pubgrub 0.2.1

PubGrub version solving algorithm
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

//! PubGrub version solving algorithm.
//! It consists in efficiently finding a set of packages and versions
//! that satisfy all the constraints of a given project dependencies.
//! In addition, when that is not possible,
//! PubGrub tries to provide a very human-readable and clear
//! explanation as to why that failed.
//! Below is an example of explanation present in
//! the introductory blog post about PubGrub
//! ```txt
//! Because dropdown >=2.0.0 depends on icons >=2.0.0 and
//!   root depends on icons <2.0.0, dropdown >=2.0.0 is forbidden.
//! And because menu >=1.1.0 depends on dropdown >=2.0.0,
//!   menu >=1.1.0 is forbidden.
//! And because menu <1.1.0 depends on dropdown >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
//!   which depends on intl <4.0.0, every version of menu
//!   requires intl <4.0.0.
//! So, because root depends on both menu >=1.0.0 and intl >=5.0.0,
//!   version solving failed.
//! ```
//! The algorithm is generic and works for any type of dependency system
//! as long as packages (P) and versions (V) implement
//! the [Package](crate::package::Package) and [Version](crate::version::Version) traits.
//! [Package](crate::package::Package) is strictly equivalent and automatically generated
//! for any type that implement [Clone] + [Eq] + [Hash] + [Debug] + [Display](std::fmt::Display).
//! [Version](crate::version::Version) simply states that versions are ordered,
//! that there should be
//! a minimal [lowest](crate::version::Version::lowest) version (like 0.0.0 in semantic versions),
//! and that for any version, it is possible to compute
//! what the next version closest to this one is ([bump](crate::version::Version::bump)).
//! For semantic versions, [bump](crate::version::Version::bump) corresponds to
//! an increment of the patch number.
//! ## API
//! ```
//! # use pubgrub::solver::{resolve, OfflineDependencyProvider};
//! # use pubgrub::version::NumberVersion;
//! # use pubgrub::error::PubGrubError;
//! #
//! # fn try_main() -> Result<(), PubGrubError<&'static str, NumberVersion>> {
//! #     let dependency_provider = OfflineDependencyProvider::<&str, NumberVersion>::new();
//! #     let package = "root";
//! #     let version = 1;
//! let solution = resolve(&dependency_provider, package, version)?;
//! #     Ok(())
//! # }
//! # fn main() {
//! #     assert!(matches!(try_main(), Err(PubGrubError::NoSolution(_))));
//! # }
//! ```
//! Where `dependency_provider` supplies the list of available packages and versions,
//! as well as the dependencies of every available package
//! by implementing the [DependencyProvider] trait.
//! The call to [resolve] for a given package at a given version
//! will compute the set of packages and versions needed
//! to satisfy the dependencies of that package and version pair.
//! If there is no solution, the reason will be provided as clear as possible.

use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet as Set};
use std::error::Error;

use crate::error::PubGrubError;
use crate::internal::core::State;
use crate::internal::incompatibility::Incompatibility;
use crate::package::Package;
use crate::range::Range;
use crate::type_aliases::{Map, SelectedDependencies};
use crate::version::Version;

/// Main function of the library.
/// Finds a set of packages satisfying dependency bounds for a given package + version pair.
pub fn resolve<P: Package, V: Version>(
    dependency_provider: &impl DependencyProvider<P, V>,
    package: P,
    version: impl Into<V>,
) -> Result<SelectedDependencies<P, V>, PubGrubError<P, V>> {
    let mut state = State::init(package.clone(), version.into());
    let mut added_dependencies: Map<P, Set<V>> = Map::default();
    let mut next = package;
    loop {
            .map_err(|err| PubGrubError::ErrorInShouldCancel(err))?;


        let potential_packages = state.partial_solution.potential_packages();
        if potential_packages.is_none() {
            // The borrow checker did not like using a match on potential_packages.
            // This `if ... is_none ... drop` is a workaround.
            // I believe this is a case where Polonius could help, when and if it lands in rustc.
            return state.partial_solution.extract_solution().ok_or_else(|| {
                    "How did we end up with no package to choose but no solution?".into(),
        let decision = dependency_provider
        next = decision.0.clone();

