punktf-lib 2.0.0

Library for punktf, a cross-platform multi-target dotfiles manager
//! This module handles the parsing of a [template](`super::Template`).

mod tests;

use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, Result};
use color_eyre::Report;

use super::block::{Block, BlockHint, If, IfExpr, IfOp, Var, VarEnv, VarEnvSet};
use super::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder, DiagnosticLevel};
use super::session::Session;
use super::source::Source;
use super::span::{ByteSpan, Pos, Spanned};
use super::Template;
use crate::template::block::BlockKind;

/// This is the parser which converts a [source](`super::source::Source`) into
/// [blocks](`super::block::Block`), which make up a
/// [template](`super::Template`).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Parser<'a> {
	/// The source which will be parsed.
	source: Source<'a>,

	/// The session where parsing errors/diagnostics will be recorded to.
	session: Session,

	/// An iterator of all blocks found within `source`.
	blocks: BlockIter<'a>,

impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
	/// Creates a new parser for the given `source`.
	pub const fn new(source: Source<'a>) -> Self {
		let blocks = BlockIter::new(source.content);

		Self {
			session: Session::new(),

	/// Consumes self and tries to resolve each block found within
	/// [`Parser::source`].
	/// If no errors occurred it will return a [template](`super::Template`).
	pub fn parse(mut self) -> Result<Template<'a>> {
		let mut blocks = Vec::new();

		while let Some(res) = self.next_top_level_block() {
			match res {
				Ok(block) => blocks.push(block),
				Err(builder) => self.report_diagnostic(builder.build()),


		Ok(Template {
			source: self.source,

	/// Adds a diagnostic to the session.
	/// If [Diagnostic::level](`super::diagnostic::Diagnostic::level`) is
	/// [DiagnosticLevel::Error](`super::diagnostic::DiagnosticLevel::Error`)
	/// it will also mark the session as failed.
	fn report_diagnostic(&mut self, diagnostic: Diagnostic) {
		if diagnostic.level() == &DiagnosticLevel::Error {


	/// Tries to resolve the next "top-level" block.
	/// Top-level block in this context means, a block which can appear on it's
	/// own without needing another block preceding it.
	/// # Examples
	/// - Top-level block: [BlockHint::Print](`super::block::BlockHint::Print`) as it can stand on it's own.
	/// - **NONE** top-level block: [BlockHint::ElIf](`super::block::BlockHint::ElIf`) as it needs to be after a preceding [BlockHint::IfStart](`super::block::BlockHint::IfStart`) block.
	/// # Errors
	/// Returns an error if [`Parser::blocks`] failed to get the next block.
	/// Returns an error if a none top-level block was found.
	fn next_top_level_block(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Block, DiagnosticBuilder>> {
		let Spanned { span, value: hint } = match self.blocks.next()? {
			Ok(x) => x,
			Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),

		log::trace!("{:?}: {}", hint, &self.source[span]);

		let block = match hint {
			BlockHint::Text => Ok(self.parse_text(span)),
			BlockHint::Comment => Ok(self.parse_comment(span)),
			BlockHint::Escaped => Ok(self.parse_escaped(span)),
			BlockHint::Var => self
				.map(|var| Block::new(span, BlockKind::Var(var))),
			BlockHint::Print => Ok(self.parse_print(span)),
			BlockHint::IfStart => self
				.map(|Spanned { span, value }| Block::new(span, BlockKind::If(value))),

			// Illegal top level blocks
			BlockHint::ElIf => Err(DiagnosticBuilder::new(DiagnosticLevel::Error)
				.message("top-level `elif` block")
				.description("an `elif` block must always come after an `if` block")
			BlockHint::Else => Err(DiagnosticBuilder::new(DiagnosticLevel::Error)
				.message("top-level `else` block")
				.description("an `else` block must always come after an `if` or `elfi` block")
			BlockHint::IfEnd => Err(DiagnosticBuilder::new(DiagnosticLevel::Error)
				.message("top-level `fi` block")
				.description("an `fi` can only be used to close an open `if` block")


	/// Resolves the `span` to a block with
	/// [BlockKind::Text](`super::block::BlockKind::Text`).
	const fn parse_text(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Block {
		Block::new(span, BlockKind::Text)

	/// Resolves the `span` to a block with
	/// [BlockKind::Comment](`super::block::BlockKind::Comment`).
	const fn parse_comment(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Block {
		// {{!-- ... --}}
		Block::new(span, BlockKind::Comment)

