quickbacktrack 0.1.0

Library for back tracking with customizable search for moves


Library for back tracking with customizable search for moves

Back tracking is a general algorithm for finding solutions to constraint satisfaction problems.

With other words, it solves puzzles like Sudoku or Knapsack!


  • Customizable search for moves
  • Debug settings for watching the solving in real time
  • Solve simple steps to reduce debug output
  • Trait Puzzle for solving generic constraint satisfaction problems
  • Can start with non-empty puzzle
  • Get get difference from initial puzzle state


 ___ ___ ___
|436| 8 |751|
|17 | 34|8 9|
|698| 7 |413|
Guess [5, 0], 2 depth 50 51

To run, open up Terminal and type:

cargo run --example sudoku


Item { desc: "chocolate", weight: 0.2, value: 40 }
Item { desc: "book", weight: 0.5, value: 300 }
Item { desc: "hat", weight: 0.1, value: 1000 }
total weight: 0.7999999999999999
total value: 1340

To run, open up in Terminal and type:

cargo run --example knapsack