm: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, absolute_path: &str) -> String {
    ///         "export const util = function(a, b, c){return a+b+c;};".to_string()
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().script_module_loader(Box::new(TestModuleLoader{})).build();
    /// let script = Script::new("/opt/files/my_module.mes", "import {util} from 'other_module.mes';\n
    /// console.log(util(1, 2, 3));");
    /// rt.eval_module(script);
    /// ```
    pub async fn eval_module(&self, script: Script) {
        self.add_rt_task_to_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
            let res = q_ctx.eval_module(script);
            match res {
                Ok(_) => {}
                Err(e) => log::error!("error in async eval {}", e),

    /// evaluate a module and return result synchronously
    pub fn eval_module_sync(&self, script: Script) -> Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> {
        self.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(move |q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
            let res = q_ctx.eval_module(script);
            match res {
                Ok(val_ref) => EsValueFacade::from_jsval(q_ctx, &val_ref),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    /// this is how you add a closure to the worker thread which has an instance of the QuickJsRuntime
    /// this will run and return synchronously
    /// # example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::quickjs_utils::primitives;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// let res = rt.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
    ///     let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
    ///     // here you are in the worker thread and you can use the quickjs_utils
    ///     let val_ref = q_ctx.eval(Script::new("test.es", "(11 * 6);")).ok().expect("script failed");
    ///     primitives::to_i32(&val_ref).ok().expect("could not get i32")
    /// });
    /// assert_eq!(res, 66);
    /// ```
    pub fn exe_rt_task_in_event_loop<C, R>(&self, consumer: C) -> R
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,
        R: Send + 'static,
        self.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(consumer))

    /// this adds a rust function to JavaScript, it is added for all current and future contexts
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::quickjs_utils::primitives;
    /// use quickjs_runtime::esvalue::{EsValueFacade, EsValueConvertible};
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// rt.set_function(vec!["com", "mycompany", "util"], "methodA", |q_ctx, args: Vec<EsValueFacade>|{
    ///     let a = args[0].get_i32();
    ///     let b = args[1].get_i32();
    ///     Ok((a * b).to_es_value_facade())
    /// });
    /// let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new("test.es", "let a = com.mycompany.util.methodA(13, 17); a * 2;")).ok().expect("script failed");
    /// assert_eq!(res.get_i32(), (13*17*2));
    /// ```
    pub fn set_function<F>(
        namespace: Vec<&'static str>,
        name: &str,
        function: F,
    ) -> Result<(), JsError>
        F: Fn(&QuickJsRealmAdapter, Vec<EsValueFacade>) -> Result<EsValueFacade, JsError>
            + Send
            + 'static,
        let name = name.to_string();
        self.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(move |q_js_rt| {
            let func_rc = Rc::new(function);
            let name = name.to_string();

            q_js_rt.add_context_init_hook(move |_q_js_rt, q_ctx| {
                let ns = objects::get_namespace_q(q_ctx, namespace.clone(), true)?;

                let func_rc = func_rc.clone();

                let func = functions::new_function_q(
                    move |q_ctx, _this_ref, args| {
                        let mut args_facades = vec![];

                        for arg_ref in args {
                            args_facades.push(EsValueFacade::from_jsval(q_ctx, arg_ref)?);

                        let res = func_rc(q_ctx, args_facades);

                        match res {
                            Ok(mut val_esvf) => val_esvf.as_js_value(q_ctx),
                            Err(e) => Err(e),

                objects::set_property2_q(q_ctx, &ns, name.as_str(), &func, 0)?;


    /// add a task the the "helper" thread pool
    pub fn add_helper_task<T>(task: T)
        T: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
        log::trace!("adding a helper task");

    /// add an async task the the "helper" thread pool
    pub fn add_helper_task_async<R: Send + 'static, T: Future<Output = R> + Send + 'static>(
        task: T,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<R, JoinError>> {
        log::trace!("adding an async helper task");

    /// create a new context besides the always existing main_context
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use quickjs_runtime::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    /// use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    /// let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
    /// rt.create_context("my_context");
    /// rt.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
    ///    let my_ctx = q_js_rt.get_context("my_context");
    ///    my_ctx.eval(Script::new("ctx_test.es", "this.myVar = 'only exists in my_context';"));
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn create_context(&self, id: &str) -> Result<(), JsError> {
        let id = id.to_string();
            .exe(move || QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::create_context(id.as_str()))

    /// drop a context which was created earlier with a call to [create_context()](struct.EsRuntime.html#method.create_context)
    pub fn drop_context(&self, id: &str) {
        let id = id.to_string();
            .exe(move || QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::remove_context(id.as_str()))

fn loop_realm_func<
    R: Send + 'static,
    C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter, &QuickJsRealmAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,
    realm_name: Option<String>,
    consumer: C,
) -> R {
    let res = QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {
        if let Some(realm_str) = realm_name.as_ref() {
            if let Some(realm) = q_js_rt.js_get_realm(realm_str) {
                (Some(consumer(q_js_rt, realm)), None)
            } else {
                (None, Some(consumer))
        } else {
            (Some(consumer(q_js_rt, q_js_rt.js_get_main_realm())), None)

    if let Some(res) = res.0 {
    } else {
        // create realm first
        let consumer = res.1.unwrap();
        let realm_str = realm_name.expect("invalid state");

        QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with_mut(|m_rt| {
            let ctx = QuickJsRealmAdapter::new(realm_str.to_string(), m_rt);
            m_rt.contexts.insert(realm_str.to_string(), ctx);

        QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with(|q_js_rt| {
            let realm = q_js_rt
                .expect("invalid state");
            let hooks = &*q_js_rt.context_init_hooks.borrow();
            for hook in hooks {
                let res = hook(q_js_rt, realm);
                if res.is_err() {
                    panic!("realm init hook failed: {}", res.err().unwrap());

            consumer(q_js_rt, realm)

impl JsRuntimeFacade for QuickJsRuntimeFacade {
    type JsRuntimeAdapterType = QuickJsRuntimeAdapter;
    type JsRuntimeFacadeInnerType = QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner;

    fn js_get_runtime_facade_inner(&self) -> Weak<QuickjsRuntimeFacadeInner> {

    fn js_realm_create(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), JsError> {
        let name = name.to_string();
            .exe(move || QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::create_context(name.as_str()))

    fn js_realm_destroy(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), JsError> {
        let name = name.to_string();
        self.exe_task_in_event_loop(move || {
            QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with_mut(|rt| {
                if rt.js_get_realm(name.as_str()).is_some() {

    fn js_realm_has(&self, name: &str) -> Result<bool, JsError> {
        let name = name.to_string();
        self.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(move |rt| Ok(rt.js_get_realm(name.as_str()).is_some()))

    fn js_loop_sync<R: Send + 'static, C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static>(
        consumer: C,
    ) -> R {

    fn js_loop_sync_mut<
        R: Send + 'static,
        C: FnOnce(&mut Self::JsRuntimeAdapterType) -> R + Send + 'static,
        consumer: C,
    ) -> R {
        self.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| QuickJsRuntimeAdapter::do_with_mut(consumer))

    fn js_loop<R: Send + 'static, C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static>(
        consumer: C,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = R> + Send>> {

    fn js_loop_void<C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter) + Send + 'static>(&self, consumer: C) {

    fn js_loop_realm_sync<
        R: Send + 'static,
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter, &QuickJsRealmAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        consumer: C,
    ) -> R {
        let realm_name = realm_name.map(|s| s.to_string());
        self.exe_task_in_event_loop(|| loop_realm_func(realm_name, consumer))

    fn js_loop_realm<
        R: Send + 'static,
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter, &QuickJsRealmAdapter) -> R + Send + 'static,
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        consumer: C,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = R>>> {
        let realm_name = realm_name.map(|s| s.to_string());
        Box::pin(self.add_task_to_event_loop(|| loop_realm_func(realm_name, consumer)))

    fn js_loop_realm_void<
        C: FnOnce(&QuickJsRuntimeAdapter, &QuickJsRealmAdapter) + Send + 'static,
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        consumer: C,
    ) {
        let realm_name = realm_name.map(|s| s.to_string());
        self.add_task_to_event_loop_void(|| loop_realm_func(realm_name, consumer));

