quickjs_runtime 0.1.0

An API and Utils around the QuickJS script engine
# quickjs_runtime

quickjs_runtime is a library for quickly getting started with embedding a javascript engine in your rust project.

**DISCLAIMER: This project is far from what I would call "Battle Tested", use at your own risk.**

quickjs_runtime focuses purely on making [quickjs](https://bellard.org/quickjs/) easy to use and does not add anny additional features, that where these projects come in:
* A more feature-rich runtime can be found in [ESsesLib-q]https://github.com/HiRoFa/ESsesLib-q.
* There is also a commandline client: [ESsesCmd-q]https://github.com/HiRoFa/ESsesCmd-q.
* And last but not least there is GreenCopper which aspires to be a full fledged application platform: [Green-Copper-q]https://github.com/HiRoFa/Green-Copper-q.

This project is heavily inspired by the awesome quickjs wrapper at [theduke/quickjs-rs](https://github.com/theduke/quickjs-rs) and still uses its low level bindings [libquickjs-sys](https://crates.io/crates/libquickjs-sys).

The big difference to quickjs-rs is that quickjs_runtime executes all quickjs related code in a dedicated single-threaded EventQueue.

# This lib serves two main goals:

## 1. Provide simple utils for working with quickjs (these are located in the quickjs_utils mod)
* The QuickJSRuntime struct, this is to be used from a single thread 
* E.g. objects::set_property(), functions::invoke_func()
* Wrap JSValue to provide reference counting (+1 on init, -1 on drop)
* Pass a module loader

## 2. Wrap quickjs for use as a ready to go JavaScript Runtime
* This is the ESRuntime struct, it provides an EventQueue which has a thread_local QuickJSRuntime
* All values are copied or abstracted in an ESValueFacade
* So no need to worry about Garbage collection
* Get Promise result blocking or async

# What works?

## Script and Modules

* console (.log/info/debug/trace/error)
* Eval script ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/esruntime/struct.EsRuntime.html#method.eval_sync)
* Create promises in JavaScript which execute async
* Eval modules ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/esruntime/struct.EsRuntime.html#method.eval_module_sync)
* Load modules (dynamic and static) ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/esruntimebuilder/struct.EsRuntimeBuilder.html#method.module_script_loader)
* fetch api [#2]https://github.com/HiRoFa/quickjs_es_runtime/issues/2
* setImmediate [#3]https://github.com/HiRoFa/quickjs_es_runtime/issues/3
* setTimeout/Interval (and clear) [#4]https://github.com/HiRoFa/quickjs_es_runtime/issues/4

## Rust-Script interoperability

* Return Promises from rust functions and resolve them from rust ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/esruntime_utils/promises/fn.new_resolving_promise.html)
* Add functions from rust ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/esruntime/struct.EsRuntime.html#method.set_function)
* Invoke JS functions from rust ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/esruntime/struct.EsRuntime.html#method.call_function_sync)
* Pass primitives, objects and arrays from and to rust ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/quickjs_utils/primitives/index.html)
* Create Classes from rust ([docs]https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/reflection/struct.Proxy.html)

## Future / Todo

* Worker support
* import native Modules (e.g. dynamic loading of rust functions) [#9]https://github.com/HiRoFa/quickjs_es_runtime/issues/9
* EventTarget support in Proxies
* WebAssembly support
* Macro / IFDef support
* Pre processing (for e.g. typescript)

# goals

Same goals as https://github.com/HiRoFa/es_runtime but with using quickjs

* slower js

* smaller footprint 
* much faster compilation

For some of my projects those are a big plus!

# examples

see the [DOCS](https://hirofa.github.io/quickjs_es_runtime/quickjs_runtime/index.html) for all inner working but here are some quickstarts:


quickjs_runtime = "0.1.0"
log = "0.4.11"
simple-logging = "2.0.2"



use quickjs_runtime::esruntimebuilder::EsRuntimeBuilder;
use quickjs_runtime::esscript::EsScript;
use quickjs_runtime::esvalue::EsValueFacade;

fn load_module(base: &str, name: &str) -> Option<EsScript> {
    // you should load your modules from files here
    // please note that you need to return the name as absolute_path in the returned script struct
    // return None if module is not found
    Some(EsScript::new(name, "export const foo = 12;"))

fn main() {

    let rt = EsRuntimeBuilder::new()

    // eval some basic stuff

        "this.my_app_utils = {f: function(a, b){return a * b;}, f2: function(rf){rf(12);}};",
    .expect("basics.es failed");

## invoke a js method from rust

    let a = 8.to_es_value_facade();
    let b = 7.to_es_value_facade();
    let res = rt.call_function_sync(vec!["my_app_utils"], "f", vec![a, b]);
    match res {
        Ok(val) => log::info!("8*7 in JavaScript = {}", val.get_i32()),
        Err(e) => println!("script failed: {}", e),

## add a function from rust and invoke it

    rt.set_function(vec!["nl", "my", "utils"], "methodA", |args| {
        if args.len() != 2 || !args.get(0).unwrap().is_i32() || !args.get(1).unwrap().is_i32() {
                "i'd really like 2 args of the int32 kind please",
        } else {
            let a = args.get(0).unwrap().get_i32();
            let b = args.get(1).unwrap().get_i32();
            log::info!("rust is multiplying {} and {}", a, b);
            Ok((a * b).to_es_value_facade())
    .expect("set_function failed");

    let method_a_res = rt.eval_sync(EsScript::new(
        "(nl.my.utils.methodA(13, 56));",

    match method_a_res {
        Ok(val) => {
            assert_eq!(val.get_i32(), 13 * 56);
        Err(e) => {
            panic!("test_func.es failed: {}", e);

## eval a module

    import {foo} from 'example.mes';\
    console.log('static foo is ' + foo);\
    .expect("module failed");

## eval a module with a dynamic import

    .then((example_module) => {\
        console.log('dynamic foo is ' + example_module.foo);\
    .expect("script failed");

##  get a function from js and invoke it in rust

    rt.set_function(vec!["nl", "my", "utils"], "methodB", |mut args| {
        if args.len() != 1 || !args.get(0).unwrap().is_function() {
                "i'd really like 1 arg of the function kind please",
        } else {
            let consumer_func = args.remove(0);

            // invoke the func async, just because we can
            std::thread::spawn(move || {
                let a = 19.to_es_value_facade();
                let b = 17.to_es_value_facade();
                    .invoke_function(vec![a, b])
                    .expect("func failed");

            Ok(quickjs_es_runtime::esvalue::EsNullValue {}.to_es_value_facade())
    .expect("set_function failed");

        "(nl.my.utils.methodB(function(a, b){console.log('consumer was called with ' +a + ', ' + b);}));",
    )).ok().expect("test_func2.es failed");

    // wait a sec for the async onvoker to run