	/// Resolves the `span` to a block with
	/// [BlockKind::Escaped](`super::block::BlockKind::Escaped`).
	fn parse_escaped(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Block {
		// {{{ ... }}}
		Block::new(span, BlockKind::Escaped(span.offset_low(3).offset_high(-3)))

	/// Tries to resolves the `span` to a block with
	/// [BlockKind::Var](`super::block::BlockKind::Var`).
	/// # Errors
	/// Returns an error if the call to [`parse_var`] fails.
	fn parse_variable(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<Var, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		let span_inner = span.offset_low(2).offset_high(-2);
		let content_inner = &self.source[span_inner];

		// +2 for block opening
		let offset = span.low().as_usize() + 2;

		parse_var(content_inner, offset).map_err(|err| {
				.message("failed to parse variable block")

	/// Resolves the `span` to a block with
	/// [BlockKind::Print](`super::block::BlockKind::Print`).
	fn parse_print(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Block {
		// {{@print ... }}
		Block::new(span, BlockKind::Print(span.offset_low(9).offset_high(-2)))

	/// Tries to resolves the `span` to a block with
	/// [BlockKind::If](`super::block::BlockKind::If`).
	/// During this operation it will also try to parse all other blocks
	/// contained between the if related blocks.
	/// # Examples
	/// ```text
	/// {{@if ...}}
	///        {{@print ...}} <-- contained block
	///    {{@else}}
	///        {{ ... }} <-- another contained block
	/// {{@fi}}
	/// ```
	/// # Errors
	/// Returns an error if a call to [`parse_var`] fails.
	/// Returns an error if no closing [BlockHint::IfEnd](`super::block::BlockHint::IfEnd`) was found.
	/// Bubbles up any error which may occur during the subsequent calls to
	/// [`Parser::parse_if_enclosed_blocks`].
	fn parse_if(&mut self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<Spanned<If>, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		let head = span.span(
				.map_err(|build| build.label_span(span, "while parsing this `if` block"))?,

		// collect all nested blocks
		let head_nested = self
			.filter_map(|res| match res {
				Ok(block) => Some(block),
				Err(builder) => {
							.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block")

		let Spanned {
			mut span,
			value: mut hint,
		} = self
			.ok_or_else(|| {
					.message("unexpected end of `if` block")
					.description("close the `if` block with `{{@fi}}`")
					.label_span(*head.span(), "While parsing this `if` block")
			.map_err(|build| build.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block"))?;

		// check for elif
		let mut elifs = Vec::new();

		while hint == BlockHint::ElIf {
			let elif = span.span(self.parse_elif(span).map_err(|build| {
				build.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block")

			let elif_nested = self
				.filter_map(|res| match res {
					Ok(block) => Some(block),
					Err(builder) => {
								.label_span(span, "while parsing this `elif` block")

			elifs.push((elif, elif_nested));

			let Spanned {
				span: _span,
				value: _hint,
			} = self
				.ok_or_else(|| {
						.message("unexpected end of `elif` block")
						.description("close the `if` block with `{{@fi}}`")
						.label_span(*head.span(), "While parsing this `if` block")
				.map_err(|build| build.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block"))?;

			span = _span;
			hint = _hint;

		let els = if hint == BlockHint::Else {
			let els = self
				.map_err(|build| build.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block"))?;

			let els_nested = self
				.filter_map(|res| match res {
					Ok(block) => Some(block),
					Err(builder) => {
								.label_span(span, "while parsing this `else` block")

			let Spanned {
				span: _span,
				value: _hint,
			} = self
				.ok_or_else(|| {
						.message("unexpected end of `else` block")
						.description("close the `if` block with `{{@fi}}`")
						.label_span(*head.span(), "While parsing this `if` block")
				.map_err(|build| build.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block"))?;

			span = _span;
			hint = _hint;

			Some((els, els_nested))
		} else {

		let end = if hint == BlockHint::IfEnd {
				.map_err(|build| build.label_span(*head.span(), "while parsing this `if` block"))?
		} else {
			return Err(DiagnosticBuilder::new(DiagnosticLevel::Error)
				.message("unexpected end of `if` block")
				.description("close the `if` block with `{{@fi}}`")
				.label_span(*head.span(), "While parsing this `if` block"));

		let whole_if = head.span.union(&end);