    fn js_eval(
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        script: Script,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<JsValueFacade, JsError>>>> {
        self.js_loop_realm(realm_name, |_rt, realm| {
            let res = realm.js_eval(script);
            match res {
                Ok(jsvr) => realm.to_js_value_facade(&jsvr),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    fn js_eval_module(
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        script: Script,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(), JsError>>>> {
        self.js_loop_realm(realm_name, |_rt, realm| {
            let res = realm.js_eval_module(script);
            res.map(|_| ())

    fn js_function_invoke_sync(
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        namespace: &[&str],
        method_name: &str,
        args: Vec<JsValueFacade>,
    ) -> Result<JsValueFacade, JsError> {
        let movable_namespace: Vec<String> = namespace.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
        let movable_method_name = method_name.to_string();

        self.js_loop_realm_sync(realm_name, move |_rt, realm| {
            let args_adapters: Vec<JSValueRef> = args
                .map(|jsvf| realm.from_js_value_facade(jsvf).expect("conversion failed"))

            let namespace = movable_namespace
                .map(|s| s.as_str())

            let res = realm.js_function_invoke_by_name(

            match res {
                Ok(jsvr) => realm.to_js_value_facade(&jsvr),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    fn js_function_invoke(
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        namespace: &[&str],
        method_name: &str,
        args: Vec<JsValueFacade>,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<JsValueFacade, JsError>>>> {
        let movable_namespace: Vec<String> = namespace.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
        let movable_method_name = method_name.to_string();

        self.js_loop_realm(realm_name, move |_rt, realm| {
            let args_adapters: Vec<JSValueRef> = args
                .map(|jsvf| realm.from_js_value_facade(jsvf).expect("conversion failed"))

            let namespace = movable_namespace
                .map(|s| s.as_str())

            let res = realm.js_function_invoke_by_name(

            match res {
                Ok(jsvr) => realm.to_js_value_facade(&jsvr),
                Err(e) => Err(e),

    fn js_function_invoke_void(
        realm_name: Option<&str>,
        namespace: &[&str],
        method_name: &str,
        args: Vec<JsValueFacade>,
    ) {
        let movable_namespace: Vec<String> = namespace.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
        let movable_method_name = method_name.to_string();

        self.js_loop_realm_void(realm_name, move |_rt, realm| {
            let args_adapters: Vec<JSValueRef> = args
                .map(|jsvf| realm.from_js_value_facade(jsvf).expect("conversion failed"))

            let namespace = movable_namespace
                .map(|s| s.as_str())

            let res = realm
                .map(|jsvr| realm.to_js_value_facade(&jsvr));

            match res {
                Ok(_) => {
                        "js_function_invoke_void succeeded: {}",
                Err(err) => {
                        "js_function_invoke_void failed: {}: {}",

pub mod tests {
    use crate::esvalue::{EsValueConvertible, EsValueFacade};
    use crate::facades::QuickJsRuntimeFacade;
    use crate::quickjs_utils::{primitives, promises};
    use crate::quickjsrealmadapter::QuickJsRealmAdapter;
    use crate::valueref::JSValueRef;
    use backtrace::Backtrace;
    use futures::executor::block_on;
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::modules::{NativeModuleLoader, ScriptModuleLoader};
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::JsError;
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;
    use log::debug;
    use log::LevelFilter;
    use std::panic;
    use std::time::Duration;

    struct TestNativeModuleLoader {}
    struct TestScriptModuleLoader {}

    impl NativeModuleLoader<QuickJsRealmAdapter> for TestNativeModuleLoader {
        fn has_module(&self, _q_ctx: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, module_name: &str) -> bool {

        fn get_module_export_names(
            _q_ctx: &QuickJsRealmAdapter,
            _module_name: &str,
        ) -> Vec<&str> {
            vec!["a", "b", "c"]

        fn get_module_exports(
            _q_ctx: &QuickJsRealmAdapter,
            _module_name: &str,
        ) -> Vec<(&str, JSValueRef)> {
                ("a", primitives::from_i32(1234)),
                ("b", primitives::from_i32(64834)),
                ("c", primitives::from_i32(333)),