        // Pick the next compatible version.
        let term_intersection = state
            .expect("a package was chosen but we don't have a term.");
        let v = match decision.1 {
            None => {
                let inc = Incompatibility::no_versions(next.clone(), term_intersection.clone());
            Some(x) => x,
        if !term_intersection.contains(&v) {
            return Err(PubGrubError::ErrorChoosingPackageVersion(
                "choose_package_version picked an incompatible version".into(),

        if added_dependencies
            // Retrieve that package dependencies.
            let p = &next;
            let dependencies =
                match dependency_provider
                    .get_dependencies(&p, &v)
                    .map_err(|err| PubGrubError::ErrorRetrievingDependencies {
                        package: p.clone(),
                        version: v.clone(),
                        source: err,
                    })? {
                    Dependencies::Unknown => {
                    Dependencies::Known(x) => {
                        if x.contains_key(&p) {
                            return Err(PubGrubError::SelfDependency {
                                package: p.clone(),
                                version: v.clone(),
                        if let Some((dependent, _)) = x.iter().find(|(_, r)| r == &&Range::none()) {
                            return Err(PubGrubError::DependencyOnTheEmptySet {
                                package: p.clone(),
                                version: v.clone(),
                                dependent: dependent.clone(),

            // Add that package and version if the dependencies are not problematic.
            let dep_incompats =
                state.add_incompatibility_from_dependencies(p.clone(), v.clone(), &dependencies);

            // TODO: I don't think this check can actually happen.
            // We might want to put it under #[cfg(debug_assertions)].
            if state.incompatibility_store[dep_incompats.clone()]
                .any(|incompat| state.is_terminal(incompat))
                // For a dependency incompatibility to be terminal,
                // it can only mean that root depend on not root?
                return Err(PubGrubError::Failure(
                    "Root package depends on itself at a different version?".into(),
        } else {
            // `dep_incompats` are already in `incompatibilities` so we know there are not satisfied
            // terms and can add the decision directly.
            state.partial_solution.add_decision(next.clone(), v);

/// An enum used by [DependencyProvider] that holds information about package dependencies.
/// For each [Package] there is a [Range] of concrete versions it allows as a dependency.
pub enum Dependencies<P: Package, V: Version> {
    /// Package dependencies are unavailable.
    /// Container for all available package versions.
    Known(DependencyConstraints<P, V>),

/// Subtype of [Dependencies] which holds information about
/// all possible versions a given package can accept.
/// There is a difference in semantics between an empty [Map<P, Range<V>>](crate::type_aliases::Map)
/// inside [DependencyConstraints] and [Dependencies::Unknown]:
/// the former means the package has no dependencies and it is a known fact,
/// while the latter means they could not be fetched by [DependencyProvider].
pub type DependencyConstraints<P, V> = Map<P, Range<V>>;

/// Trait that allows the algorithm to retrieve available packages and their dependencies.
/// An implementor needs to be supplied to the [resolve] function.
pub trait DependencyProvider<P: Package, V: Version> {
    /// [Decision making](
    /// is the process of choosing the next package
    /// and version that will be appended to the partial solution.
    /// Every time such a decision must be made,
    /// potential valid packages and version ranges are preselected by the resolver,
    /// and the dependency provider must choose.
    /// The strategy employed to choose such package and version
    /// cannot change the existence of a solution or not,
    /// but can drastically change the performances of the solver,
    /// or the properties of the solution.
    /// The documentation of Pub (PubGrub implementation for the dart programming language)
    /// states the following:
    /// > Pub chooses the latest matching version of the package
    /// > with the fewest versions that match the outstanding constraint.
    /// > This tends to find conflicts earlier if any exist,
    /// > since these packages will run out of versions to try more quickly.
    /// > But there's likely room for improvement in these heuristics.
    /// A helper function [choose_package_with_fewest_versions] is provided to ease
    /// implementations of this method if you can produce an iterator
    /// of the available versions in preference order for any package.
    /// Note: the type `T` ensures that this returns an item from the `packages` argument.
    fn choose_package_version<T: Borrow<P>, U: Borrow<Range<V>>>(
        potential_packages: impl Iterator<Item = (T, U)>,
    ) -> Result<(T, Option<V>), Box<dyn Error>>;

    /// Retrieves the package dependencies.
    /// Return [Dependencies::Unknown] if its dependencies are unknown.
    fn get_dependencies(
        package: &P,
        version: &V,
    ) -> Result<Dependencies<P, V>, Box<dyn Error>>;

    /// This is called fairly regularly during the resolution,
    /// if it returns an Err then resolution will be terminated.
    /// This is helpful if you want to add some form of early termination like a timeout,
    /// or you want to add some form of user feedback if things are taking a while.
    /// If not provided the resolver will run as long as needed.
    fn should_cancel(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {

/// This is a helper function to make it easy to implement
/// [DependencyProvider::choose_package_version].
/// It takes a function `list_available_versions` that takes a package and returns an iterator
/// of the available versions in preference order.
/// The helper finds the package from the `packages` argument with the fewest versions from
/// `list_available_versions` contained in the constraints. Then takes that package and finds the
/// first version contained in the constraints.
pub fn choose_package_with_fewest_versions<P: Package, V: Version, T, U, I, F>(
    list_available_versions: F,
    potential_packages: impl Iterator<Item = (T, U)>,
) -> (T, Option<V>)
    T: Borrow<P>,
    U: Borrow<Range<V>>,
    I: Iterator<Item = V>,
    F: Fn(&P) -> I,
    let count_valid = |(p, range): &(T, U)| {
            .filter(|v| range.borrow().contains(v.borrow()))
    let (pkg, range) = potential_packages
        .expect("potential_packages gave us an empty iterator");
    let version =
        list_available_versions(pkg.borrow()).find(|v| range.borrow().contains(v.borrow()));
    (pkg, version)

/// A basic implementation of [DependencyProvider].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(transparent))]
pub struct OfflineDependencyProvider<P: Package, V: Version> {
    dependencies: Map<P, BTreeMap<V, DependencyConstraints<P, V>>>,

impl<P: Package, V: Version> OfflineDependencyProvider<P, V> {
    /// Creates an empty OfflineDependencyProvider with no dependencies.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            dependencies: Map::default(),

    /// Registers the dependencies of a package and version pair.
    /// Dependencies must be added with a single call to
    /// [add_dependencies](OfflineDependencyProvider::add_dependencies).
    /// All subsequent calls to
    /// [add_dependencies](OfflineDependencyProvider::add_dependencies) for a given
    /// package version pair will replace the dependencies by the new ones.
    /// The API does not allow to add dependencies one at a time to uphold an assumption that
    /// [OfflineDependencyProvider.get_dependencies(p, v)](OfflineDependencyProvider::get_dependencies)
    /// provides all dependencies of a given package (p) and version (v) pair.
    pub fn add_dependencies<I: IntoIterator<Item = (P, Range<V>)>>(
        &mut self,
        package: P,
        version: impl Into<V>,
        dependencies: I,
    ) {
        let package_deps = dependencies.into_iter().collect();
        let v = version.into();
            .or_default() = package_deps;

    /// Lists packages that have been saved.
    pub fn packages(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &P> {

    /// Lists versions of saved packages in sorted order.
    /// Returns [None] if no information is available regarding that package.
    pub fn versions(&self, package: &P) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &V>> {
        self.dependencies.get(package).map(|k| k.keys())

    /// Lists dependencies of a given package and version.
    /// Returns [None] if no information is available regarding that package and version pair.
    fn dependencies(&self, package: &P, version: &V) -> Option<DependencyConstraints<P, V>> {

/// An implementation of [DependencyProvider] that
/// contains all dependency information available in memory.
/// Packages are picked with the fewest versions contained in the constraints first.
/// Versions are picked with the newest versions first.
impl<P: Package, V: Version> DependencyProvider<P, V> for OfflineDependencyProvider<P, V> {
    fn choose_package_version<T: Borrow<P>, U: Borrow<Range<V>>>(
        potential_packages: impl Iterator<Item = (T, U)>,
    ) -> Result<(T, Option<V>), Box<dyn Error>> {
            |p| {
                    .flat_map(|k| k.keys())

    fn get_dependencies(
        package: &P,
        version: &V,
    ) -> Result<Dependencies<P, V>, Box<dyn Error>> {
        Ok(match self.dependencies(package, version) {
            None => Dependencies::Unknown,
            Some(dependencies) => Dependencies::Known(dependencies),