		Ok(whole_if.span(If {
			head: (head, head_nested),

	/// Tries to resolves the `span` which contains a whole
	/// [BlockHint::IfStart](`super::block::BlockHint::IfStart`) to a
	/// [IfExpr](`super::block::IfExpr`).
	/// # Errors
	/// An error is returned if it fails to resolve the expression (related:
	/// [`Parser::parse_if_expr`]).
	fn parse_if_start(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<IfExpr, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		// {{@if {{VAR}} (!=|==) "LIT" }}
		let expr_span = span.offset_low(6).offset_high(-2);

	/// Tries to resolves the `span` which contains a whole
	/// [BlockHint::ElIf](`super::block::BlockHint::ElIf`) to a
	/// [IfExpr](`super::block::IfExpr`).
	/// # Errors
	/// An error is returned if it fails to resolve the expression (related:
	/// [`Parser::parse_if_expr`]).
	fn parse_elif(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<IfExpr, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		// {{@elif {{VAR}} (!=|==) "LIT" }}
		let expr_span = span.offset_low(8).offset_high(-2);

	/// Tries to resolves the `span` which contains a whole
	/// [BlockHint::Else](`super::block::BlockHint::Else`) to a
	/// [IfExpr](`super::block::IfExpr`).
	/// # Errors
	/// An error is returned if it fails to resolve the expression (related:
	/// [`Parser::parse_if_expr`]).
	fn parse_else(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<ByteSpan, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		if &self.source[span] != "{{@else}}" {
				.message("expected a `else` block")
		} else {

	/// Tries to validate if `span` contains a valid
	/// [BlockHint::IfEnd](`super::block::BlockHint::IfEnd`).
	/// # Errors
	/// An error is returned if `span` does not contain a
	/// [BlockHint::IfEnd](`super::block::BlockHint::IfEnd`).
	fn parse_if_end(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<ByteSpan, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		if &self.source[span] != "{{@fi}}" {
				.message("expected a `fi` block")
		} else {

	/// Tries to resolve all components that make up an if expression.
	/// These currently come in two forms:
	/// - {{VAR}} (!=|==) "OTHER": Compare value of VAR with the literal OTHER
	/// - (!){{VAR}}: Checks if the variable is (not) present/can (not) be resolved.
	/// # Errors
	/// An error is returned if `span` can not be interpreted as an if
	/// expression.
	fn parse_if_expr(&self, span: ByteSpan) -> Result<IfExpr, DiagnosticBuilder> {
		// {{VAR}} (!=|==) "OTHER" OR (!){{VAR}}
		let content = &self.source[span];

		// Read optional `!` for not_exists
		let hat_not_present_prefix = content.trim().as_bytes().starts_with(b"!");

		// read var
		let var_block_start = content.find("{{").ok_or_else(|| {
				.message("expected a variable block")
				.description("add a variable block with `{{VARIABLE_NAME}}`")

		let var_block_end = content.find("}}").ok_or_else(|| {
				.message("variable block not closed")
				.description("add `}}` to the close the open variable block")
				.primary_span(ByteSpan::new(var_block_start, var_block_start + 2))
		})? + 2;

		let var_block_span = ByteSpan::new(
			span.low().as_usize() + var_block_start,
			span.low().as_usize() + var_block_end,

		let var = self.parse_variable(var_block_span)?;

		// check if it is an exits expr
		// exclude the closing `}}` with -2.
		let remainder = &content[var_block_end..];

		if remainder.trim().is_empty() {
			if hat_not_present_prefix {
				Ok(IfExpr::NotExists { var })
			} else {
				Ok(IfExpr::Exists { var })
		} else {
			let op = parse_ifop(&content[var_block_end..]).map_err(|_| {
					.message("failed to find if operation")
					.description("add either `==` or `!=` after the variable block")

			let other = parse_other(
				span.low().as_usize() + var_block_end,
			.map_err(|_| {
					.message("failed to find right hand side of the if operation")
					.description("add a literal to compare againt with `\"LITERAL\"`")

			Ok(IfExpr::Compare { var, op, other })

	/// Eagerly tries to parse all "non-if blocks" (related:
	/// [BlockHint::is_if_subblock](`super::block::BlockHint::is_if_subblock`))
	/// and collects them into a vector. If an "if-subblock" is found it
	/// returns all blocks found before it. The next block [`Parser::blocks`]
	/// will return is the found "if-subblock".
	fn parse_if_enclosed_blocks(&mut self) -> Vec<Result<Block, DiagnosticBuilder>> {
		let mut enclosed_blocks = Vec::new();

		while let Some(true) = self.peek_block_hint().map(|hint| !hint.is_if_subblock()) {
			let next_block = self
				.expect("Some block to be present after peek");