    impl ScriptModuleLoader<QuickJsRealmAdapter> for TestScriptModuleLoader {
        fn normalize_path(
            _realm: &QuickJsRealmAdapter,
            _ref_path: &str,
            path: &str,
        ) -> Option<String> {
            if path.eq("notfound.mes") || path.starts_with("greco://") {
            } else {

        fn load_module(&self, _realm: &QuickJsRealmAdapter, absolute_path: &str) -> String {
            if absolute_path.eq("notfound.mes") || absolute_path.starts_with("greco://") {
                panic!("tht realy should not happen");
            } else if absolute_path.eq("invalid.mes") {
                "I am the great cornholio! thou'gh shalt&s not p4arse mie!".to_string()
            } else {
                "export const foo = 'bar';\nexport const mltpl = function(a, b){return a*b;}; globalThis;".to_string()

    fn test_rt_drop() {
        let rt = init_test_rt();
        log::trace!("before drop");

        log::trace!("after before drop");
        log::trace!("after sleep");

    pub fn test_stack_size() {
        let rt = init_test_rt();
        // 120 is ok, 200 fails
        let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new(
            "let f = function(a){let f2 = arguments.callee; if (a < 120) {f2(a + 1);}}; f(1);",
        match res {
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(e) => {
                log::error!("fail: {}", e);
                panic!("fail: {}", e);

        let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new(
            "let f = function(a){let f2 = arguments.callee; if (a < 1000) {f2(a + 1);}}; f(1);",
        if res.is_ok() {
            panic!("stack should have overflowed");

    pub fn init_test_rt() -> QuickJsRuntimeFacade {
        panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| {
            let backtrace = Backtrace::new();
                "thread panic occurred: {}\nbacktrace: {:?}",
                panic_info, backtrace
                "thread panic occurred: {}\nbacktrace: {:?}",

        simple_logging::log_to_file("quickjs_runtime.log", LevelFilter::max())
            .expect("could not init logger");

            .max_stack_size(128 * 1024)
            .script_module_loader(Box::new(TestScriptModuleLoader {}))
            .native_module_loader(Box::new(TestNativeModuleLoader {}))

    fn test_func() {
        let rt = init_test_rt();
        let res = rt.set_function(vec!["nl", "my", "utils"], "methodA", |_q_ctx, args| {
            if args.len() != 2 || !args.get(0).unwrap().is_i32() || !args.get(1).unwrap().is_i32() {
                    "i'd really like 2 args of the int32 kind please",
            } else {
                let a = args.get(0).unwrap().get_i32();
                let b = args.get(1).unwrap().get_i32();
                Ok((a * b).to_es_value_facade())

        match res {
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(e) => {
                panic!("set_function failed: {}", e);

        let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new(
            "(nl.my.utils.methodA(13, 56));",

        match res {
            Ok(val) => {
                assert_eq!(val.get_i32(), 13 * 56);
            Err(e) => {
                panic!("test_func.es failed: {}", e);

    fn test_eval_sync() {
        let rt = init_test_rt();
        let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new("test.es", "console.log('foo bar');"));

        match res {
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(e) => {
                panic!("eval failed: {}", e);

        let res = rt
            .eval_sync(Script::new("test.es", "(2 * 7);"))
            .expect("script failed");

        assert_eq!(res.get_i32(), 14);

    fn t1234() {
        // test stack overflow
        let rt = init_test_rt();

        rt.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {
            let q_ctx = q_js_rt.get_main_context();
            let r = q_ctx.eval(Script::new(
                "let f = async function(){let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {resolve(12345);}); const p2 = await p; return p2}; f();",
            log::trace!("tag = {}", r.get_tag());

            assert!(promises::is_promise_q(q_ctx, &r));

            if promises::is_promise_q(q_ctx, &r) {
                log::info!("r IS a Promise");
            } else {
                log::error!("r is NOT a Promise");


        rt.exe_rt_task_in_event_loop(|q_js_rt| {


    fn test_eval_await() {
        let rt = init_test_rt();

        let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new(
            "{let f = async function(){let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {resolve(12345);}); const p2 = await p; return p2}; f()};",

