pyo3 0.14.4

Bindings to Python interpreter
use crate::class::basic::CompareOp;
use crate::conversion::{
    AsPyPointer, FromPyObject, IntoPy, IntoPyPointer, PyTryFrom, ToBorrowedObject, ToPyObject,
use crate::err::{PyDowncastError, PyErr, PyResult};
use crate::exceptions::PyTypeError;
use crate::type_object::PyTypeObject;
use crate::types::{PyDict, PyIterator, PyList, PyString, PyTuple, PyType};
use crate::{err, ffi, Py, PyNativeType, PyObject};
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

/// Represents any Python object.
/// It currently only appears as a *reference*, `&PyAny`,
/// with a lifetime that represents the scope during which the GIL is held.
/// `PyAny` has some interesting properties, which it shares
/// with the other [native Python types](crate::types):
/// - It can only be obtained and used while the GIL is held,
/// therefore its API does not require a [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python) token.
/// - It can't be used in situations where the GIL is temporarily released,
/// such as [`Python::allow_threads`](crate::Python::allow_threads)'s closure.
/// - The underlying Python object, if mutable, can be mutated through any reference.
/// - It can be converted to the GIL-independent [`Py`]`<`[`PyAny`]`>`,
/// allowing it to outlive the GIL scope. However, using [`Py`]`<`[`PyAny`]`>`'s API
/// *does* require a [`Python<'py>`](crate::Python) token.
/// It can be cast to a concrete type with PyAny::downcast (for native Python types only)
/// and FromPyObject::extract. See their documentation for more information.
/// See [the guide]( for an explanation
/// of the different Python object types.
pub struct PyAny(UnsafeCell<ffi::PyObject>);

impl crate::AsPyPointer for PyAny {
    fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut ffi::PyObject {

// Copied here as the macro does not accept deprecated functions.
// Originally ffi::object::PyObject_Check, but this is not in the Python C API.
fn PyObject_Check(_: *mut ffi::PyObject) -> c_int {




pyobject_native_type_sized!(PyAny, ffi::PyObject);

impl PyAny {
    /// Converts this `PyAny` to a concrete Python type.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::{PyAny, PyDict, PyList};
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| {
    ///     let dict = PyDict::new(py);
    ///     assert!(dict.is_instance::<PyAny>().unwrap());
    ///     let any: &PyAny = dict.as_ref();
    ///     assert!(any.downcast::<PyDict>().is_ok());
    ///     assert!(any.downcast::<PyList>().is_err());
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn downcast<T>(&self) -> Result<&T, PyDowncastError>
        for<'py> T: PyTryFrom<'py>,
        <T as PyTryFrom>::try_from(self)

    /// Determines whether this object has the given attribute.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `hasattr(self, attr_name)`.
    pub fn hasattr<N>(&self, attr_name: N) -> PyResult<bool>
        N: ToPyObject,
        attr_name.with_borrowed_ptr(, |attr_name| unsafe {
            Ok(ffi::PyObject_HasAttr(self.as_ptr(), attr_name) != 0)

    /// Retrieves an attribute value.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self.attr_name`.
    pub fn getattr<N>(&self, attr_name: N) -> PyResult<&PyAny>
        N: ToPyObject,
        attr_name.with_borrowed_ptr(, |attr_name| unsafe {
                .from_owned_ptr_or_err(ffi::PyObject_GetAttr(self.as_ptr(), attr_name))

    /// Sets an attribute value.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self.attr_name = value`.
    pub fn setattr<N, V>(&self, attr_name: N, value: V) -> PyResult<()>
        N: ToBorrowedObject,
        V: ToBorrowedObject,
        attr_name.with_borrowed_ptr(, move |attr_name| {
            value.with_borrowed_ptr(, |value| unsafe {
                    ffi::PyObject_SetAttr(self.as_ptr(), attr_name, value),

    /// Deletes an attribute.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python statement `del self.attr_name`.
    pub fn delattr<N>(&self, attr_name: N) -> PyResult<()>
        N: ToPyObject,
        attr_name.with_borrowed_ptr(, |attr_name| unsafe {
            err::error_on_minusone(, ffi::PyObject_DelAttr(self.as_ptr(), attr_name))

    /// Returns an [`Ordering`] between `self` and `other`.
    /// This is equivalent to the following Python code:
    /// ```python
    /// if self == other:
    ///     return Equal
    /// elif a < b:
    ///     return Less
    /// elif a > b:
    ///     return Greater
    /// else:
    ///     raise TypeError("PyAny::compare(): All comparisons returned false")
    /// ```
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::PyFloat;
    /// use std::cmp::Ordering;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let a = PyFloat::new(py, 0_f64);
    ///     let b = PyFloat::new(py, 42_f64);
    ///     assert_eq!(, Ordering::Less);
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    /// It will return `PyErr` for values that cannot be compared:
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::{PyFloat, PyString};
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let a = PyFloat::new(py, 0_f64);
    ///     let b = PyString::new(py, "zero");
    ///     assert!(;
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    pub fn compare<O>(&self, other: O) -> PyResult<Ordering>
        O: ToPyObject,
        let py =;
        // Almost the same as ffi::PyObject_RichCompareBool, but this one doesn't try self == other.
        // See for more.
        let do_compare = |other, op| unsafe {
            PyObject::from_owned_ptr_or_err(py, ffi::PyObject_RichCompare(self.as_ptr(), other, op))
                .and_then(|obj| obj.is_true(py))
        other.with_borrowed_ptr(py, |other| {
            if do_compare(other, ffi::Py_EQ)? {
            } else if do_compare(other, ffi::Py_LT)? {
            } else if do_compare(other, ffi::Py_GT)? {
            } else {
                    "PyAny::compare(): All comparisons returned false",

    /// Tests whether two Python objects obey a given [`CompareOp`].
    /// Depending on the value of `compare_op`, this is equivalent to one of the
    /// following Python expressions:
    /// <div style="width:1px">
    /// | `compare_op` | <span style="white-space: pre">Python expression</span> |
    /// | :---: | :----: |
    /// | [`CompareOp::Eq`] | <span style="white-space: pre">`self == other`</span> |
    /// | [`CompareOp::Ne`] | <span style="white-space: pre">`self != other`</span> |
    /// | [`CompareOp::Lt`] | <span style="white-space: pre">`self < other`</span> |
    /// | [`CompareOp::Le`] | <span style="white-space: pre">`self <= other`</span> |
    /// | [`CompareOp::Gt`] | <span style="white-space: pre">`self > other`</span> |
    /// | [`CompareOp::Ge`] | <span style="white-space: pre">`self >= other`</span> |
    /// </div>
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::PyInt;
    /// use pyo3::class::basic::CompareOp;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let a: &PyInt = 0_u8.into_py(py).into_ref(py).downcast()?;
    ///     let b: &PyInt = 42_u8.into_py(py).into_ref(py).downcast()?;
    ///     assert!(a.rich_compare(b, CompareOp::Le)?.is_true()?);
    ///     Ok(())
    ///   })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    pub fn rich_compare<O>(&self, other: O, compare_op: CompareOp) -> PyResult<&PyAny>
        O: ToPyObject,
        unsafe {
            other.with_borrowed_ptr(, |other| {
                    compare_op as c_int,

    /// Determines whether this object appears callable.
    /// This is equivalent to Python's [`callable()`][1] function.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///        let builtins = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?;
    ///        let print = builtins.getattr("print")?;
    ///        assert!(print.is_callable());
    ///        Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    /// This is equivalent to the Python statement `assert callable(print)`.
    /// Note that unless an API needs to distinguish between callable and
    /// non-callable objects, there is no point in checking for callability.
    /// Instead, it is better to just do the call and handle potential
    /// exceptions.
    /// [1]:
    pub fn is_callable(&self) -> bool {
        unsafe { ffi::PyCallable_Check(self.as_ptr()) != 0 }

    /// Calls the object.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self(*args, **kwargs)`.
    pub fn call(
        args: impl IntoPy<Py<PyTuple>>,
        kwargs: Option<&PyDict>,
    ) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {
        let args = args.into_py(;
        let kwargs = kwargs.into_ptr();
        let result = unsafe {
            let return_value = ffi::PyObject_Call(self.as_ptr(), args, kwargs);
        unsafe {

    /// Calls the object without arguments.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self()`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let module = PyModule::import(py, "builtins")?;
    ///     let help = module.getattr("help")?;
    ///     help.call0()?;
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `help()`.
    pub fn call0(&self) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {
        cfg_if::cfg_if! {
            // TODO: Use PyObject_CallNoArgs instead after
            // Once the issue is resolved, we can enable this optimization for limited API.
            if #[cfg(all(Py_3_9, not(Py_LIMITED_API)))] {
                // Optimized path on python 3.9+
                unsafe {
            } else {
      , None)

    /// Calls the object with only positional arguments.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self(*args)`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let module = PyModule::import(py, "operator")?;
    ///     let add = module.getattr("add")?;
    ///     let args = (1,2);
    ///     let value = add.call1(args)?;
    ///     assert_eq!(value.extract::<i32>()?, 3);
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    /// This is equivalent to the following Python code:
    /// ```python
    /// from operator import add
    /// value = add(1,2)
    /// assert value == 3
    /// ```
    pub fn call1(&self, args: impl IntoPy<Py<PyTuple>>) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {, None)

