python-config-rs 0.1.2

Python distribution information via python3-config. This crate provides a Rust interface to your system's Python distribution information. Our goal is for this to be useful in build scripts, or in any application where getting the Python include directories, linker flags, or compile flags is necessary. This crate also provides a reimplementation of python3-config, the script, that can query configuration information about your distribution. The binary only needs a Python interpreter. We show that our binary is API compatible with existing `python3-config` scripts. See the repsitory for more project information.
# `python-config-rs` [![]]

[API Documentation](

The `python-config-rs` crate gives you the same insight as
the `python-config` script bundled with your Python distribution.
The crate is intended for build scripts that need

- the Python include directories
- flags for building / linking Python
- ABI flags used when building your Python installation
- any Python information already provided by `python3-config`

use python_config::PythonConfig;

let cfg = PythonConfig::new(); // Python 3 by default

// Print include directories
println!("Includes: {}", cfg.includes().unwrap());
// Print installation prefix
println!("Installation prefix: {}", cfg.prefix().unwrap());

This is Python 3 by default, but we provide a Python 2
interface. Note that the Python 2 interface has gone through
significantly less testing.

Based on this library, we also provide a reimplementation
of `python3-config`. Our automated tests show equivalence
between our implementation and the normal `python3-config`
script. The binary is Python 3 only.

### `python3-config` API compatibility

The matrix belows shows our current compatibility with
the default `python3-config` script based on the platform
and Python distribution. A checkmark '✓' indicates that
our test suite passed. A question mark '?' indicates that
we have not conducted testing with this combination
of host system and Python distribution. An 'X' indicates
that we are not compatible on that system with that
Python distribution.

| Python | macOS | Debian Stretch |
| -------| ----- | -------------- |
|  `3.5` |   ?   ||
|  `3.7` ||       ?        |

Some `python3-config` implementations return strings of flags
that have more than one space between flags. These types of 
inconsistencies are acceptable in our testing.

## License

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
available [here]( or the MIT license
[LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or available [here](, at your
option. All files in the project may not be copied, modified, or
distributed except according to those terms.