qrpc-sdk 0.1.0

A client SDK to build qrpc (qaul rpc) extensions


The qrpc protocol connections an rpc-broker with different service endpoints. Each service endpoint provides a set of callable functions, and type serialisation data.

 Your app logic    Serialise types    Pass data along
+--------------+   +--------------+   +--------------+
| Your service | - |   qrpc-sdk   | - |  qrpc-broker |
+--------------+   +--------------+   +--------------+
                   +--------------+   +--------------+   +--------------+
                   | Your UI app  | - |   qrpc-sdk   | - |    libqaul   | 
                   +--------------+   +--------------+   +--------------+
                     Your app UI      Deserialise types    Main db/ router

You can find more information in the contributors manual.