    /// Calls a method on the object.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `*args, **kwargs)`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::{PyDict, PyList};
    /// use crate::pyo3::types::IntoPyDict;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let list = PyList::new(py, vec![3, 6, 5, 4, 7]);
    ///     let kwargs = vec![("reverse", true)].into_py_dict(py);
    ///     list.call_method("sort", (), Some(kwargs))?;
    ///     assert_eq!(list.extract::<Vec<i32>>()?, vec![7, 6, 5, 4, 3]);
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    /// This is equivalent to the following Python code:
    /// ```python
    /// my_list = [3, 6, 5, 4, 7]
    /// my_list.sort(reverse = True)
    /// assert my_list == [7, 6, 5, 4, 3]
    /// ```
    pub fn call_method(
        name: &str,
        args: impl IntoPy<Py<PyTuple>>,
        kwargs: Option<&PyDict>,
    ) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {
        name.with_borrowed_ptr(, |name| unsafe {
            let py =;
            let ptr = ffi::PyObject_GetAttr(self.as_ptr(), name);
            if ptr.is_null() {
                return Err(PyErr::fetch(py));
            let args = args.into_py(py).into_ptr();
            let kwargs = kwargs.into_ptr();
            let result_ptr = ffi::PyObject_Call(ptr, args, kwargs);
            let result = py.from_owned_ptr_or_err(result_ptr);

    /// Calls a method on the object without arguments.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression ``.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::PyFloat;
    /// use std::f64::consts::PI;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let pi = PyFloat::new(py, PI);
    ///     let ratio = pi.call_method0("as_integer_ratio")?;
    ///     let (a, b) = ratio.extract::<(u64, u64)>()?;
    ///     assert_eq!(a, 884_279_719_003_555);
    ///     assert_eq!(b, 281_474_976_710_656);
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(())}
    /// ```
    /// This is equivalent to the following Python code:
    /// ```python
    /// import math
    /// a, b = math.pi.as_integer_ratio()
    /// ```
    pub fn call_method0(&self, name: &str) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {
        cfg_if::cfg_if! {
            if #[cfg(all(Py_3_9, not(Py_LIMITED_API)))] {
                // Optimized path on python 3.9+
                unsafe {
                    let name = name.into_py(;
  , name.as_ptr()))
            } else {
                self.call_method(name, (), None)

    /// Calls a method on the object with only positional arguments.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `*args)`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use pyo3::prelude::*;
    /// use pyo3::types::PyList;
    /// # fn main() -> PyResult<()> {
    /// Python::with_gil(|py| -> PyResult<()> {
    ///     let list = PyList::new(py, vec![1, 3, 4]);
    ///     list.call_method1("insert", (1, 2))?;
    ///     assert_eq!(list.extract::<Vec<u8>>()?, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
    ///     Ok(())
    /// })?;
    /// # Ok(()) }
    /// ```
    /// This is equivalent to the following Python code:
    /// ```python
    /// list_ = [1,3,4]
    /// list_.insert(1,2)
    /// assert list_ == [1,2,3,4]
    /// ```
    pub fn call_method1(&self, name: &str, args: impl IntoPy<Py<PyTuple>>) -> PyResult<&PyAny> {
        self.call_method(name, args, None)

    /// Returns whether the object is considered to be true.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `bool(self)`.
    pub fn is_true(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
        let v = unsafe { ffi::PyObject_IsTrue(self.as_ptr()) };
        if v == -1 {
        } else {
            Ok(v != 0)

    /// Returns whether the object is considered to be None.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self is None`.
    pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
        unsafe { ffi::Py_None() == self.as_ptr() }

    /// Returns true if the sequence or mapping has a length of 0.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `len(self) == 0`.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
        self.len().map(|l| l == 0)

    /// Gets an item from the collection.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self[key]`.
    pub fn get_item<K>(&self, key: K) -> PyResult<&PyAny>
        K: ToBorrowedObject,
        key.with_borrowed_ptr(, |key| unsafe {
                .from_owned_ptr_or_err(ffi::PyObject_GetItem(self.as_ptr(), key))

    /// Sets a collection item value.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `self[key] = value`.
    pub fn set_item<K, V>(&self, key: K, value: V) -> PyResult<()>
        K: ToBorrowedObject,
        V: ToBorrowedObject,
        key.with_borrowed_ptr(, move |key| {
            value.with_borrowed_ptr(, |value| unsafe {
                err::error_on_minusone(, ffi::PyObject_SetItem(self.as_ptr(), key, value))

