pwner 0.1.8

Pwner is a Process Owner crate that allows ergonomic access to child processes
//! Holds the std implementation of a process.
//! All interactions are blocking, including the dropping of child processes (on *nix platforms).
//! # Spawning an owned process
//! ```no_run
//! use std::process::Command;
//! use pwner::Spawner;
//! Command::new("ls").spawn_owned().expect("ls command failed to start");
//! ```
//! # Reading from the process
//! ```no_run
//! # fn wrapper() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! use std::io::Read;
//! use std::process::Command;
//! use pwner::Spawner;
//! let mut child = Command::new("ls").spawn_owned()?;
//! let mut output = String::new();
//! child.read_to_string(&mut output)?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Writing to the process
//! ```no_run
//! # fn wrapper() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! use std::io::{Read, Write};
//! use std::process::Command;
//! use pwner::Spawner;
//! let mut child = Command::new("cat").spawn_owned()?;
//! child.write_all(b"hello\n")?;
//! let mut buffer = [0_u8; 10];
//! buffer)?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Graceful dropping
//! **Note:** Only available on *nix platforms.
//! When the owned process gets dropped, [`Process`](crate::Process) will try to kill it gracefully
//! by sending a `SIGINT` and checking, without blocking, if the child has diesd. If the child is
//! still running, it will block for 2seconds. If the process still doesn't die, a `SIGTERM` is
//! sent and another chance is given, until finally a `SIGKILL` is sent.

/// Possible sources to read from
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ReadSource {
    /// Read from the child's stdout
    /// Read from the child's stderr

/// An implementation of [`Process`](crate::Process) that uses [`std::process`]
/// as the launcher.
/// All read and write operations are sync.
/// **Note:** On *nix platforms, the owned process will have 2 seconds between signals, which is a
/// blocking wait.
pub struct Duplex(Simplex, Output);

impl super::Spawner for std::process::Command {
    type Output = Duplex;

    fn spawn_owned(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Self::Output> {
        let mut process = self

        // Panic:
        // Because the pipes were set above, these will be present and `unwrap()` is safe
        let stdin = process.stdin.take().unwrap();
        let stdout = process.stdout.take().unwrap();
        let stderr = process.stderr.take().unwrap();

            Simplex(Some(ProcessImpl { process, stdin })),
            Output {
                read_source: ReadSource::Stdout,

impl super::Process for Duplex {}

impl Duplex {
    /// Returns the OS-assigned process identifier associated with this child.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let mut command = Command::new("ls");
    /// if let Ok(child) = command.spawn_owned() {
    ///     println!("Child's ID is {}",;
    /// } else {
    ///     println!("ls command didn't start");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Choose which pipe to read form next.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::Read;
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// use pwner::process::ReadSource;
    /// let mut child = Command::new("ls").spawn_owned().unwrap();
    /// let mut buffer = [0_u8; 1024];
    /// child.read_from(ReadSource::Stdout).read(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn read_from(&mut self, read_source: ReadSource) -> &mut Self {

    /// Waits for the child to exit completely, returning the status with which it exited, stdout,
    /// and stderr.
    /// The stdin handle to the child process, if any, will be closed before waiting. This helps
    /// avoid deadlock: it ensures that the child does not block waiting for input from the parent,
    /// while the parent waits for the child to exit.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// use std::io::{BufReader, Read};
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// let child = Command::new("ls").spawn_owned().unwrap();
    /// let (status, stdout, stderr) = child.wait().unwrap();
    /// let mut buffer = String::new();
    /// if status.success() {
    ///     let mut reader = BufReader::new(stdout);
    ///     reader.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    /// } else {
    ///     let mut reader = BufReader::new(stderr);
    ///     reader.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    /// }
    /// ```
    /// # Errors
    /// Relays the error from [`std::process::Child::wait()`]
    pub fn wait(
    ) -> Result<
    > {
        let (mut child, _, stdout, stderr) = self.eject();
        child.wait().map(|status| (status, stdout, stderr))

    /// Decomposes the handle into mutable references to the pipes.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::{ Read, Write };
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let mut child = Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap();
    /// let mut buffer = [0_u8; 1024];
    /// let (stdin, stdout, _) = child.pipes();
    /// stdin.write_all(b"hello\n").unwrap();
    /// buffer).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn pipes(
        &mut self,
    ) -> (
        &mut std::process::ChildStdin,
        &mut std::process::ChildStdout,
        &mut std::process::ChildStderr,
    ) {
        (self.0.stdin(), &mut self.1.stdout, &mut self.1.stderr)

