quick_cache 0.2.0

Lightweight and high performance concurrent cache

Quick Cache

Lightweight and high performance concurrent cache optimized for low cache overhead.

  • Small overhead compared to a concurrent hash table
  • Scan resistent and high hit rate caching policy
  • User defined weight per item
  • Scales well with the number of threads
  • Doesn't use background threads
  • 100% safe code in the crate
  • Small dependency tree

The implementation is optimized for use cases where the cache access times and overhead can add up to be a significant cost. Features like: time to live, event listeners and others; are not current implemented in Quick Cache. If you need these features you may want to take a look at the Moka crate.


Basic usage

use quick_cache::unsync::Cache;

fn main() {
    let cache = Cache::new(5);
    cache.insert("square", "blue");
    cache.insert("circle", "black");
    assert_eq!(*cache.get(&"square").unwrap(), "blue");
    assert_eq!(*cache.get(&"circle").unwrap(), "black");

A cache with custom item weights. In this case according to the string length of the value.

use quick_cache::{Weighter, sync::Cache};

struct StringWeighter;

impl Weighter<u64, (), String> for StringWeighter {
    fn weight(&self, _key: &u64, _qey: &(), val: &String) -> NonZeroU32 {
        NonZeroU32::new(val.len().clamp(1, u32::MAX as usize) as u32).unwrap()

fn main() {
    let cache = Cache::with_weighter(100, 100_000, StringWeighter);
    cache.insert(1, "1".to_string());
    cache.insert(54, "54".to_string());
    cache.insert(1000, "1000".to_string());
    assert_eq!(*cache.get(&"1000").unwrap(), "1000");

Two keys variant (KQCache), which allows the caller to avoid making expensive keys on gets.

use quick_cache::sync::KQCache;

fn main() {
    let cache = KQCache::new(5);
    cache.insert("square".to_string(), 2022, "blue");
    cache.insert("square".to_string(), 2023, "black");
    // In a "non-versioned" cache would use a tuple (String, u32) as keys, which could force
    // the caller to clone/allocate the string in order to form the tuple key.
    // That is not the case with a versioned cache.
    assert_eq!(cache.get("square", &2022).unwrap(), "blue");


Since this crate is performance oriented it needs some comparisons. That said, benchmarks can be misleading so take everything with a pinch of salt.

Benchmarks performed with a modified version of mokabench in a x64 Linux OS + AMD 4900HS CPU system.

Trace 1 (S3 from the Arc paper)

Cache Max Capacity Clients Hit Ratio Duration Secs
QuickCache 100000 1 12.763 7.959
QuickCache 100000 4 12.765 3.333
QuickCache 100000 8 12.764 2.785
Moka Sync Cache 100000 1 10.653 43.169
Moka Sync Cache 100000 4 10.504 44.138
Moka Sync Cache 100000 8 10.547 42.064
Moka Dash Cache 100000 1 10.594 29.46
Moka Dash Cache 100000 4 10.558 22.415
Moka Dash Cache 100000 8 10.573 21.411
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 100000 1 10.099 36.963
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 100000 4 10.158 19.809
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 100000 8 10.181 15.021
QuickCache 400000 1 42.066 10.25
QuickCache 400000 4 42.066 3.644
QuickCache 400000 8 42.066 3.171
Moka Sync Cache 400000 1 42.361 34.572
Moka Sync Cache 400000 4 41.137 32.692
Moka Sync Cache 400000 8 40.972 34.646
Moka Dash Cache 400000 1 41.487 24.216
Moka Dash Cache 400000 4 41.054 17.642
Moka Dash Cache 400000 8 41.106 17.443
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 400000 1 42.391 32.021
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 400000 4 42.369 19.14
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 400000 8 42.382 16.229
QuickCache 800000 1 66.804 11.022
QuickCache 800000 4 66.804 3.223
QuickCache 800000 8 66.804 2.753
Moka Sync Cache 800000 1 69.997 21.171
Moka Sync Cache 800000 4 65.976 18.575
Moka Sync Cache 800000 8 65.329 18.081
Moka Dash Cache 800000 1 70.119 15.257
Moka Dash Cache 800000 4 65.624 10.837
Moka Dash Cache 800000 8 65.843 10.172
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 800000 1 70.325 23.146
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 800000 4 70.318 12.466
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 800000 8 69.981 10.56

Trace 2 (DS1 from the Arc paper)

Cache Max Capacity Clients Hit Ratio Duration Secs
QuickCache 1000000 1 15.042 26.685
QuickCache 1000000 4 15.068 9.55
QuickCache 1000000 8 15.061 6.435
Moka Dash Cache 1000000 1 14.264 77.287
Moka Dash Cache 1000000 4 12.909 79.323
Moka Dash Cache 1000000 8 12.654 74.825
Moka Sync Cache 1000000 1 15.793 158.375
Moka Sync Cache 1000000 4 13.11 152.436
Moka Sync Cache 1000000 8 12.984 152.025
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 1000000 1 14.968 139.847
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 1000000 4 14.945 90.105
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 1000000 8 15.34 80.393
QuickCache 4000000 1 44.57 24.924
QuickCache 4000000 4 44.587 9.245
QuickCache 4000000 8 44.544 5.611
Moka Dash Cache 4000000 1 44.484 50.966
Moka Dash Cache 4000000 4 39.112 44.108
Moka Dash Cache 4000000 8 36.784 44.211
Moka Sync Cache 4000000 1 44.158 104.393
Moka Sync Cache 4000000 4 37.699 106.608
Moka Sync Cache 4000000 8 39.013 103.128
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 4000000 1 45.322 91.684
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 4000000 4 45.32 62.892
Moka SegmentedCache(8) 4000000 8 44.975 56.42
QuickCache 8000000 1 71.127 16.265
QuickCache 8000000 4 71.139 5.35
QuickCache 8000000 8 71.147 3.488
Moka Dash Cache 8000000 1 68.285 32.656
Moka Dash Cache 8000000 4 64.365 25.279
Moka Dash Cache 8000000 8 63.948 24.945
Moka Sync Cache 8000000 1 67.654 43.469

Trace 3 (OLTP from the Arc paper)

This is a much smaller dataset and since Moka Dash Cache and Sync Cache over-allocate several thousants of entries (internal write buffer) they are not comparable in this test.

Cache Max Capacity Clients Hit Ratio Duration Secs
Moka Unsync Cache 256 1 21.244 0.313
QuickCache 256 1 18.349 0.29
Moka Unsync Cache 512 1 28.207 0.317
QuickCache 512 1 27.099 0.268
Moka Unsync Cache 1000 1 34.2 0.326
QuickCache 1000 1 35.932 0.276
Moka Unsync Cache 2000 1 39.868 0.322
QuickCache 2000 1 42.405 0.276



This project is licensed under the MIT license.