        match res {
            Ok(esvf) => {
                let p_res = esvf.get_promise_result_sync();
                if p_res.is_err() {
                    panic!("{:?}", p_res.err().unwrap());
                let res = p_res.ok().unwrap();
                assert_eq!(res.get_i32(), 12345);
            Err(e) => {
                panic!("eval failed: {}", e);

    fn test_promise() {
        let rt = init_test_rt();

        let res = rt.eval_sync(Script::new(
            "let test_promise_P = (new Promise(function(res, rej) {console.log('before res');res(123);console.log('after res');}).then(function (a) {console.log('prom ressed to ' + a);}).catch(function(x) {console.log('p.ca ex=' + x);}))",

        match res {
            Ok(_) => {}
            Err(e) => panic!("p script failed: {}", e),

    fn test_module_sync() {
        log::info!("> test_module_sync");

        let rt = init_test_rt();
        debug!("test static import");
        let res: Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> = rt.eval_module_sync(Script::new(
            "import {foo} from 'test_module.mes';\n console.log('static imp foo = ' + foo);",

        match res {
            Ok(_) => {
                log::debug!("static import ok");
            Err(e) => {
                log::error!("static import failed: {}", e);

        debug!("test dynamic import");
        let res: Result<EsValueFacade, JsError> = rt.eval_sync(Script::new(
            "console.log('about to load dynamic module');let dyn_p = import('test_module.mes');dyn_p.then(function (some) {console.log('after dyn');console.log('after dyn ' + typeof some);console.log('mltpl 5, 7 = ' + some.mltpl(5, 7));});dyn_p.catch(function (x) {console.log('imp.cat x=' + x);});console.log('dyn done');",

        match res {
            Ok(_) => {
                log::debug!("dynamic import ok");
            Err(e) => {
                log::error!("dynamic import failed: {}", e);

        log::info!("< test_module_sync");

    async fn test_async1() -> i32 {
        let rt = init_test_rt();

        let a = rt.eval(Script::new("test_async.es", "122 + 1;")).await;
        match a {
            Ok(a) => a.get_i32(),
            Err(e) => panic!("script failed: {}", e),

    fn test_async() {
        let fut = test_async1();
        let res = block_on(fut);
        assert_eq!(res, 123);

    fn test_macro() {
        let _args = es_args!(1, 2i32, true, "sdf".to_string());

pub mod abstraction_tests {
    use crate::builder::QuickJsRuntimeBuilder;
    use crate::facades::tests::init_test_rt;
    use futures::executor::block_on;
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::adapters::JsRealmAdapter;
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::facades::values::JsValueFacade;
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::facades::JsRuntimeFacade;
    use hirofa_utils::js_utils::Script;

    async fn example<T: JsRuntimeFacade>(rt: &T) -> JsValueFacade {
        // add a job for the main realm (None as realm_name)
        rt.js_loop_realm(None, |_rt_adapter, realm_adapter| {
            let script = Script::new("example.js", "7 + 13");
            let value_adapter = realm_adapter.js_eval(script).expect("script failed");
            // convert value_adapter to value_facade because value_adapter is not Send
                .expect("conversion failed")

    fn test1() {
        // start a new runtime
        let rt = QuickJsRuntimeBuilder::new().build();
        let val = block_on(example(&rt));
        if let JsValueFacade::I32 { val } = val {
            assert_eq!(val, 20);
        } else {
            panic!("not an i32");

    async fn test_serde() {
        let json = r#"
                "a": 1,
                "b": true,
                "c": {
                    "d": "q",
                    "e": [1, 2, 3.3]

        let value = serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(&json).expect("json fail");
        let input: JsValueFacade = JsValueFacade::SerdeValue { value };
        let rt = init_test_rt();

        let _ = rt.js_eval(None,Script::new("t.js", r#"
            function testSerde(input) {
                return "" + input.a + input.b + input.c.d + input.c.e[0] + input.c.e[1] + input.c.e[2];
        "#)).await.expect("script failed");

        let res = rt
            .js_function_invoke(None, &[], "testSerde", vec![input])
            .expect("func failed");

        assert_eq!(res.get_str(), "1trueq123.3");