quartz_nbt 0.2.6

Provides support for serializing and deserializing Minecraft NBT data in binary and string form.
    byte_min: -128b,
    byte_max: 127B,
    short_min: -32768S,
    short_max: 32767s,
    int_min: -2147483648,
    int_max: 2147483647,
    long_min: -9223372036854775808l,
    long_max: 9223372036854775807L,
    f32_0: 0F,
    f32_10: 10f,
    f32_dec: 0.653f,
    f32_neg: -1.23453F,
    f64_0: 0D,
    f64_n10: -10d,
    f64_dec: 0.987,
    f64_neg: -128375.1,
    f64_suffixed: 123.4D,
    f64_alt_suffixed: 123.5d,
    this is a ;.# v3ry $trange keë: with a weirder { value? [.*; "\"\''"] },
    unicode test: aé日𐐁,
    empty_byte_array: [B;],
    empty_int_array: [I;],
    empty_long_array: [L;],
    empty_tag_array: [],
    chaotic_array: [[[i;]], [[l;10]], [[b;], [b;1,2,3]], [{foo:{bar:[baz, buz]}, .{}:{}}], [0d, 0.0]],
    nested_compounds: {c1:{c2:{c3:{c4:{c5:{this is a key: and [ this }{] '}' is { \'heh\' a \"lol"}"\"}'"'}"'" value    
	    }}}, a:b}}},
    'quoted "key\"': "quoted 'value'",
    "redundant": "quotes",
    'more_redundant': 'quotes',
    "escape sequences": "\'a\\bc\rd\nef\t\u00A7_\u0F63"