    /// Separates the process and its input from the output pipes. Ownership is retained by a
    /// [`Simplex`] which still implements a graceful drop of the child process.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::{Read, Write};
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let child = Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap();
    /// let (mut input_only_process, mut output) = child.decompose();
    /// // Spawn printing thread
    /// std::thread::spawn(move || {
    ///     let mut buffer = [0; 1024];
    ///     while let Ok(bytes) = buffer) {
    ///         if let Ok(string) = std::str::from_utf8(&buffer[..bytes]) {
    ///             print!("{}", string);
    ///         }
    ///     }
    /// });
    /// // Interact normally with the child process
    /// input_only_process.write_all(b"hello\n").unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn decompose(self) -> (Simplex, Output) {
        (self.0, self.1)

    /// Completely releases the ownership of the child process. The raw underlying process and
    /// pipes are returned and no wrapping function is applicable any longer.
    /// **Note:** By ejecting the process, graceful drop will no longer be available.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::{ Read, Write };
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let mut child = Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap();
    /// let mut buffer = [0_u8; 1024];
    /// let (process, mut stdin, mut stdout, _) = child.eject();
    /// stdin.write_all(b"hello\n").unwrap();
    /// buffer).unwrap();
    /// // Graceful drop will not be executed for `child` as the ejected variable leaves scope here
    /// ```
    pub fn eject(
    ) -> (
    ) {
        let (process, stdin) = self.0.eject();
        let (stdout, stderr) = self.1.eject();
        (process, stdin, stdout, stderr)

impl std::io::Write for Duplex {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {

    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {

impl std::io::Read for Duplex {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {

/// An implementation of [`Process`](crate::Process) that is stripped from any output
/// pipes.
/// All write operations are sync.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// use std::process::Command;
/// use pwner::Spawner;
/// let mut command = Command::new("ls");
/// if let Ok(child) = command.spawn_owned() {
///     let (input_only_process, _) = child.decompose();
/// } else {
///     println!("ls command didn't start");
/// }
/// ```
/// **Note:** On *nix platforms, the owned process will have 2 seconds between signals, which is a
/// blocking wait.
pub struct Simplex(Option<ProcessImpl>);

impl super::Process for Simplex {}

impl Simplex {
    /// Returns the OS-assigned process identifier associated with this child.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let mut command = Command::new("ls");
    /// if let Ok(child) = command.spawn_owned() {
    ///     let (process, _) = child.decompose();
    ///     println!("Child's ID is {}",;
    /// } else {
    ///     println!("ls command didn't start");
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn id(&self) -> u32 {
            .unwrap_or_else(|| unreachable!())

    fn stdin(&mut self) -> &mut std::process::ChildStdin {
        // Panic:
        // The `Option` will only be missing at the `Drop` site. While the instance is alive, it
        // will always be present
        &mut self.0.as_mut().unwrap().stdin

    /// Waits for the child to exit completely, returning the status with which it exited.
    /// The stdin handle to the child process, if any, will be closed before waiting. This helps
    /// avoid deadlock: it ensures that the child does not block waiting for input from the parent,
    /// while the parent waits for the child to exit.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use pwner::{process::ReadSource, Spawner};
    /// use std::io::{BufReader, Read, Write};
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// let (mut child, mut output) = Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap().decompose();
    /// child.write_all(b"Hello\n").unwrap();
    /// let status = child.wait().unwrap();
    /// let mut buffer = String::new();
    /// if status.success() {
    ///     output.read_from(ReadSource::Stdout);
    /// } else {
    ///     output.read_from(ReadSource::Stderr);
    /// }
    /// let mut reader = BufReader::new(output);
    /// reader.read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// # Errors
    /// Relays the error from [`std::process::Child::wait()`]
    pub fn wait(self) -> Result<std::process::ExitStatus, std::io::Error> {
        let (mut child, _) = self.eject();

