pugl-ui 0.1.1

A stub for small embeddable GUI-toolkits using pugl

pugl-ui – a stub for small embeddable GUI-toolkits using pugl

pugl is a minimal portable API for embeddable GUIs https://gitlab.com/lv2/pugl/

This crate aims to provide a stub for GUI-toolkits using pugl


Stub for small light weight self contained GUI toolkits, especially to implement UIs of LV2 plugins. GUIs for LV2 plugins need to be self contained, i.e. they should be statically linked and must not dynamically link any other GUI toolkit. Otherwise symbols of the same GUI toolkit in different versions used by different plugins running in the same host would clash.

There is the crate pugl-sys which is the wrapper around the pugl library. This crate provides widget layout and event propagation.

It does not, however, provide the widgets themselves. In the LV2 world many plugin authors write their own widget sets with their distinct look and feel as they are part of the authors corporate identity.


Kind of beta testing stage. Currently only tested on Linux/X11

How to use

This is not a crate distributed on https://crates.io, yet. There's still some manual work to do to use and test it.


Clone and build the crate pugl-sys next to where you cloned this one to.


  • Run cargo build

  • Run cargo test. A funny looking window should appear.

  • There is one example "app" that you can call by cargo run --example=widgets. It's three dial nobs that you can turn by the mouse wheel. By clicking "Reset" they go back to their original position.


  • Documentation

However I am reluctant to put too much effort into documenting when the API is not stable. So first I will write some LV2 Plugins to see if everything works convenient.