    /// Deletes an item from the collection.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `del self[key]`.
    pub fn del_item<K>(&self, key: K) -> PyResult<()>
        K: ToBorrowedObject,
        key.with_borrowed_ptr(, |key| unsafe {
            err::error_on_minusone(, ffi::PyObject_DelItem(self.as_ptr(), key))

    /// Takes an object and returns an iterator for it.
    /// This is typically a new iterator but if the argument is an iterator,
    /// this returns itself.
    pub fn iter(&self) -> PyResult<&PyIterator> {
        PyIterator::from_object(, self)

    /// Returns the Python type object for this object's type.
    pub fn get_type(&self) -> &PyType {
        unsafe { PyType::from_type_ptr(, ffi::Py_TYPE(self.as_ptr())) }

    /// Returns the Python type pointer for this object.
    pub fn get_type_ptr(&self) -> *mut ffi::PyTypeObject {
        unsafe { ffi::Py_TYPE(self.as_ptr()) }

    /// Casts the PyObject to a concrete Python object type.
    /// This can cast only to native Python types, not types implemented in Rust.
    pub fn cast_as<'a, D>(&'a self) -> Result<&'a D, PyDowncastError>
        D: PyTryFrom<'a>,

    /// Extracts some type from the Python object.
    /// This is a wrapper function around `FromPyObject::extract()`.
    pub fn extract<'a, D>(&'a self) -> PyResult<D>
        D: FromPyObject<'a>,

    /// Returns the reference count for the Python object.
    pub fn get_refcnt(&self) -> isize {
        unsafe { ffi::Py_REFCNT(self.as_ptr()) }

    /// Computes the "repr" representation of self.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `repr(self)`.
    pub fn repr(&self) -> PyResult<&PyString> {
        unsafe {

    /// Computes the "str" representation of self.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `str(self)`.
    pub fn str(&self) -> PyResult<&PyString> {
        unsafe {

    /// Retrieves the hash code of self.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `hash(self)`.
    pub fn hash(&self) -> PyResult<isize> {
        let v = unsafe { ffi::PyObject_Hash(self.as_ptr()) };
        if v == -1 {
        } else {

    /// Returns the length of the sequence or mapping.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `len(self)`.
    pub fn len(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
        let v = unsafe { ffi::PyObject_Size(self.as_ptr()) };
        if v == -1 {
        } else {
            Ok(v as usize)

    /// Returns the list of attributes of this object.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `dir(self)`.
    pub fn dir(&self) -> &PyList {
        unsafe { }

    /// Checks whether this object is an instance of type `T`.
    /// This is equivalent to the Python expression `isinstance(self, T)`.
    pub fn is_instance<T: PyTypeObject>(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {

mod tests {
    use crate::{
        types::{IntoPyDict, PyList, PyLong, PyModule},
        Python, ToPyObject,

    macro_rules! test_module {
        ($py:ident, $code:literal) => {
            PyModule::from_code($py, indoc::indoc!($code), file!(), "test_module")
                .expect("module creation failed")

    fn test_call_for_non_existing_method() {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        let a = py.eval("42", None, None).unwrap();
        a.call_method0("__str__").unwrap(); // ok
        assert!(a.call_method("nonexistent_method", (1,), None).is_err());
        assert!(a.call_method1("nonexistent_method", (1,)).is_err());

    fn test_call_with_kwargs() {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        let list = vec![3, 6, 5, 4, 7].to_object(py);
        let dict = vec![("reverse", true)].into_py_dict(py);
        list.call_method(py, "sort", (), Some(dict)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(list.extract::<Vec<i32>>(py).unwrap(), vec![7, 6, 5, 4, 3]);

    fn test_call_method0() {
        Python::with_gil(|py| {
            let module = test_module!(
                class SimpleClass:
                    def foo(self):
                        return 42

            let simple_class = module.getattr("SimpleClass").unwrap().call0().unwrap();

    fn test_type() {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        let obj = py.eval("42", None, None).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(obj.get_type().as_type_ptr(), obj.get_type_ptr())

    fn test_dir() {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        let obj = py.eval("42", None, None).unwrap();
        let dir = py
            .eval("dir(42)", None, None)
        let a = obj
            .map(|x| x.extract::<String>().unwrap());
        let b = dir.into_iter().map(|x| x.extract::<String>().unwrap());

    fn test_nan_eq() {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();
        let nan = py.eval("float('nan')", None, None).unwrap();

    fn test_any_isinstance() {
        let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
        let py = gil.python();

        let x = 5.to_object(py).into_ref(py);

        let l = vec![x, x].to_object(py).into_ref(py);