[][src]Crate qcell

Statically-checked alternatives to RefCell.

QCell is a cell type where the cell contents are logically 'owned' for borrowing purposes by an instance of an owner type, QCellOwner. So the cell contents can only be accessed by making borrowing calls on that owner. This behaves similarly to borrowing fields from a structure, or borrowing elements from a Vec. However actually the only link between the objects is that a reference to the owner instance was provided when the cell was created. Effectively the borrowing-owner and dropping-owner are separated.

This enables a pattern where the compiler can statically check mutable access to data stored behind Rc references. This pattern works as follows: The owner is kept on the stack and a mutable reference to it is passed to calls (for example as part of a context structure). This is fully checked at compile-time by the borrow checker. Then this static borrow checking is extended to the cell contents (behind Rcs) through using borrowing calls on the owner instance to access the cell contents. This gives a compile-time guarantee that access to the cell contents is safe.

The alternative would be to use RefCell, which panics if two mutable references to the same data are attempted. With RefCell there are no warnings or errors to detect the problem at compile-time. On the other hand, using QCell the error is detected, but the restrictions are much stricter than they really need to be. For example it's not possible to borrow from more than a few different cells at the same time if they are protected by the same owner, which RefCell would allow (correctly). However if you are able to work within these restrictions (e.g. by keeping borrows active only for a short time), then the advantage is that there can never be a panic due to erroneous use of borrowing, because everything is checked by the compiler.

Apart from QCell and QCellOwner, this crate also provides TCell and TCellOwner which work the same but use the type system instead of owner IDs. See the "Comparison of cell types" below.


With RefCell, this compiles but panics:

let item = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Vec::<u8>::new()));
let mut iref = item.borrow_mut();

fn test(item: &Rc<RefCell<Vec<u8>>>) {
    item.borrow_mut().push(2);    // Panics here

With QCell, it refuses to compile:

This example deliberately fails to compile
let mut owner = QCellOwner::new();

let item = Rc::new(QCell::new(&owner, Vec::<u8>::new()));
let iref = owner.get_mut(&item);
test(&mut owner, &item);    // Compile error

fn test(owner: &mut QCellOwner, item: &Rc<QCell<Vec<u8>>>) {

The solution in both cases is to make sure that the iref is not active when the call is made, but QCell uses standard compile-time borrow-checking to force the bug to be fixed. This is the main advantage of using these types.

Here's a working version using TCell instead:

struct Marker;
type ACell<T> = TCell<Marker, T>;
type ACellOwner = TCellOwner<Marker>;
let mut owner = ACellOwner::new();

let item = Rc::new(ACell::new(&owner, Vec::<u8>::new()));
let iref = owner.get_mut(&item);
test(&mut owner, &item);

fn test(owner: &mut ACellOwner, item: &Rc<ACell<Vec<u8>>>) {

Why this is safe

This is the reasoning behind declaring this crate's interface safe:

  • Between the cell creation and destruction, the only way to access the contents (for read or write) is through the borrow-owner instance. So the borrow-owner is the exclusive gatekeeper of this data.

  • The borrowing calls require a & owner reference to return a & cell reference, or a &mut on the owner to return a &mut. So this is the same kind of borrow on both sides. The only borrow we allow for the cell is the borrow that Rust allows for the borrow-owner, and while that borrow is active, the borrow-owner and the cell's reference are blocked from further incompatible borrows. The contents of the cells act as if they were owned by the borrow-owner, just like elements within a Vec. So Rust's guarantees are maintained.

  • The borrow-owner has no control over when the cell's contents are dropped, so the borrow-owner cannot act as a gatekeeper to the data at that point. However this cannot clash with any active borrow on the data because whilst a borrow is active, the reference to the cell is effectively locked by Rust's borrow checking. If this is behind an Rc, then it's impossible for the last strong reference to be released until that borrow is released.

If you can see a flaw in this reasoning or in the code, please raise an issue, preferably with test code which demonstrates the problem. MIRI in the Rust playground can report on some kinds of unsafety.

Comparison of cell types

This includes the Ghost Cell which can be found in ghost_cell.rs or alternatively ghost_cell.rs. This is based around lifetimes and looks neat, but seems to involve a lot of lifetime annotations, for example HERE. This needs further investigation. Possibly it could be incorporated into this crate later.

RefCell pros and cons:

  • Pro: Simple
  • Pro: Allows very flexible borrowing patterns
  • Con: No compile-time borrowing checks
  • Con: Can panic due to distant code changes
  • Con: Runtime borrow checks and some cell space overhead

QCell pros and cons:

  • Pro: Simple
  • Pro: Compile-time borrowing checks
  • Pro: Dynamic owner creation
  • Con: Can only borrow up to 3 objects at a time
  • Con: Runtime owner checks and some cell space overhead

TCell pros and cons:

  • Pro: Compile-time borrowing checks
  • Pro: No overhead at runtime for borrowing or ownership checks
  • Pro: No cell space overhead
  • Con: Can only borrow up to 3 objects at a time
  • Con: Uses singletons, so reusable code must be parameterised with an external marker type

GhostCell pros and cons:

  • Pro: Compile-time borrowing checks
  • Pro: No overhead at runtime for borrowing or ownership checks
  • Pro: No cell space overhead
  • Pro: No need for singletons
  • Con: Can only borrow one object at a time (could be extended to 3 like TCell)
  • Con: Uses lifetimes, so perhaps requires a lot of lifetime annotations (needs investigating)
Cell Owner ID Cell overhead Borrow check Owner check
RefCell n/a usize Runtime n/a
QCell integer u32 Compile-time Runtime
TCell marker type none Compile-time Compile-time
GhostCell lifetime none Compile-time Compile-time

Owner ergonomics:

Cell Owner type Owner creation
RefCell n/a n/a
QCell QCellOwner QCellOwner::new()
TCell ACellOwner
(or BCellOwner or CCellOwner etc)
struct MarkerA;
type ACell<T> = TCell<MarkerA, T>;
type ACellOwner = TCellOwner<MarkerA>;
GhostCell Set<'id> Set::new(|set|{ ... })

Cell ergonomics:

Cell Cell type Cell creation
RefCell RefCell<T> RefCell::new(v)
QCell QCell<T> QCell::new(&owner, v)
TCell ACell<T> ACell::new(&owner, v)
GhostCell Cell<'id, T> Cell::new(v) in a context with 'id

Borrowing ergonomics:

Cell Cell immutable borrow Cell mutable borrow
RefCell cell.borrow() cell.borrow_mut()
QCell owner.get(&cell) owner.get_mut(&cell)
TCell owner.get(&cell) owner.get_mut(&cell)
GhostCell set.get(&cell) set.get_mut(&cell)

Origin of names

"Q" originally referred to quantum entanglement, the idea being that this is a kind of remote ownership. "T" refers to it being type system based.

Unsafe code patterns blocked

See the doctest_qcell and doctest_tcell modules



This tests the QCell implementation.


This tests the TCell implementation.



Cell whose contents is owned (for borrowing purposes) by a QCellOwner.


Borrowing-owner of zero or more QCell instances.


Cell whose contents is owned (for borrowing purposes) by a TCellOwner.


Borrowing-owner of zero or more TCell instances.