Expand description

async-std-runtime PyO3 Asyncio functions specific to the async-std runtime

Items marked with unstable-streams are only available when the unstable-streams Cargo feature is enabled:

version = "0.16"
features = ["unstable-streams"]


attributes re-exports for macros


Convert a Rust Future into a Python awaitable

Convert a Rust Future into a Python awaitable

Either copy the task locals from the current task OR get the current running loop and contextvars from Python.

Get the current event loop from either Python or Rust async task local context

Convert a Python awaitable into a Rust Future

Convert a !Send Rust Future into a Python awaitable

Convert a !Send Rust Future into a Python awaitable

Run the event loop until the given Future completes

Run the event loop until the given Future completes

Set the task local event loop for the given future

Set the task local event loop for the given !Send future

Attribute Macros

attributes Provides the boilerplate for the async-std runtime and runs an async fn as main Enables an async main function that uses the async-std runtime.

attributes testing Registers an async-std test with the pyo3-asyncio test harness Registers an async-std test with the pyo3-asyncio test harness.