py-comp 0.1.2

A macro implementing a Python-like generator expression
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py-comp - A Rust macro implementing a Python-like generator expression

This macro implements a syntax that emulates Pythons
[`generator-expression`] syntax in a form more compatible with rusts
usual syntax.

This means that there a few small differences between the python syntax
and the syntax provided in this macro:

* The pattern between the `for` and `in` tokens is a fully-fledged
  rust pattern, which can be as simple as a simple token and as complex
  as struct destructuring.
* The expression defining the iterator after the `in` token
  must  evaluate to either an `Iterator` or an `impl IntoIterator`.
* The conditional expression after the `if` token must evaluate to
  a boolean.
* The expression in the beginning of the generator expression,
  the expression following the `in` token, and the expression following
  the `if` token, must all end with a semicolon (;). The only exception
  to this is the last expression following `in` or `if` in the macro,
  which may omit the trailing semicolon.

The expression replaced by the `comp!()` macro invocation is a lazy
iterator whose lifetime is bound by any references it needs to capture.
This means that it can be `.collect()`ed into any container you like.

This is a BNF description of the syntax used by this macro:

comprehension ::=  expression ";" comp_for [";"]
comp_for      ::=  "for" pattern "in" expression [";" comp_iter]
comp_iter     ::=  comp_for | comp_if
comp_if       ::=  "if" expression [";" comp_iter]

Just like in Python, you can nest as many `for` and `if`
clauses as you like.

# Examples

Simple generator expression with a conditional:
use py_comp::comp;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(i32);

let arr = &[Foo(11), Foo(12)];

// Notice the semicolons
let comp_vector = comp!(item; for item in arr; if item.0 % 10 == 2)

assert_eq!(comp_vector, vec![&Foo(12)])

Triple cartesian product with conditions and patterns:
use py_comp::comp;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(i32);

// These need to be references to arrays because of how the closures
// that the macro expands to capture their environment.
let x = &[(Foo(11), "foo"), (Foo(12), "bar")];
let y = &[Foo(21), Foo(22)];
let z = &[Foo(31), Foo(32)];

let xyz = comp!(
    (a, b, c);
    for (a, _text) in x;  // You can use any function parameter pattern.
    if a.0 % 10 == 2;
    for b in y;           // Obviously not every level requires a conditional.
    for c in z;
    if c.0 % 10 == 2;
.collect::<Vec<(&Foo, &Foo, &Foo)>>();

// The result vector here is short for illustration purposes
// but can be as long as long as you need it to be.
assert_eq!(xyz, vec![(&Foo(12), &Foo(21), &Foo(32)), (&Foo(12), &Foo(22), &Foo(32))])

Flatten a triple-nested structure + complex expression:
use py_comp::comp;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo(i32);

let nested_3 = &[
        [Foo(0), Foo(1), Foo(2)],
        [Foo(3), Foo(4), Foo(5)],
        [Foo(6), Foo(7), Foo(8)],
        [Foo(9), Foo(10), Foo(11)],
        [Foo(12), Foo(13), Foo(14)],
        [Foo(15), Foo(16), Foo(17)],
        [Foo(18), Foo(19), Foo(20)],
        [Foo(21), Foo(22), Foo(23)],
        [Foo(24), Foo(25), Foo(26)],

let nested_objects = comp!(
        let inner = nested.0;
        Foo(inner + 1)
    for nested_2 in nested_3;
    for nested_1 in nested_2;
    for nested in nested_1;

let expected_values = (1..28).map(Foo).collect::<Vec<Foo>>();

assert_eq!(expected_values, nested_objects);
