macro_rules! q_init_resource {
    ($($proc_macro:tt)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Initializes Qt resources specified by the .qrc file with the specified base name.

This macro should be used in combination with qt_ritual_build::add_resources. Call add_resources in the build script of your crate, then call the macro like this:

QGuiApplication::init(|_| unsafe {

The argument must be equal to the base name (file stem) of the .qrc file. Special characters (such as ‘-’) have to be replaced by the underscore character ('_').

This macro is semantically equivalent to the Q_INIT_RESOURCE C++ macro.

C++ documentation:

Initializes the resources specified by the .qrc file with the specified base name. Normally, when resources are built as part of the application, the resources are loaded automatically at startup. The Q_INIT_RESOURCE() macro is necessary on some platforms for resources stored in a static library.

For example, if your application's resources are listed in a file called myapp.qrc, you can ensure that the resources are initialized at startup by adding this line to your main() function: