pytrace_core 0.2.5

Internal library for the Python module pytrace
use crate::internal::*;

const BLACK: RGB = RGB(0.05, 0.05, 0.05);
const RED: RGB = RGB(0.9, 0.1, 0.1);
const BLUE: RGB = RGB(0.0, 0.2, 0.7);
const WHITE: RGB = RGB(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
const LGREY: RGB = RGB(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);

/// Black
const CARBON: Texture = Texture::Metal(BLACK, 0.0);
/// Red
const OXYGEN: Texture = Texture::Metal(RED, 0.0);
/// Light metallic grey
const HYDROGEN: Texture = Texture::Metal(WHITE, 0.0);
/// Blue
const NITROGEN: Texture = Texture::Metal(BLUE, 0.0);

/// General builder for any molecule
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Molecule {
    pub orig: Vec3,
    /// Principal direction of the molecule
    pub up: Vec3,
    /// Rotation around axis
    pub rot: f64,

/// Collection of balls and sticks
/// Instead of creating `MoleculeObject`s, it is recommended to build them using a `Molecule`.
pub struct MoleculeObject {
    pub atoms: Vec<Sphere>,
    pub links: Vec<EmptyCylinder>,

/// Creates an atom-building closure from the radius and texture of the atoms to be made.
/// The resulting closure takes the center of the sphere.
fn atom_builder(r: f64, texture: Texture) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3) -> Sphere> {
    Box::new(move |u| Sphere {
        center: u,
        radius: r,

/// Creates a link-building closure from the radius of the links to be made.
/// The resulting closure takes the centers of the two atoms to join.
fn link_builder(r: f64) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3, Vec3) -> EmptyCylinder> {
    Box::new(move |c1, c2| EmptyCylinder {
        center1: c1,
        center2: c2,
        radius: r,
        texture: Texture::Lambertian(LGREY),

/// Same as `link_builder` but creates a double link
fn double_builder(r: f64) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3) -> [EmptyCylinder; 2]> {
    Box::new(move |c1, c2, c3| {
        let orth = (c2 - c1).cross(c3).unit() * (c2 - c1).len();
            EmptyCylinder {
                center1: c1 + orth * r * 3.0,
                center2: c2 + orth * r * 3.0,
                radius: r,
                texture: Texture::Lambertian(LGREY),
            EmptyCylinder {
                center1: c1 - orth * r * 3.0,
                center2: c2 - orth * r * 3.0,
                radius: r,
                texture: Texture::Lambertian(LGREY),

/// Same as `link_builder` but creates a triple link
fn triple_builder(r: f64) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3, Vec3, Vec3) -> [EmptyCylinder; 3]> {
    Box::new(move |c1, c2, c3| {
        let axis = c2 - c1;
        let len = axis.len();
        let orth1 = axis.cross(c3).unit() * len;
        let orth2 = axis.cross(orth1).unit() * len;
            EmptyCylinder {
                center1: c1 + orth1 * r * 4.5,
                center2: c2 + orth1 * r * 4.5,
                radius: r,
                texture: Texture::Lambertian(LGREY),
            EmptyCylinder {
                center1: c1 + (orth2 * 0.5 - orth1 * 0.78) * r * 4.5,
                center2: c2 + (orth2 * 0.5 - orth1 * 0.78) * r * 4.5,
                radius: r,
                texture: Texture::Lambertian(LGREY),
            EmptyCylinder {
                center1: c1 + (-orth2 * 0.5 - orth1 * 0.78) * r * 4.5,
                center2: c2 + (-orth2 * 0.5 - orth1 * 0.78) * r * 4.5,
                radius: r,
                texture: Texture::Lambertian(LGREY),

/// Standard recommended relative sizes for various items.
pub fn dimensions(len: f64) -> [f64; 5] {
        len * 1.4, // big atoms (C, N, O) radius
        len * 0.8, // small atoms (H) radius
        len * 0.3, // link radius
        len * 5.0, // long link length
        len * 3.0, // short link length

impl Molecule {
    /// These 7 vectors are meant to ease the process of creating a molecule.
    /// From them and their opposites, one can easily access the 14 possible directions
    /// that atoms can be relative to each other (approximately).
    fn directions(&self) -> [Vec3; 7] {
        let zz = self.up.unit();
        let (xx, yy) = {
            let yy = {
                let x = Vec3(1., 0., 0.);
                let y = zz.cross(x);
                if y.len() == 0. {
                    zz.cross(Vec3(0., 0., 1.)).unit()
                } else {
            let xx = zz.cross(yy).unit();
            (xx * self.rot.cos() + yy * self.rot.sin(), yy * self.rot.cos() - xx * self.rot.sin())
        let x = zz;
        let v = xx * 0.00 + yy * 0.87 + zz * 0.50;
        let t = xx * 0.74 - yy * 0.44 + zz * 0.50;
        let u = -xx * 0.74 - yy * 0.44 + zz * 0.50;
        let z = xx * 0.74 - yy * 0.44 - zz * 0.50;
        let w = -xx * 0.74 - yy * 0.44 - zz * 0.50;
        let y = xx * 0.00 + yy * 0.87 - zz * 0.50;
        [t, u, v, w, x, y, z]

    /// See [Wikipedia](
    pub fn cyclohexanol(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let carbon = atom_builder(rad1, CARBON);
        let oxygen = atom_builder(rad1, OXYGEN);
        let nitrogen = atom_builder(rad1, NITROGEN);
        let hydrogen = atom_builder(rad2, HYDROGEN);
        let link = link_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let c1 = self.orig;
        let c2 = c1 - t * len1;
        let c3 = c1 - u * len1;
        let c4 = c2 + v * len1;
        let c5 = c3 + v * len1;
        let c6 = c4 - u * len1;
        let n = c6 + v * len1;
        let c7 = n + x * len1;
        let o = c1 - v * len1;

        let h1 = o + t * len2;
        let h2 = c1 + x * len2;
        let h3 = c2 - x * len2;
        let h4 = c2 + u * len2;
        let h5 = c3 - x * len2;
        let h6 = c3 + t * len2;
        let h7 = c4 + x * len2;
        let h8 = c4 - t * len2;
        let h9 = c5 + x * len2;
        let h10 = c5 - u * len2;
        let h11 = c6 - x * len2;
        let h12 = n - t * len2;
        let h13 = c7 + t * len2;
        let h14 = c7 + v * len2;
        let h15 = c7 + u * len2;

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![
            links: vec![
                link(c1, o),
                link(c1, c2),
                link(c1, c3),
                link(c2, c4),
                link(c3, c5),
                link(c4, c6),
                link(c5, c6),
                link(c6, n),
                link(n, c7),
                link(o, h1),
                link(c1, h2),
                link(c2, h3),
                link(c2, h4),
                link(c3, h5),
                link(c3, h6),
                link(c4, h7),
                link(c4, h8),
                link(c5, h9),
                link(c5, h10),
                link(c6, h11),
                link(n, h12),
                link(c7, h13),
                link(c7, h14),
                link(c7, h15),

    pub fn water(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let oxygen = atom_builder(rad1, OXYGEN);
        let hydrogen = atom_builder(rad2, HYDROGEN);
        let link = link_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let o = self.orig;
        let h1 = o + x * len2;
        let h2 = o - v * len2;

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![oxygen(o), hydrogen(h1), hydrogen(h2)],
            links: vec![link(o, h1), link(o, h2)],

    /// See [Wikipedia](
    pub fn methane(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let carbon = atom_builder(rad1, CARBON);
        let hydrogen = atom_builder(rad2, HYDROGEN);
        let link = link_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let c = self.orig;
        let h1 = c + x * len2;
        let h2 = c - u * len2;
        let h3 = c - v * len2;
        let h4 = c - t * len2;

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![
            links: vec![link(c, h1), link(c, h2), link(c, h3), link(c, h4)],

    /// See [Wikipedia](
    pub fn ethanol(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let carbon = atom_builder(rad1, CARBON);
        let oxygen = atom_builder(rad1, OXYGEN);
        let hydrogen = atom_builder(rad2, HYDROGEN);
        let link = link_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let c1 = self.orig;
        let c2 = c1 - v * len1;
        let o = c1 - t * len1;
        let h1 = c1 + x * len2;
        let h2 = c1 - u * len2;
        let h3 = o + v * len2;
        let h4 = c2 + t * len2;
        let h5 = c2 + u * len2;
        let h6 = c2 - x * len2;

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![
            links: vec![
                link(c1, c2),
                link(c1, o),
                link(h1, c1),
                link(h2, c1),
                link(h3, o),
                link(h4, c2),
                link(h5, c2),
                link(h6, c2),

    /// See [Wikipedia](
    pub fn carbon_dioxide(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let oxygen = atom_builder(rad1, OXYGEN);
        let carbon = atom_builder(rad1, CARBON);
        let link = double_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let c = self.orig;
        let o1 = c + x * len1;
        let o2 = c - x * len1;

        let [l1, l2] = link(c, o1, v);
        let [l3, l4] = link(c, o2, v);

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![oxygen(o1), oxygen(o2), carbon(c)],
            links: vec![l1, l2, l3, l4],

    pub fn dinitrogen(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let nitrogen = atom_builder(rad1, NITROGEN);
        let link = triple_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let n1 = self.orig;
        let n2 = n1 + x * len1;

        let [l1, l2, l3] = link(n1, n2, v);

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![nitrogen(n1), nitrogen(n2)],
            links: vec![l1, l2, l3],

    /// See [Wikipedia](
    pub fn benzene(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, rad2, rad3, len1, len2] = dimensions(len);
        let carbon = atom_builder(rad1, CARBON);
        let hydrogen = atom_builder(rad2, HYDROGEN);
        let link = link_builder(rad3);
        let double = double_builder(rad3);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();

        let c1 = self.orig;
        let c2 = c1 + v * len1;
        let c3 = c2 + x * len1;
        let c4 = c3 - y * len1;
        let c5 = c4 - v * len1;
        let c6 = c5 - x * len1;

        let h1 = c1 - x * len2;
        let h2 = c2 + y * len2;
        let h3 = c3 + v * len2;
        let h4 = c4 + x * len2;
        let h5 = c5 - y * len2;
        let h6 = c6 - v * len2;

        let (l12, [l23a, l23b], l34, [l45a, l45b], l56, [l61a, l61b]) = (
            link(c1, c2),
            double(c2, c3, u),
            link(c3, c4),
            double(c4, c5, u),
            link(c5, c6),
            double(c6, c1, u),

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![
            links: vec![
                link(c1, h1),
                link(c2, h2),
                link(c3, h3),
                link(c4, h4),
                link(c5, h5),
                link(c6, h6),

    /// Debug structure
    pub fn test(self) -> MoleculeObject {
        let len = self.up.len();
        let [rad1, _, rad3, len1, _] = dimensions(len);

        let [t, u, v, w, x, y, z] = self.directions();
        let link = link_builder(rad3);

        let o = self.orig;
        let ot = o + t * len1;
        let ou = o + u * len1;
        let ov = o + v * len1;
        let ow = o + w * len1;
        let ox = o + x * len1;
        let oy = o + y * len1;
        let oz = o + z * len1;

        MoleculeObject {
            atoms: vec![
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(0., 0., 0.)))(o),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(1., 0., 0.)))(ot),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(0., 1., 0.)))(ou),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(0., 0., 1.)))(ov),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(1., 1., 0.)))(ow),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(1., 0., 1.)))(ox),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(0., 1., 1.)))(oy),
                atom_builder(rad1, Texture::Lambertian(RGB(1., 1., 1.)))(oz),
            links: vec![
                link(o, ot),
                link(o, ou),
                link(o, ov),
                link(o, ow),
                link(o, ox),
                link(o, oy),
                link(o, oz),

impl MoleculeObject {
    pub fn build(self) -> Composite {
        let mut res = Vec::new();
        for x in self.atoms {
        for x in self.links {