	/// Peeks at the next block hint. This does not affect any state of the
	/// resolver.
	fn peek_block_hint(&self) -> Option<BlockHint> {
		// Create a copy of the block iter to not mess up the state while peeking
		let mut peek = self.blocks;
		peek.next()?.ok().map(|spanned| spanned.into_value())

/// A span together with an optional block hint, describing the type of the
/// block contained by the span.
type NextBlock = (ByteSpan, Option<BlockHint>);

/// An error together with the amount of bytes to skip to continue parsing. The
/// amount tries to skip the erroneous part.
type NextBlockError = (Option<usize>, Report);

/// Tries to find the next block contained in `s`.
/// It first tries to search for the "special" blocks and if non match, the
/// block is of type [BlockHint::Text](`super::block::BlockHint::Text`). It
/// does not skip any part of `s`, as the next block will always start at index
/// `0` of `s`.
/// # Errors
/// An error is returned if the start of a block was detected but no closing
/// counterpart was found.
fn next_block(s: &str) -> Option<Result<NextBlock, NextBlockError>> {
	if s.is_empty() {
		return None;

	if let Some(low) = s.find("{{") {
		if low > 0 {
			// found text block
			Some(Ok((ByteSpan::new(0usize, low), Some(BlockHint::Text))))
		} else if let Some(b'{') = s.as_bytes().get(low + 2) {
			// block is an escaped block
			if let Some(high) = s.find("}}}") {
				Some(Ok((ByteSpan::new(low, high + 3), Some(BlockHint::Escaped))))
			} else {
					eyre!("Found opening for an escaped block but no closing"),
		} else if let Some(b"!--") = s.as_bytes().get(low + 2..low + 5) {
			// block is an comment block
			if let Some(high) = s.find("--}}") {
				Some(Ok((ByteSpan::new(low, high + 4), Some(BlockHint::Comment))))
			} else {
					eyre!("Found opening for a comment block but no closing"),
		} else {
			// check depth
			let mut openings = s[low + 1..].match_indices("{{").map(|(idx, _)| idx);
			let closings = s[low + 1..].match_indices("}}").map(|(idx, _)| idx);

			for high in closings {
				// check the is a opening.
				if let Some(opening) = openings.next() {
					// check if opening comes before the closing.
					if opening < high {
						// opening lies before the closing. Continue to search
						// for the matching closing of low.

				let high = high + 2 + (low + 1);
				return Some(Ok((ByteSpan::new(low, high), None)));

				eyre!("Found opening for a block but no closing"),
	} else {
		// Found text block
		Some(Ok((ByteSpan::new(0usize, s.len()), Some(BlockHint::Text))))

/// Tries to parse `inner` as a [`Var`](`super::block::Var`).
/// The offset is used to correctly locate `inner` in a bigger parent string,
/// as `inner` is supposed to be only a small slice from a bigger string. This
/// means, that all calculated indices are offset by `offset`.
/// # Note
/// `inner` must be without the `{{` and `}}`.
/// `offset` must include the starting `{{`.
/// # Errors
/// An error is returned if a (variable environment)[`super::block::VarEnv`]
/// was found more than once.
/// An error is returned if the name of the variable is not valid (related:
/// [`is_var_name_symbol`]).
fn parse_var(inner: &str, mut offset: usize) -> Result<Var> {
	// save original length to keep track of the offset
	let orig_len = inner.len();

	// remove preceding white spaces
	let inner = inner.trim_start();

	// increase offset to account for removed white spaces
	offset += orig_len - inner.len();

	// remove trailing white spaces. Offset doesn't need to change.
	let mut inner = inner.trim_end();

	// check for envs
	let envs = if matches!(
		Some(b'$') | Some(b'#') | Some(b'&')
	) {
		let mut env_set = VarEnvSet::empty();

		// try to read all available envs
		for idx in 0..env_set.capacity() {
			let env = match inner.as_bytes().get(idx) {
				Some(b'$') => VarEnv::Environment,
				Some(b'#') => VarEnv::Profile,
				Some(b'&') => VarEnv::Dotfile,
				_ => break,

			// break if add fails (duplicate)
			if !env_set.add(env) {
				return Err(eyre!(
					"Specified duplicate variable environments at {}",

		// adjust offset
		offset += env_set.len();
		inner = &inner[env_set.len()..];

	} else {

	// check var name
	//	- len > 0
	//	- only ascii + _
	if inner.is_empty() {
		Err(eyre!("Empty variable name at {}", offset))
	} else if let Some(invalid) = inner.as_bytes().iter().find(|&&b| !is_var_name_symbol(b)) {
			"Found invalid symbol in variable name: (b`{}`; c`{}`)",
			if invalid.is_ascii() {
				*invalid as char
			} else {
	} else {
		Ok(Var {
			name: ByteSpan::new(offset, offset + inner.len()),

/// Tries to parse the content of `inner` as an (IfOp)[`super::block::IfOp`].
/// # Errors
/// An error is returned if `inner` could not be interpreted as an if operand.
fn parse_ifop(inner: &str) -> Result<IfOp> {
	match (inner.find("=="), inner.find("!=")) {
		(Some(eq_idx), Some(noteq_idx)) => {
			if eq_idx < noteq_idx {
			} else {
		(Some(_), None) => Ok(IfOp::Eq),
		(None, Some(_)) => Ok(IfOp::NotEq),
		_ => Err(eyre!("Failed to find a if operand")),

/// Parses the right hand side of an if/elif compare operand, which is string literal. The `"`
/// characters are not included in the returned span.
/// # Errors
/// An error is returned if no `"` was found.
/// An error is returned if a opening `"` was found but no closing one.
fn parse_other(inner: &str, offset: usize) -> Result<ByteSpan> {
	let mut matches = inner.match_indices('"').map(|(idx, _)| idx);

	match (matches.next(), matches.next()) {
		(Some(low), Some(high)) => Ok(ByteSpan::new(offset + low + 1, offset + high)),
		(Some(low), None) => Err(eyre!(
			"Found opening `\"` at {} but no closing",
			offset + low
		_ => Err(eyre!("Found no other")),

/// Checks if `b` is considered to be a valid byte for a [variable](`super::block::Var`)
/// identifier.
fn is_var_name_symbol(b: u8) -> bool {
		|| (b'A'..=b'Z').contains(&b)
		|| (b'0'..=b'9').contains(&b)
		|| b == b'_'

/// An iterator over all [blocks](`super::block::BlockHint`) of a string.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct BlockIter<'a> {
	/// Content to iterate over.
	content: &'a str,

	/// Current index into `content`.
	index: usize,

impl<'a> BlockIter<'a> {
	/// Creates a new instance for `content`.
	const fn new(content: &'a str) -> Self {
		Self { content, index: 0 }

impl<'a> Iterator for BlockIter<'a> {
	type Item = Result<Spanned<BlockHint>, DiagnosticBuilder>;

	fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
		let (mut span, hint) = match next_block(&self.content[self.index..])? {
			Ok(x) => x,
			Err((skip, err)) => {
				// skip erroneous part to allow recovery and avoid infinite loops
				let span = ByteSpan::new(self.index, self.index);
				if let Some(skip) = skip {
					self.index += skip;
					log::trace!("Skipping: {} ({})", skip, &self.content[self.index..]);
				} else {
					self.index = self.content.len();
				let span = span.with_high(self.index);

				log::trace!("Span: {}/{}", span, err);

				return Some(Err(DiagnosticBuilder::new(DiagnosticLevel::Error)
					.message("failed to parse block")

		span = span.offset(self.index as i32);
		self.index = span.high().as_usize();

		if let Some(hint) = hint {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(hint)));

		let content = &self.content[span];

		// Check if its a text block (no opening and closing `{{\}}`)
		if !content.starts_with("{{") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::Text)));

		// Content without block opening and closing
		let content = &content[2..content.len() - 2];

		// Check for escaped
		// e.g. `{{{ Escaped }}}`
		if content.starts_with('{') && content.ends_with('}') {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::Escaped)));

		// Check for comment
		// e.g. `{{!-- Comment --}}`
		if content.starts_with("!--") && content.ends_with("--") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::Comment)));

		// Check for print
		// e.g. `{{@print ... }}`
		if content.starts_with("@print ") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::Print)));

		// Check for if
		// e.g. `{{@if {{VAR}} == "LITERAL"}}`
		if content.starts_with("@if ") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::IfStart)));

		// Check for elif
		// e.g. `{{@elif {{VAR}} == "LITERAL"}}`
		if content.starts_with("@elif ") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::ElIf)));

		// Check for else
		// e.g. `{{@else}}`
		if content.starts_with("@else") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::Else)));

		// Check for fi
		// e.g. `{{@fi}}`
		if content.starts_with("@fi") {
			return Some(Ok(span.span(BlockHint::IfEnd)));
