quartz_nbt 0.2.6

Provides support for serializing and deserializing Minecraft NBT data in binary and string form.
use crate::NbtCompound;
use std::{
    fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Formatter},

/// An error associated with the translation of a NBT representation to a concrete type. This
/// can either be a structure error, meaning an error in the structure of the NBT tree, or a
/// custom error, which could occur when converting a tag into a concrete type. Most of the conversion
/// processes in this crate return a [`NbtStructureError`] when there is a type mismatch or missing tag.
/// [`NbtStructureError`]: crate::repr::NbtStructureError
pub enum NbtReprError {
    /// A structure error in the tag tree.
    /// A custom error.

impl NbtReprError {
    /// Creates a new NBT representation error from the given structure error.
    pub fn structure(error: NbtStructureError) -> Self {

    /// Creates a `NbtReprError` from the given error. If the given error is a [`NbtStructureError`],
    /// then the resulting representation error is of the `Structure` variant. If the error is a
    /// `NbtReprError` then it is downcasted and returned. All other error types are considered custom
    /// errors.
    /// ```
    /// # use quartz_nbt::*;
    /// use std::convert::TryFrom;
    /// use std::error::Error;
    /// let tag = NbtTag::Byte(0);
    /// let structure_error = NbtReprError::from_any(i32::try_from(tag).unwrap_err());
    /// assert!(matches!(structure_error, NbtReprError::Structure(..)));
    /// let nested_error = NbtReprError::from_any(structure_error);
    /// assert!(matches!(NbtReprError::from_any(nested_error), NbtReprError::Structure(..)));
    /// let custom_error = "abc".parse::<i32>().unwrap_err();
    /// assert!(matches!(NbtReprError::from_any(custom_error), NbtReprError::Custom(..)));
    /// ```
    pub fn from_any<E: Into<anyhow::Error>>(error: E) -> Self {
        let mut error = <E as Into<anyhow::Error>>::into(error);

        error = match error.downcast::<Self>() {
            Ok(error) => return error,
            Err(error) => error,

        match error.downcast::<NbtStructureError>() {
            Ok(error) => NbtReprError::Structure(Box::new(error)),
            Err(error) => NbtReprError::Custom(error),

impl From<NbtStructureError> for NbtReprError {
    fn from(error: NbtStructureError) -> Self {

impl From<Box<NbtStructureError>> for NbtReprError {
    fn from(error: Box<NbtStructureError>) -> Self {

impl Display for NbtReprError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            NbtReprError::Structure(error) => Display::fmt(error, f),
            NbtReprError::Custom(custom) => Display::fmt(custom, f),

impl Error for NbtReprError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
        match self {
            NbtReprError::Structure(error) => Some(error),
            NbtReprError::Custom(custom) => Some(&**custom),

/// An error associated with the structure of an NBT tag tree. This error represents a conflict
/// between the expected and actual structure of an NBT tag tree.
pub struct NbtStructureError {
    repr: NbtStructureErrorRepr,

impl NbtStructureError {
    pub(crate) fn missing_tag<T: Into<String>>(tag_name: T) -> Self {
        NbtStructureError {
            repr: NbtStructureErrorRepr::MissingTag {
                tag_name: tag_name.into().into_boxed_str(),

    pub(crate) fn invalid_index(index: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        NbtStructureError {
            repr: NbtStructureErrorRepr::InvalidIndex { index, length },

    pub(crate) fn type_mismatch(expected: &'static str, found: &'static str) -> Self {
        NbtStructureError {
            repr: NbtStructureErrorRepr::TypeMismatch { expected, found },

impl Debug for NbtStructureError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        Debug::fmt(&self.repr, f)

impl Display for NbtStructureError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match &self.repr {
            NbtStructureErrorRepr::MissingTag { tag_name } =>
                write!(f, "Missing tag \"{}\"", tag_name),
            NbtStructureErrorRepr::InvalidIndex { index, length } =>
                write!(f, "Index out of range: {} >= {}", index, length),
            NbtStructureErrorRepr::TypeMismatch { expected, found } => write!(
                "Tag type mismatch: expected {} but found {}",
                expected, found

impl Error for NbtStructureError {}

enum NbtStructureErrorRepr {
    MissingTag {
        tag_name: Box<str>,
    InvalidIndex {
        index: usize,
        length: usize,
    TypeMismatch {
        expected: &'static str,
        found: &'static str,

/// Defines a type which has a full representation as a [`NbtCompound`].
/// Full representation meaning that the type can be constructed from a [`NbtCompound`], and fully serialized
/// as one as well.
/// [`NbtCompound`]: crate::tag::NbtCompound
    since = "0.2.3",
    note = "This trait will eventually be made obsolete with serde compatibility"
pub trait NbtRepr: Sized {
    /// Updates the data in this type based on the given compound. The intention is that data is copied, not
    /// moved, from the compound to update this type.
    fn read_nbt(&mut self, nbt: &NbtCompound) -> Result<(), NbtReprError>;

    /// Writes all necessary data to the given compound to serialize this type.
    /// Although not enforced, the data written should allow for the type to be restored via the
    /// [`read_nbt`] function.
    /// [`read_nbt`]: crate::repr::NbtRepr::read_nbt
    fn write_nbt(&self, nbt: &mut NbtCompound);

    /// Converts this type into an owned [`NbtCompound`].
    /// Currently this is just a wrapper around creating an empty compound, proceeding to call [`write_nbt`] on
    /// a mutable reference to that compound, then returning the compound.
    /// [`NbtCompound`]: crate::tag::NbtCompound
    /// [`write_nbt`]: crate::repr::NbtRepr::write_nbt
    fn to_nbt(&self) -> NbtCompound {
        let mut nbt = NbtCompound::new();
        self.write_nbt(&mut nbt);