quick-xml 0.2.3

High performance xml reader and writer
## 0.2.3
- fix: do not write attributes on `Event::End`
## 0.2.2
- refactor: code refactoring, split largest functions into smaller ones
- refactor: use `Range` instead of `usize`s in `Element` definition
- docs: fix typo

## 0.2.1
- feat: add `Clone` to more structs
- style: apply rustfmt

## 0.2.0
- refactor: change `from_str` into impl `From<&str>`
- feat: support `Event::DocType`
- feat: add `.check_comments` to check for invalid double dashes (`--`) in comments
- fix: check that all attributes are distincts

## v0.1.9
- feat: return more precise index when erroring
- feat: have `Attributes` iterate ResultPos instead of `Result`
- feat: provide functions to unescape `&...;` characters (`.escaped_content` and `.escaped_attributes`)
- fix: have namespace resolution start one level higher

## v0.1.8
- feat: add `XmlnsReader` to iterate event and resolve namespaces!
- docs: better documentation (in particular regarding `Element` structure and design)
- test: add benchmarks, with xml-rs for a reference

## 0.1.7
- feat/fix: add `Event::PI` to manage processing instructions (`<?...?>`)
- test: add test with a sample file

## 0.1.6
- feat: parse `Event::Decl` for xml declaration so we can have `version`, `encoding` ...
- refactor: rename `position` into `buffer_position` because it sometimes conflicted with `Iterator::position`
- test: add test for buffer_position

## 0.1.5
- feat: add buffer position when erroring to help debuging (return `ResultPos` instead of `Result`)
- test: add travis CI
- docs: add merrit badge and travis status

## 0.1.4
- feat: improve Element API with new, with_attributes, push_attribute
- feat: always return raw `&[u8]` and add a `AsStr` trait for conversion

## 0.1.3
- feat: add helper functions
- feat: add `XmlWriter` to write/modify xmls
- feat: use `AsRef<[u8]>` when possible

## 0.1.2 - 0.1.1
- test: add tests
- feat: add `with_check`

> Legend:
  - feat: A new feature
  - fix: A bug fix
  - docs: Documentation only changes
  - style: White-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc
  - refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  - perf: A code change that improves performance
  - test: Adding missing tests
  - chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools/libraries/documentation