    /// Completely releases the ownership of the child process. The raw underlying process and
    /// pipes are returned and no wrapping function is applicable any longer.
    /// **Note:** By ejecting the process, graceful drop will no longer be available.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::{ Read, Write };
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let (child, mut output) = Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap().decompose();
    /// let mut buffer = [0_u8; 1024];
    /// let (process, mut stdin) = child.eject();
    /// stdin.write_all(b"hello\n").unwrap();
    /// buffer).unwrap();
    /// // Graceful drop will not be executed for `child` as the ejected variable leaves scope here
    /// ```
    pub fn eject(mut self) -> (std::process::Child, std::process::ChildStdin) {
        let process = self.0.take().unwrap_or_else(|| unreachable!());
        (process.process, process.stdin)

impl std::ops::Drop for Simplex {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(process) = self.0.take() {

impl std::io::Write for Simplex {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        // Panic:
        // The `Option` will only be missing at the `Drop` site. While the instance is alive, it
        // will always be present

    fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
        // Panic:
        // The `Option` will only be missing at the `Drop` site. While the instance is alive, it
        // will always be present

/// A readable handle for both the stdout and stderr of the child process.
pub struct Output {
    read_source: ReadSource,
    stdout: std::process::ChildStdout,
    stderr: std::process::ChildStderr,

impl Output {
    /// Choose which pipe to read form next.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::Read;
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// use pwner::process::ReadSource;
    /// let (process, mut output) = Command::new("ls").spawn_owned().unwrap().decompose();
    /// let mut buffer = [0_u8; 1024];
    /// output.read_from(ReadSource::Stdout).read(&mut buffer).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn read_from(&mut self, read_source: ReadSource) -> &mut Self {
        self.read_source = read_source;

    /// Decomposes the handle into mutable references to the pipes.
    /// # Examples
    /// Basic usage:
    /// ```no_run
    /// use std::io::{ Read, Write };
    /// use std::process::Command;
    /// use pwner::Spawner;
    /// let (process, mut output) = Command::new("ls").spawn_owned().unwrap().decompose();
    /// let mut buffer = [0_u8; 1024];
    /// let (stdout, stderr) = output.pipes();
    /// buffer).unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn pipes(
        &mut self,
    ) -> (
        &mut std::process::ChildStdout,
        &mut std::process::ChildStderr,
    ) {
        (&mut self.stdout, &mut self.stderr)

    /// Consumes this struct returning the containing pipes.
    pub fn eject(self) -> (std::process::ChildStdout, std::process::ChildStderr) {
        (self.stdout, self.stderr)

impl std::io::Read for Output {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
        match self.read_source {
            ReadSource::Stdout =>,
            ReadSource::Stderr =>,

struct ProcessImpl {
    process: std::process::Child,
    stdin: std::process::ChildStdin,

impl ProcessImpl {
    // Allowed because we are already assuming *nix
    pub fn pid(&self) -> nix::unistd::Pid {
        nix::unistd::Pid::from_raw( as nix::libc::pid_t)

    fn shutdown(mut self) -> std::io::Result<std::process::ExitStatus> {

    fn shutdown(mut self) -> Result<std::process::ExitStatus, super::UnixIoError> {
        use std::io::Write;

        // Copy pid
        let pid =;

        // Close stdin

        if let Ok(status) = self.process.try_wait() {
            if status.is_none() {
                use nix::sys::{signal, wait};
                use wait::WaitStatus::Exited;

                let no_hang = Some(wait::WaitPidFlag::WNOHANG);

                // Try SIGINT
                signal::kill(pid, signal::SIGINT)?;

                if let Ok(Exited(_, _)) = wait::waitpid(pid, no_hang) {
                } else {
                    // Try SIGTERM
                    signal::kill(pid, signal::SIGTERM)?;

                    if let Ok(Exited(_, _)) = wait::waitpid(pid, no_hang) {
                    } else {
                        // Go for the kill

        // Block until process is freed

#[cfg(all(test, unix))]
mod test {
    use crate::Spawner;

    fn read() {
        use std::io::BufRead;

        let child = std::process::Command::new("sh")
            .arg("echo hello")
        let mut output = String::new();
        let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(child);
        assert!(reader.read_line(&mut output).is_ok());

        assert_eq!("hello\n", output);

    fn write() {
        use std::io::{BufRead, Write};

        let mut child = std::process::Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap();

        let mut output = String::new();
        let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(child);
        assert!(reader.read_line(&mut output).is_ok());

        assert_eq!("hello\n", output);

    fn decompose() {
        use std::io::{BufRead, Write};

        let child = std::process::Command::new("cat").spawn_owned().unwrap();
        let (mut child, output) = child.decompose();

        let mut buffer = String::new();
        let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::new(output);
        assert!(reader.read_line(&mut buffer).is_ok());

        assert_eq!("hello\n", buffer);

    fn drop() {
        let child = std::process::Command::new("ls").spawn_owned().unwrap();
        let mut simplex = child.0;