Crate pulldown_cmark[][src]

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Pull parser for CommonMark. This crate provides a Parser struct which is an iterator over Events. This iterator can be used directly, or to output HTML using the HTML module.

By default, only CommonMark features are enabled. To use extensions like tables, footnotes or task lists, enable them by setting the corresponding flags in the Options struct.


use pulldown_cmark::{Parser, Options, html};

let markdown_input = "Hello world, this is a ~~complicated~~ *very simple* example.";

// Set up options and parser. Strikethroughs are not part of the CommonMark standard
// and we therefore must enable it explicitly.
let mut options = Options::empty();
let parser = Parser::new_ext(markdown_input, options);

// Write to String buffer.
let mut html_output = String::new();
html::push_html(&mut html_output, parser);

// Check that the output is what we expected.
let expected_html = "<p>Hello world, this is a <del>complicated</del> <em>very simple</em> example.</p>\n";
assert_eq!(expected_html, &html_output);


Utility functions for HTML escaping. Only useful when building your own HTML renderer.

HTML renderer that takes an iterator of events as input.


An inline string that can contain almost three words of utf-8 text.

Returned when trying to convert a usize into a Heading but it fails because the usize isn’t a valid heading level

Contains the destination URL, title and source span of a reference definition.

Markdown event and source range iterator.

Option struct containing flags for enabling extra features that are not part of the CommonMark spec.

Markdown event iterator.

Keeps track of the reference definitions defined in the document.


Table column text alignment.

Codeblock kind.

A copy-on-write string that can be owned, borrowed or inlined.

Markdown events that are generated in a preorder traversal of the document tree, with additional End events whenever all of an inner node’s children have been visited.

Type specifier for inline links. See the Tag::Link for more information.

Tags for elements that can contain other elements.

Type Definitions